nooooooooooooooooope. not counting the hate between them, they have no ties whatsover regarding to fluff. Undead legion = both dead, controlled by nagash Chaos legion = made sense to begin with Elves = the civil war is over i'd like to see fluff trying to justify lizards and vermin under one (skavenpelt) banner. Edit: Ogres could be justified with them being mercenaries, and lizards have gold..but it seems far to poor a point to fit in with the rest. I dont think Lizards will team up with anyone....not legionwise that is.
Ya that's what I was thinking but we still have just 3 core choices and ever on else has like 100000 now kind of unfair we need back up
Lizzies are so odd to team up with. In reality we'd just boss around with everyone like a mistress. Skavens and orcs are out of the window IMO. Humans will probably team up. Ogres are running and so are we. Ogres like gold and are known mercenaries. It's the most probable of the remaining factions. It wouldn't look good thematically though..
They don't fit with anyone else. I hope they aren't shoehorned in with anyone else. Skaven especially, although it would be good in a way because I love Skaven model wise and thematically but the sheer amount of models needed puts me off so I could use some Skaven models I really like and the LM models I really like...But yeah it doesn't fit. I mean their whole interlinking fluff is literally about how much they hate each other...
I always thought it would be with Elves because they are the older races. I honestly would really like the Dwarfs though; warmachines would be awesome and I'm sure they'd appreciate the magic.
It could go in any direction, as long as they write it well and justify it. Who'd have thought "Hey, lets kill off nearly every named character in the game" could be written well enough for it to stand. I'm waiting patiently to find out what happens next.
There can be many reasonable ways to explain a team up. Remember the Old Ones writtings are in the sacread temples and a Skaven Leader could find the Truth about his own race. Or Lizardmen are enslaved. Whatever it comes, will be nice to read.
Another possibility I don't think I've seen mentioned, is that Lizardmen might get an overlapping ally. It seems likely the Empire, Brettonians, and Dwarves will get a grand alliance, but I can see a hypothetical Lizardmen, human, Dwarf alliance too. There are a lot of human nations afterall. Maybe some High Elves don't want to work with Dark Elves and join with Lizardmen. I don't know what is most likely, but just because an army was "claimed" doesn't mean we can't get them.
+1 The Khaine book has 3 possible armies, all different combinations of High Elves/Wood Elves/Dark Elves. There is nothing preventing a Lizardmen+human/elf/dwarf /whatever combo from happening. Maybe a mutating brancnh of lizardmen starts "allying" with the skaven? Like skinks getting fur and more prone to backstabbing? /wishlisting because I have a skaven army Though truth be told, I'd rather they just gave us spawnings instead of allies. I'd rather want more Lizardmen choices, rather than choices from other armies entirely, and sufficiently different spawnings would give me just that.
maybe with the elf land sunk. Big maz uses his powers to raise it back up and moves the lizards there. Then some of the elves that dislike there cousins so much join mazdamundi's cause
Im still crossing my fingers for a "Skaven plaque gone wrong" scenario where it has unpredicted effects on the Lizardmen biology. Like creating options for reproduction so they will start laying eggs. = Removes the need of spawning pool = opens up for "spawnings" through "mutations" = opens up for new units. Also: if they cultivated the "place in 2nd rank" mechanic we see in Slann, tetto and kroxigors. Its not far fetched that a unit of saurus siblings had their "Spawn Mother" with them, giving certain bonuses from the second rank. I think that would be a pretty nice and fluffy pendant to Chaos Heralds.
its not chaos!! its just an orderly pendant to it! We already are! Lizardmen IS the counter-archtype to chaos Creating orderly use from the chaotic impulse of Skaven plague? ITS A GOOD THING NEX! if it happens....prolly wont.
Seems like there's plenty of time for the different elves to make passive-aggressive comments to each other, commit various acts of snobbery, turn down dinner invitations, boil over with long-eared jealousy, etc. that would rupture their new alliance! Elves are pretty fickle warmbloods. I'm with Scalenex on this one - lots could happen! I, for one, would like Wood Elves.
Ditto, Wood Elves would make an awesome ally. I'd be happy with Dwarves, too...the other grumpy faction that just wants everyone else to stay out of their realm. I could envision a scenario parallel to the High Elves/Dark Elves civil war, in which some Slann disagree with Mazdamundi and seek to stay, rather than go into exile; while at the same time, the Great Horned Rat is seeking the utter destruction of the world, and some Skaven seek to live, rather than perish with the planet, and other Skaven serve the terrifying Great Horned Rat to the end...resulting in an alliance of Lizardmen and Skaven who both want to preserve the world. It would really, really be pushing the limits of credulity, but then again...Tyrion and Teclis at war with each other pushes the limits of credulity, too. Hey, it's the End Times!
Skaven I think is incredibly unlikely. They're the anti-thesis to eachother and have a more bitter history then even the High and Dark Elves, who were at one time a single people. I think Bretonnians. They have a similar idea of Good and I expect the Lady of the Lake could point them towards the Lizardmen in a similar way that a discovered plaque or epiphany from a Slann could point towards the Bretonnians. Who else? I don't know.