why did you start playing lizardmen?

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by cresty, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. cresty

    cresty New Member

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    The old stegadon model is the first model i ever saw, love at first sight hahaha, thats what got me into the hobby. Strangely i never played lizardmen. Played at the end of fifth wood elves, changed to chaos cause i was tired of waiting for an army book in sixth (loved the combined chaos army book, warriors daemons and beasts ftw!), played some khemri for a rather short while and then, as seventh edition came, i had no more time and money to play (paying off college was killing me). After all this time i am happy to finaly start collecting and playing the army that first picked my interest for warhammer when i was a kid. Besides, i was a jurrasic park nut kiddo, who grew into a lizard owning guy, and lizardmen offer me something that no other army can, childlike amazement and the feeling of 'wow!', and not caring about winning (well, not as a top uber first priority at least :) )
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  2. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    i had some friends playing WH, and i went with them in a shop which sells lots of nice stuff, some GW's aswell. There i fell in love with an armybook about... the Empire :D
    When i reached home, though, i visited the GW website and i've read the armies' background (at the time backgrounds were on the website) and i fell in love with LM story... and then models. I've always loved reptiles :)
    Captaniser likes this.
  3. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    The Dinosaurs. I had always been intrigued by 40k Imperial guard tank lists. Never playing anything GW, I was talked into fantasy as a better game, and went with LM to simulate tank spamming.
    Then I learned about cannons...
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  4. ChapterAquila92

    ChapterAquila92 Well-Known Member

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    At the time, I had just gotten into 40k with a pretty good jump-start - a space marine army, 3rd Ed Codex & core rulebook, and a couple of White Dwarf issues, (all of which was second-hand). In one of those issues, which had definitely seen better days by the time I got my hands on them, there had been an article that was about the many regions of the Warhammer Fantasy setting. It had summarized the basic lore behind the Lizardmen when it came to Lustria, but that was all that was needed to get me interested in the faction and I've been fascinated with them ever since.

    That this fascination has also been my gateway to other realms is a story for another time.
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  5. teufelhund
    Chameleon Skink

    teufelhund New Member

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    I was strictly a 40K player initially and after I got bored with how imbalanced it was; (Chaos Space Marines dominated my meta) I gradually shifted to specialty games like Mordheim and Bloodbowl; they were faster and more fun to me. Those games phased out of the main stream and rather than go back to 40K I picked up a Bretonnian army second hand and really enjoyed playing fantasy. The lore was so much more interesting and the Gotrek and Felix books really got me hooked. After I got out of the service I finally dug out all my stuff and as most of you know brets are in dire need of an update so I just wanted to go with a different style of army. I remembered Lizardmen dominating the magic phase when I played before and the giant monsters really appealed to me so I was sold on those two points mostly.
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  6. morbal

    morbal New Member

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    I'm playing lord of the rings since the first movie came out. a couple of years later I discover Fantasy but dind't want to start playing it, becaus i had no opponent, so my gaming budy and I made some statlines to use skinks and saurus in lord of the ring games.

    a year later i made the jump to fantasy and my first army was.... lizerdman and i still love them! espacialy the Saurus models and the background of th army.
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  7. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    I was young. They had dinosaurs.
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  8. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    I started with Dwarves, which I played with for a couple of years. But M3 got really boring for me, because I actually wanted to move around and pull crazy manoeuvres and charge and have monsters and and and...just not sit still basically :p.
    I looked into many armies, but I just fell for the lizardmen. High leadership thanks to cold-blooded, lots of attacks (potential for crazy rounds of combat!), lots of small skirmishing support units with poisoned attacks, an awesome floating toad that casts spells and big dinosaurs to smash face with.
    Yeah, it wasn't really a competition to see which army I would go for after my dwarves...

    To this day: I love my lizardmen :D

    The Hunted
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  9. cresty

    cresty New Member

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    The best reason ever :D
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  10. Trociu
    Chameleon Skink

    Trociu Active Member

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    It wasn't my choice :)
    My friend from studies has HE and he showed my girlfriend painting miniatures. She loved it but since we were playing many boardgames and my friend still got unpainted Elves we weren't interested in buying and playing WFB.
    But after some time my girlfriend wanted to paint something different and not in colours of my friends HE army and we decided that I will start to play (lol, can you imagine girlfriend forcing you to play particular game!). Since we love ancient Egipt, know hieroglyphs and the fluff was great we bought tomb king regiment.

    Which appeared to be boring and annoying to paint so we bought Lizardmen batallion. The End (Lizardmen were our natural second choice because of their "ancient" fluff).

    Oh, and dinosaurs look much better than some boring charriots.
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  11. lordkingcrow
    Temple Guard

    lordkingcrow Active Member

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    It's like you're in my head. Dwarves were also my first army and I went to lizards for the same reasons. I still love my stunties (especially now that they have some more movement options), but Lizards have a special place in my cold blooded heart. :smug:
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  12. Lizard Wizard
    Jungle Swarm

    Lizard Wizard New Member

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    Lizardmen were the first Games Workshop product i was ever drawn to. Those big dinosaurs hooked me from day one. It took nearly 10 years into my GW addiction to start a Lizardmen army but now that i have there is no looking back!
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  13. borkbork

    borkbork Active Member

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    I just got offered a deal i could not refuse, 80 euro fo a 2500-3000 point army. And i needed a second army for the occasional battle at home.

    They actually lived in my cupboard for a few years , but now that i have started playing more often they are an enjoyable change From the orcs
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  14. Fhanados

    Fhanados Well-Known Member

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    Short story - dinosaurs.

    Long story - As a child I had an obsession with dinosaurs. I used to have my parents read me dinosaur fact sheets and subscribed to any dinosaur related magazine I could find and generally stockpiled anything dinosaur-ish.

    I used to go to a model shop with my dad every now and then back when he was keen on model trains. I'd spend all my time in the wargames section looking at all the cool stuff. Lo and behold I stumbled upon Lizardmen and isntantly loved them, but alas it was not to be (mostly because I was like 8 and had no money).

    Years later in my high school days some of my friends revealed they played warhammer. I immediately thought of my beloved lizards and in my excitement I went out and bought a box of saurus warriors. Alas fate is a cruel thing, for all of my friends in reality collected Space Marines. Despite my insistence of using Lizardmen in 40k, it did not go down well for me. So started my long (and ongoing) quest to rule the stars of the 41st millenium.

    Yet Lizards are my first love. Always close to my heart (and wallet). Despite being the least painted army I own, and by far the least used (actually I've never used my own lizardmen in a game of fantasy, always "house" armies) they are my chosen ones.
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  15. Kyofu

    Kyofu New Member

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    i always thought about joining the ranks of the 40k world with necron. cause cute, you know. but i never got there. nobody to play with.

    then one day my best friend told me he wanted to start playing fantasy, to have somthing to do with his girlfriend. she's an architect and on the artsy side, so he figured, she could paint minis and build terrain and he would play. well... it didnt work out so well. she painted one elf.

    for me on the otherhand... this should be the time. i would start playing warhammer. i took an online survey to find out, what my race could be. yes. an online survey xD problem was, i was totally biased by playing bloodbowl on the pc for years. and almost exclusivly lizzies. s4 defline, fast skinks to carry the ball, whats not to like :D ? then i learned about high magic. and in every rpg, p&p or anything that has a mage in it, well... I. AM. THE. MAGE.

    so it boils down to these questions:

    you like magic? sure as fuck!

    want to have your sideboard always accessible ingame? yes please, thank you very much.

    you want epic fluff, where you can always tell the lesser races you were #1 and everything they do is just a little annoyance in the greater plan? hell yeah!

    rub it in? with dinosaurs? *begins to giggle*

    so yeah. i always played lizzies. even before i played lizzies. i even think i have all these dinosaur magazines from when i was around 8 years old... somewhere in the basement... i should propably resurrect them for colourschemes xD

    so since 3 months im meeting every 2 or 3 weeks with a group of 4 friends, were playing warhammer the pen&paper, talk, laugh, paint, drink, paint some more and brag about what our armys might be able to do the day we finally get into our first match xD

    ofc its not a matter who will win. its just a matter how badly they will loose.

    hail to the old ones.
    Jorgik likes this.
  16. temple turtle
    Jungle Swarm

    temple turtle New Member

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    i always loved reptiles and dinosaurs. i started playing fantasy with the empire, but they get boring fast plus the new 8th edition models where not to my tastes (except the hurricanum) so i invested in a new army...lizardmen. i found a great deal on ebay (60 saurus, 80 skinks, 20 guard, 20 cav, 1 steg for $300, and then 10 old terradons for $100! yore not finding deals like that on ebay anymore) and have never regretted it....
  17. Agrem

    Agrem Active Member

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    I started playing lizardmen in the 6th edition. They weren't my first army actually. I did start the hobby with dark elves but in the sixth edition their army was a bit on the weaker side. Or atleast you would have needed much more skill to play them efficiently and with patience it could have been done. However at that age I didn't have the patience to learn the army through. :D

    My friends had a lot of other armies, VC, OnG, Skaven, HE, Emp... and I didn't want to bring duplicates to our gaming community. So from the few choices left I took Lizardmen. I had seen some other local player playing them efficiently so I think that also influenced my decision.

  18. Kcibrihp-Esurc

    Kcibrihp-Esurc Well-Known Member

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    I am a nerd, I like ancient cultures and things so it came down to Tomb kings or Lizardmen: Lizzies won :D
    Although I'm looking at starting TK :D

    FRYtheEGGofQUANGO Member

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    Skinks. I think they are such hilarious creatures, being to saurus what goblins are to orcs; cowardy, weak and comical. They are Zazu from the Lion King, or Shaggy from Scooby Doo (if we throw in some Itxi grubs).

    My poor dwarf player friend came to really hate skinks over the years, and developed an irrational fear of them.

    Lizardmen's fluff of being the 'good guys' of the fantasy world was also a factor, and this really has made me stick with them instead of turning to new armies.
  20. Avak786

    Avak786 Active Member

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    I started because Lizardmen were the closest I could find to my beloved Tyranid army, but when the rules of 40k moved into 6th edition, my Tyranids became very obsolete very quickly so after a few years of doing no modelling at all I decided to pick up an oldblood and paint him. I haven't looked back at my Tyranids and the Lizards just keep growing.

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