8th Ed. SPOILER - Fate of the lizardman

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Xlanax_lot, Jan 16, 2015.

  1. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    The only new Non-Skaven profile was the Incarnate of Fire, Ungrim Ironfist the Slayer King. I honestly believe the Slann are all gone, permanently. I think the Lizardmen will survive as Kroq-Gar became Ascended right at the end, but I think the toads are gone.

    Also I don't doubt the world is ending. Everyone will go into weird dimensional bubbles that float around in the void and when they crash into each other those factions do battle. That seems to be the prevailing rumor theory. Archaon still has some crazy ritual to do, and I don't doubt his final initiative will result in the warhammer world being shattered.

    As far as the new factions are concerned, at the end of the Thanquol book the Skaven and Chaos combine into one army under Archaon, I believe they're forming one super faction, rather than Skaven and Chaos being individual factions. If Dwarfs, Ogres, Bretonnia, and the Empire are fussing then Skaven and Chaos hardly seem like a stretch. Chaos Dwarfs and Halfings probably not gonna make the cut.

    6 factions- (Though it's entirely possible GW has more than 6, but maybe only 6 had been made at the time of that gigantic leak)
    Lizardmen (No more Slann)
    Elves (Dark Elves, High Elves, and Wood Elves)
    Undead Legions (Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts)
    United Legions of Chaos (Skaven, Beastmen, Daemons, Warriors)
    Men+Friends (Bretonnia, Empire, Dwarfs, and possibly Ogres)
    Orcs and Goblins (possibly with ogres instead of hummies gettin them)

    With only 2 lores of magic left wandering the world, Metal and Beasts, my guess is O&G are going to get the Beasts lore. Metal is anyone's guess, though the Ogres are the only race besides O&G that haven't been covered yet. Metal could perhaps go to the insanely greedy Greasus Goldtooth who REALLY loves metal.

    This would result in the 8 lores Incarnate vs. the Chaos Gods in the titantic Book 5 finale. Thoughts?
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    :( I was trying to be optimistic about the whole End Times thing surely Lizardmen will something.

    Now that I see the End Times holds little for the Lizardmen, I will wait patiently for ninth to hit the reset button while continuing to enjoy the bounties of regular 8th edition.
  3. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    Don't be sad! Tehenhauin came back and there's awesome updated rules for battling in the Lustrian Jungle! Also Kroq-Gar went super-badass mode so maybe he'll be back sooner, who knows.

    Also there's a Lizardmen Battle Scroll force which lets you run the Red Host with other armies, which is kinda odd, but it has weapon skill 3 skinks with Skaven hatred for no price increase and can count as your Lizardmen core!

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