8th Ed. Have Specific End Times Questions? Get Answers Here!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Overlord of Serpents, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    Whether it be fluff or rules related, feel free to ask any questions relating to the End Times here! I've spent a lot of time analyzing the 4 Books out at the moment and after a number of questions came into my summary thread I decided to make this one for people wanting to know about specific races, characters, or situations that fall outside of the Lizardmen realm. Everything that happened to the Lizards is summarized over there, including the basic rules for the Red Host. Though feel free to ask questions here regarding anything else. I enjoy being able to serve the Lustria community on here.

    So ask me, what do you want to know about the End Times?
  2. IronJaw
    Cold One

    IronJaw Member

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    So how have the Dwarves fared? Did you say that that all of the holds have fallen?
  3. Ersh
    Cold One

    Ersh Active Member

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    1) No Wind of Magic for us? All of them already taken?
    2) Slanns - all of them flew away or dead? Only Skinks and Sauruses stay on the planet?
    3) Any info about Ogres? What happened to them? Or they don't participate?
    4) It looks like that bad guys won. Even if Archaon will fall somehow - we have no cities left -> no spawn pools -> race is dead?
  4. IronJaw
    Cold One

    IronJaw Member

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    The Dwarven holds are all fallen, Bettonia has been crushed, the Empire conquered, Elves turned evil, etc., etc.

    Look like the baddies have won... :/
  5. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    All of the Dwarf holds were destroyed by the Skaven invasion. Karak Azul fell to Ikit Claw due to not having either their Runelord or King to lead them. This is where he unveiled the Stormfiends, which are space marine rat ogres.

    Karak Kadrin was doing exceptionally well during the invasion. Ungrim Ironfist was getting angry at being stuck in his hold, so he kept sallying out with a slayer army to destroy any attempts at siege. When Throt the Unclean and Ikit Claw arrive, he continues this tactic but sadly the Skaven were ready for him. Ikit Claw places three massive poison gas bombs inside three abominations and sends them running towards Karak Kadrin's gates. One is shot down before making it, but the other two tear down the gate and get inside before exploding, due to their bullshit regen keeping them alive constantly. This gas kills every single dwarf within the city, the rage that Ungrim feels is so intense and the vengeance he demands so destructive that the Lore of Fire deems him worthy and enters him in the Shrine of Grimnir.

    Karaz-a-Karak is assaulted by a massive skaven army led by Ikit Claw and Queek Headtaker. King Thorgrim has decided he has had enough, however, and sallies forth from the keep to fight the final battle for the Everpeak on his terms. It's worth noting prior to this fight, Thorgrim was mortally wounded by a Verminlord Warbringer (think Bloodthirster rat) and was stubbornly refusing to die. His force clashes with the rats and he calls out a challenge to Queek Headtaker. Queek accepts and attempts to kill the High King like he did Belegar, but Thorgrim shatters the Headtaker's weapon with one blow and then crushes the rat's throat with his bare hands. So Queek dies and Thorgrim crushes his body repeatedly before spitting on him.

    Then the new version of Ungrim shows up and he absolutely demolishes the Skaven army, burning Ikit Claw alive which causes that skaven's armor to fuse to his flesh. Joseph Bugman also shows up with his Rangers and demolishes a large amount of rats. The Dwarfs win and meet in conversation that isn't shown. Ungrim Ironfist leads a host of dwarfs to help the Empire while Thorgrim remains behind (not actually sure what happened to Bugman)

    At this point, Thorgrim goes to his balcony to consider what's happening where he is quite weak and vulnerable due to his wounds and such. Sadly, Deathmaster Snikch appears and kills the High King, chopping off his head to give to Thanquol so the bugger can take the empty seat on the Council of Thirteen. The Deathmaster then summons a group of Verminlords into the hold where they open the gates from the inside and destroy Karaz-a-Karak.

    So all of the dwarfs are dead except for straggling groups in the old world and the army of the Incarnate of Fire.
  6. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    1. It would appear that we are not receiving any lores, yes. With the Elves getting 3 and it being open to neutral races like Ogres and Orcs (which it's pretty much confirmed Grimgor Ironhide is the Incarnate of Beasts), there wasn't much left for us. If it makes you feel better, Kroq-Gar has Ascended into something crazy strong that's immune to all disease, but for whatever reason he didn't get new rules.

    2. Yes, all of the slann have gone to the stars or died saving the world, including Mazdamundi and Kroak. There are no more Relic Priests or Slann, I think permanently, but this may not be the case. 99% of all the skinks, saurus, monsters, and kroxigors remained on the planet and were bubbled beyond the horizon by Kroak (much like the Elves bubble at the end of Khaine)

    3. The Ogres are still on their way and will likely smash into Archaon's horde from the East. I'm still thinking Greasus Goldtooth will get the Lore of Metal but many think Balthasar Gelt will get it. Golgfag Maneater (who left a little bit before most of the Ogre Kingdoms) participated in the battle for Karak Eight Peaks. He is bought by Belegar Ironhammer and fights alongside the dwarfs, before betraying him because Skarsnik paid him even more. He ends up being killed by a collapsing ceiling. This book makes a lot of mentions of the Ogres showing up, but the largest core of the faction isn't there yet.

    4. Don't despair, Kroak's bubbles may have very well saved a number of spawning pools and other important structures to the Lizardmen race. Most of the actual cities turned out to be space ships and flew away with the toads. Just remember all the good guys have been creating new dimensions and safe spots while Chaos is likely going to get some super shitty leftovers. The only places in the world still really alive are the parts of Bretonnia ruled by Gilles le Breton, the province of Averland where Karl Franz is, and most of the eastern empire where the orcs, ogres, dwarfs, and undead will be coming from. Also Athel Loren is still safe.
  7. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    What news on the Southlands, and is anything mentioned on any other Lizardmen domains (Konquata of Albion, Dragon Isles, the 'Lost City of the Old Ones' in Khuresh,.., etc.)?

    I wouldn't say they've turned evil for absorbing an 'evil' faction, even if Malekith is now their king: the Everqueen rules alongside him, and they're still very much anti-Chaos. They're probably just going to be somewhat more ruthless, which is probably what they need given the rise of Chaos and their dwindling race.
  8. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    All of the other lands are gone or have been quietly removed from the fluff. The Southlands were destroyed in the Warpstone meteor shower that annihilated Lustria and both continents sank beneath the waves. The other remaining bastions have likely been destroyed as well as really the only place spared the horrible destruction of the Chaos Moon's collapse was the Old World.
  9. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    Thanks! I was hoping that 'Lost City...' would do something, it's been in the corner of my eye for long enough!

    So, do any of the Lizardmen in the Southlands survive/escape?

    I'm guessing the Slann particularly focused on protecting the Old World...
  10. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    No, everyone in the Southlands sadly died. Only Lustria lizardmen/slann escaped.
  11. IronJaw
    Cold One

    IronJaw Member

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    Interesting. Could you all elaborate on that? the Khain book is the one I have heard the least about. The gist that I got was that the murderous-badguy turned "good" and conveniently absorbed most of the High Elves into this Dark-Elf empire.

    High Elves are my 3rd faction, and I had really like them. They were the second faction that had the most to do with pushing Chaos back (Behind the Lizarmen), and now they are just sucked into the super-evil-murderous-Dark Elf faction? Doesn't seem cool to me... *shrugs*
  12. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    Oh no, no, no. The Dark Elves were actually defeated technically. See, its turns out Malekith was the one chosen by Asuryan to be the Phoenix King all along and the High Elves accidentally usurped his throne. As punishment, Asuryan drove all of the phoenix kings to mad madness in various ways. Had malekith been strong enough to brave the flames a little longer he would have succeeded, but doubt had been carefully planted by the chaos gods.

    Long story short, the elven gods returned in mortal form to duke it out. Poor Tyrion was Khaine and he went mad with rage and drew forth the Sword of Khaine. Had he won, the elves would have been doomed. So the real bad guy was Khaine, aka, Tyrion. Morathi and many high and dark elves combined against him.

    The real "good guy" was Malekith, now the Eternity King and Incarnate of Shadow. His force was willingly made of the High Elves, Wood Elves, and Dark Elves that were loyal to Malekith. Though Malekith is still kind of a prick. He is now wed to Alarielle the Everqueen, Incarnate of Life.

    So no, the Dark elves did not win (Morathi got nomed by Slaanesh) and the Elves are a good guy faction planning to stand against Archaon.
  13. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    ^This, essentially.

    Although, during the Khaine civil war most of the High Elves didn't choose a side, and the Dark Elves had to leave Naggaroth or face an endless, futile conflict with an invading Khornate army. The most dubious DEs (i.e. the Khainite faction led by Morathi) died along with Tyrion, Avatar of Khaine, in the end of the book. If anything, both HEs and DEs got absorbed into the Wood Elves, as after the destruction of Naggaroth and Ulthuan they were the biggest faction left, with all the surviving Elves now in Athel Loren.

    Malekith is not classically good, but he is 'good' as far as he is anti-chaos and chosen by Asuryan to rule (as far as divine choice is a sign of 'goodness' anyway). The book says he's ruthless but, considering the HEs have just been tending to their empire rather than pushing back against Chaos beyond sustaining the Vortex, they probably need that so as to forge them into a more hardened race to tackle the Dark Gods head-on. He's also got the Everqueen to temper his more extreme Naggarothi tendencies.

    Still, sucks about The Southlands. I was hoping Tuini-Huini and his Horned Ones would make a comeback!
  14. Fhanados

    Fhanados Well-Known Member

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    I have a question: Does Lustria still exist as a continent, or has it been literally removed from the map? Despite still having difficulty sitting down from being butthurt about Lizzies in End Times I'm starting to formulate some cool post-apocalypse Lustria ideas but not having actually read ET:Khaine or ET:Horned Rat I don't know what happened to the land itself.
  15. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    So, we're at:
    Incarnate of Death: Nagash
    Incarnate of Life: Alarielle
    Incarnate of Shadow: Malekith
    Incarnate of Light: Teclis (probably? Is this confirmed?)
    Incarnate of Fire: Ungrim

    I've seen mention that Metal and Beasts are yet to be determined...what about Heavens?
  16. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    Yeah... what about tetto...
    What are the undead up to? They made some truce with the empire right?
  17. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    So spoilers and rumours below for the 'Council of the Winds':

    Incarnate of Death: Nagash
    Incarnate of Life: Alarielle
    Incarnate of Shadow: Malekith
    Incarnate of Fire: Ungrim
    Incarnate of Metal: Thorgrim's throne (briefly)
    Incarnate of Light: Teclis's Staff

    Incarnate of Heavens: Karl Franz

    Incarnate of Beasts: Grimgor Ironhide
    Incarnate of Metal (post-Thulgrim): Balthasar Gelt
    Incarnate of Light (post-staff): Tyrion
    - Apparently resurrected (with Nagash at large and apparently in cahoots with Teclis, it's not a far stretch). Teclis steals the fire of Ulric from Middenheim, claiming they 'need a hero', which would correlate nicely with this rumour.
    Incarnate of Fire (post-Ungrim): Cadaryan
    - Apparently Aqshy leaves Ungrim, to be claimed by Cadaryan. ET: Thanquol does mentioned that the Wind of Fire settles within Ungrim 'for a time at least', implying it's not necessarily permanent.

    The core Undead Legions are marching up from Khemri with Nagash, to meet up with the Undead factions helping the Empire under the direction of the Vampire Counts. 'Helping' as much as they're trying to stem the spread of Chaos, I'd doubt how sacrascent either side considers their alliance.
  18. Ranorian

    Ranorian New Member

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    Were there any updates on what the Elves and Nagash have been doing in the last book? Nagash doesn't strike me as the type to just hang around. If he's moving north from Khemri, the Elves better get the heck out of his way...
  19. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    Sadly Lustria is gone. After being wracked by fire and shattering earthquakes, the sea rose up in a tidal wave and claimed the land permanently.
  20. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    The Elves are preparing for the final war against Archaon, as is Nagash. Keep in mind Nagash's armies moved through the passes in the south of the World Edge Mountains to reach Sylvania, while the Elves are in Athel Loren which is to the Southeast of Grey Mountains so they wouldn't have run into to each other anyway.

    And although Nagash may not seem like the sitting around type, he spent his time in Thanquol telling his generals to raise all the dead they can possibly find.

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