8th Ed. Lizardmen End Times Important Moments *SPOILERS*

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Overlord of Serpents, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    Gotrek and Felix have their own book series going along with the End Times, which the first one is named Kinslayer.




    Gotrek and Felix split up a little ways before the End Times started. Felix marries the girl from Zombieslayer and has a son with her. He spends a number of years in Altdorf with his family a grows pretty damn restless. Ulrika appears and is now working for Vlad von Carstein and forces Felix to go north by threatening to turn his ill wife.

    So long story short, Max Schreiber has been captured while fighting near the Auric Bastion and was taken over the wall. So Felix goes north with Ulrika and Vlad (not realizing it's Vlad) and punches through the wall during a Tzeentch invasion where he is given visions of other places him and Gotrek might have been (such as the invasion of Karaz-a-Karak, the fall of Altorf, etc.) Somewhere in this mess Snorri Nosebiter shows up with an underground Dwarf team that cause an explosion to kill a bunch of Beastmen and this blast accidentally kills the Chaos Lord fighting Felix. So Snorri returns and joins up with Felix.

    Gotrek, meanwhile, has been fighting in Kislev along with the Kislevites to harass the Chaos invasions. After murdering a large chaos force in Gotrek fashion he eventually meets up with the old gang and after some arguments etc. goes to save Max.

    Max was captured by Throgg, the Troll King, who had sacked and conquered Praag and was holding out against the Chaos forces he betrayed to conquer the city. He was attempting to force a small army of wizards to find a way to grant other Trolls intelligence so he wouldn't be so lonely and also have a crazy op army to survive the End Times.

    After insane amounts of fighting against Trolls, Dragon Ogres, and a sizable amount of other monsters, Gotrek and Felix make it to battle Throgg. Snorri Nosebiter gets to him first and gets pummeled, but manages to somehow stay alive. Gotrek battles the Troll King and eventually causes Throgg to fall out of a window and fall a LOOOOONG way down to his death.

    At this point, we finally learn Gotrek's shame as well as Snorri's. Long ago the two met and went into the Chaos Wastes together (as revealed in Daemonslayer) and Gotrek was lost in the Wastes where he found Grimnir's other Axe. During this time Snorri took the Slayer oath for losing Gotrek and went to tell his family, but became an absurd drunk. He ends up badly wounding a dwarf patrol sent to warn Gotrek's village about a Goblin invasion to get their beer, so the message never arrives. When Snorri arrives he realizes the town has been sacked and burned. A figure runs towards him and so Snorri lashes out in rage thinking it;s a goblin...sadly he was mistaken and it was Gotrek's wife.

    He tells Gotrek this after Throgg dies and basically reveals the reason Gotrek's wife and daughter died was due to Snorri's lack of self control. The death of his family resulted in Gotrek going to kill the Thane responsible for protecting that village, which led to his shame. So basically, Snorri caused ALL of this to happen.

    So Gotrek and Snorri battle rather unwillingly and Snorri Nosebiter is killed by Gotrek. The rest of the party survive but are terribly upset and demoralized. That is the end of Part 1, Part 2 comes out in April or March.
    Warden and spawning of Bob like this.
  2. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    I knew of the book plot, ironically its reception has not been a positive one, not because of the contents, but because of the writing style (at least from what I've seen, Nathan Long did an awesome job after taking over from William King).

    It's sad but was kind of expected from where Zombie slayer leaves off. Obviously the fifth end time book kind of needs to wrap things up, but I can imagine the outrage it will cause if Gotrek AND Felix both cop it, or Felix survives in a post apoc world where survival is all that's left.

    Although a blunt death seems like a bit of a cop out too, Gotrek long ago stopped being a daemon slayer and became an avatar of Grimnir/demi-god.
    Warden likes this.
  3. Cataphract

    Cataphract New Member

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    Got my hard copy yesterday and consumed the lore book in one night.

    Damn. We kicked ass, got our asses kicked and then kicked some more rats!!!

    This will definitely mean some major change for the Lizardmen! The Skinks and Saurus in particular have to evolve and this will have profound changes in their society. I definitely noticed an increasing trend of Shamanism and supersition among the Skinks which could help or harm them.
    Warden likes this.
  4. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Apologies once again

    thread necro.jpg

    It doesn't appear that our great @Overlord of Serpents has graced our temple city in some time, however this was a really interesting read. Felt like going through a time capsule.

    I know there are a lot of crazy feelings for some of the veterans to this day about the End Times, and I do with the book had been a bit longer and much more lizard-and-Lustria centric, but it was a interesting read for what it was worth. Wonder if anyone out there has made a fan version to flesh out more of what happened in the end times lore? Taken a broader approach to all the lore that was left unexplored by the rather hasty and short Thaquol book?
  5. Tar-Sek The Star Spear
    Jungle Swarm

    Tar-Sek The Star Spear New Member

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    Hey, long time skulker, first time poster. I found something in another post dealing particularly with Gor-Rok and Nakai during the End Times. It is not expressly canon, but it come from an interview with Josh Reynolds, one of the main writers for Black Library during the End Times arc.

    Here is the link to the post containing excerpts of the Q&A with Mr. Reynolds: https://www.lustria-online.com/threads/old-world-revamp.23867/page-2#post-300110
    Nazqua likes this.
  6. Nazqua

    Nazqua Well-Known Member

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    Can't believe I didn't read this sooner. Great work Overlord of Serpents, Shame that your no longer active - But this is a real great piece of information for us all to make use of, Sometime in the future Im almost certain I will be using some of this within my lore and fluff.

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