For those of you who dont follow every living breath someone belches on Warseer: Please read this....its not good news, for anyone.
Re: Everybody should read. When it comes from Darnok...especially the way he puts it this time (eating his own hat and all) I gets to me. Whats worse is: its fits with everything.
I'll take it with a grain of salt. Warseer is nicknamed Whineseer for a reason. If they are right, I'll just stick with 8th edition.
There is usually several threads every year about how warhammer is doomed and this is going to be the lasted edition and that armies are going to be merged or dropped.
I know, and of course one should take it for what it is: A rumour. This just have a really eerie feeling to many things add up. I for one will also stick with 8th...depending on if the changes are truly bad of course....
It does seem that everything we know and love will end up being 40k-ized. If we all, as a group,do not financially support any changes of this kind then surely a hint would be gotten As everyone else, I'll live in 8th ed until they pull thei finger out. Download the erratas while you can!
SO what we can all guess from this, if it's right - LM will probably not be around. Honestly just think about it. It's not like our unit range is huge so I don't think they'd leave us due to the recent army merging which brings us to... which army would we be able to merge with? None really. And honestly, while the whole "i'll just play 8th edition" is fine one should also accept that this means NO NEW UNITS. I sure don't hope you have BM, Skaven or Bretionnia as an army because it'll never be updated again. That's all assuming things go as Darnok have said. He could be wrong, but I don't think so... It just brings up a new question. WHY? I mean, come the fukh on GW. You can do better than this, no? Here's what I think: - Moving forward in time is alright. - Changing sh1t up is with the armies is fine. - Being radical with the rules is fine as well. All of this could've been done without giving everybody the middle finger. From what I read only some of the old models can be used, which means that most of us have dolls worth thousand of dollars lying around that will soon no longer be officially supported. They could've gone about this in so many ways and yet they appear to do it the one way that'll make all of their current fans hate them. It should still be possible to take the current game and change it into something more accessible if that's the issue. I'm glad I didn't buy more dolls today. I was kinda the plan. It's a bummer thouhg that we won't know before summer. I still have some stuff I need to buy before I have a full undead legion at 2500pts, but I'm not sure if I can be bothered to get them.
Hmmm. 5 current factions plus a new "Space Marine"-esque faction. So, judging by the support in ET: Undead, Chaos, Elves, Skaven, .... , O&G? + a re-imagined Empire analogous to 40K's Imperium (possibly containing Dwarfs and Ogres?). This seems the most likely to me, which makes me concerned for the Lizards. The only argument that's quelling an anxiety is that moulds are really expensive to make. Considering the new Lm releases just last year, I expect they'd want to get further use out of them? Who can say.. These are the End Times.
The new rumour says that they'll make models that can only be bought in a limited time. So what's to stop them from selling LM which are now 1½ year old. Besides we didn't get that much new stuff so it probably wouldn't kill them.
Interesting. I'm not sure I buy it completely, but even if it happens...we'll still have the models and rule books and will no doubt have a large number of people to play with for quite some time. It's not as if we're playing Warhammer Online and the servers suddenly got shut off. The downside will be that Warhammer Fantasy will be effectively a frozen hobby, so new people won't be joining and the old will be scrabbling over models that will, eventually, cease to be available in any form. However, I'm choosing to be optimistic. Games Workshop won't be stupid enough to announce this in Summer 2015 and say "Oops, no more models starting NOW!". They'll drag it out so everyone who will remain attached to the current world can get a nice backlog of models to work on should they choose to do so. So worst case scenario I flesh out my army and continue battling friends until it stops being amusing.
Now, the important question.... What will we all do if there are no lizardmen to talk about? Will we all migrate to other forums and share usernames (for future commincations)? :O
I guess I'll throw in my two cents. Even for GW, this seems like a bit of a stretch. We all know GW is run by idiots, but even an idiot has to see that the bridge he is speeding toward is out... right? I mean, the game wouldn't be Warhammer if these changes were to occur, it would be Middenhiem (I'm sure I didn't spell that right). Completely removing that many armies and reducing the number of models required to play opens the field up for other companies to make money off of their rules. Think about it. GW produces regiment models for a large scale game with full units of troops. There are only a handful of companies out there that produce said models. By reducing the required number of models on the table, you open yourself up to be outsold by Reaver and the like. Second, think about how this drastic change would alter Black Library books. Sure having little bubbles of reality be the only thing left of the Warhammer world might make for an interesting story, but it destroys the setting in which the authors create their stories. So unless the entirety of their books will be set in the past, every author would have to write about the same subject, explain it in their books, and make the characters react to the change... I'm not buying it. I sincerely hope/believe they will not go down this road. It would be financial suicide. My advice would be to not jump to any conclusions until we hear the fat lady sing. There are fear mongers out there ready to spread the doom and gloom at the slightest hint of bad news. I think that as long as we keep calm and wait, it'll all turn out.
Just to distance myself from that: I am not such a trailblazer, I just thought this was a rumour a little more relevant to have in mind than others. I really hope it is overdone!
Directed at no one in particular - I think we have to remember that there was a pretty solid rumor that GW was on the verge of just plain killing of Warhammer entirely. In light of that - meaning they were close to accepting the total and complete loss of ALL of their Warhammer customer-base - I don't think we can question them in terms of their 'dumb' decisions that might lose customers. When the choices are "make no money at all" or "make some money with a totally new approach" I think it's clear what the better choice is. I think they are ready to put Warhammer in a totally new 'space' and see who from the old guard is ready to come along, knowing that if nobody is willing to do so, they are working on a new target demographic so it doesn't matter anyway.
It seems to be the wrong way to go about it, but i think you're right. Especially seeing some of their comments about demographics and customer base. "You don't play this new game we've made so your opinions don't count."
And yet, there have been rumours over the last year that the game will be reduced to have smaller units, and more Mordheim-esque rules. Because dinosaurs sell well? :/ I'm struggling to think of reasons for our survival. Of course, no point despairing until the official word does come forth.