8th Ed. End Times Magic confusion with Lizardmen

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Scalenex, Jan 10, 2015.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    The rules are pretty clear on some things, at least in my humble opinion:

    -Skink Priests get lore mastery for whichever lore they choose.

    -Tet gets to reroll failed casting rolls for Heavens.

    -Tehenhauin (as a level 3 caster) gets lore mastery of Beast (or Undeath) AND gets the End Time spell for his lore AND the ability to raise an Arcane Fulcrum.

    -Kroak doesn't get any End Times goodies except for the ability to cast Conjure Arcane Fulcrum. I doubt he'd want to leave his Temple Guard unit, but the option is there.

    -All Slann, including our SCs can cast the Conjure Arcane Fulcrum.

    -There is no reason Arcane Fulcrums magical lodestone ability would not stack with Harmonic Convergence and/or the Channeling Staff

    Here are the Ambiguities

    On the SAME PAGE, "Magical Lodestoneit says "Any wizard model within 3" of a terrain piece with this special rule adds 2 to all their channeling attempts." then it a bullet point it says "A wizard that occupies an Arcane Fulcrum has the Magical Lodestone special rule (see above the previous paragraph I quoted), and therefore adds 2 to all his channeling attempts. Note that only the Wizard on top of the Fulcrum receives the benefit."

    That's not a vague, that's a direct contradiction.

    The next one is more vague. "A wizard with the Loremaster special rule can re-roll al the dice used to attempt to cast a spell from his chosen lore, including rolls that resul in being miscast and/or cast with irresistible force. The lore in question is normally given in brackets as part of the Loremaster special rule. For example a model with the Loremaster (Fire) special rule could re-roll attempts to cast spells from the Lore of Fire.)"

    -If you use Contemplation to swap out a High Magic spell, do you still have Lore Mastery (High Magic) if one spell is missing? Is the spell even missing since "Wizards that do not generate spells following the normal rules use their special rules to generate their spells from each spell lore that they can use any spells from. Do you keep all the High Magic spells? Do you keep the spells but lose the re-roll option if you "swap" out. Do you only get the re-rolls on spells you DIDN'T swap out?
  2. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    If Tetto'Ekko miscasts and rolls a 10+ on the miscast chart, is he still a Loremaster (Heavens)?

    I think you are still a Loremaster (High) and also lose the spell that you forgot. However, if you forget a High Magic spell and choose to replace it with a spell from High Magic, then I think you remember ALL the High Magic Spells.
  3. hardyworld

    hardyworld Active Member

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    Concerning a Slann with Focus of Mystery (Loremaster: High Magic):

    The Slann still has the Loremaster rule after he has used Contemplation to choose to trade out the spell from High Magic to another spell lore. Just because during the course of the game you lose a spell, doesn't mean the Loremaster rule was removed with it, the Loremaster rule only applies to spell generation at the beginning of the game and, now with ET, allow re-roll of casting dice "used to attempt to cast a spell from his chosen lore". I think this section of the rule from the ET book is pretty clear that after your Slann has lost access to one of his spells in High Magic (from Contemplation or any alternate source) he retains the ability re-roll his cast attempts on all spells in the High Magic lore.

    I believe so.

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