Greetings from 5th edition

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by discomute, Jan 20, 2015.

  1. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    Hello all.

    I used to play a lot of warhammer as a kid, mostly 4th edition. I never really had a race I liked until 5th edition came out and I knew I was a greenscale for life. After high school (and my other GW friends) I struggled to connect with others in this hobby and I forgot all about it. Except for Blood Bowl (which was always my favourite) and I kept it going thanks to fumbbl.
    Theropods, lizards of course :)

    I don't know if I will get back into the hobby or not, but I am enjoying reading the forum and the battle reports. It seems that 8th edition is everything I want it to be, even if the army book isn't. (I really loved skrox units... seems they are a bit ordinary atm)

    Funny time to come back... it seems that GW are taking warhammer back to 5th edition, herohammer, less models, most emphasis on characters... Not sure how accurate that observation is.

    So anyway.... hello :smug:
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forums!

    Opinions differ, but in my view while there is a recent shift towards character-centric armies, Warhammer Fantasy is still not as Herohammer as 5th edition.

    Between step up and steadfast, it is difficult for lone characters to single-handedly break a large unit of infantry.

    Anyway, hope to see more of you soon. Let us know if you have any specific questions about fluff, tactics, rules, painting or anything else.

    PS: I hyperlinked your address. It's rough how many sad fates the Therapods faced!
  3. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    Has 9th come out yet? I made that comment based on the rumours around it... I'm a bit behind on the goss as you can imagine. It's funny that 5th was known as herohammer, I didn't think 4th was much better on that front. Then again, I wouldn't imagine we 'meta-d' much given we were teenagers and sites like this didn't exist back then

    Any recommendations for some novels / fluff that centre on the lizardman?
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Nope, but we have gobs of heresay, conjecture, wishlisting, fears and educated guesses stemming from the End Times fluff.

    Officially I don't know much, but we have a lot of unofficial stories on the fluff subforum. Now to highlight destinations on your fluff tour!

    I have a bunch of stories linked in my signature. I have a over a hundred MS Word pages of fluff written. I am very good at making readers sad apparently.

    You can also try Spawning of Bob. Probably our most prolific fluff author. The two of us have a good-natured rivalry for supremacy that will continue until Bob concedes to my obvious supremacy. He will naturally beg forgiveness for dare challenging me, and I will likely grant him clemency. His work is scattered throughout the fluff forum, but most of his work can be found in the Spawning of Blog

    I also recommend Vampteddy's story And the Petals Tasted Like Heaven. Vampteddy is in my opinion the best writer we have for creating evocative imagery.

    Fhanados' fluff is definitely worth looking at. In my opinion, he seems to have the best natural flair for writing large scale stories with maximum drama.

    If you really love thread necromancy Revered_Guardian was probably the first forumite we've had to put serious effort into writing fluff.

    We have seven entries and counting for our first short story contest! The entries will be viewable and the polls open on February 1st.
  5. discomute

    discomute Well-Known Member

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    My NY res was to read more and spend less time on the iPhone... Haha yeah I give them a read

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