8th Ed. Noobish against Vamp Counts ET

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Maynock, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. Maynock
    Jungle Swarm

    Maynock New Member

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    Been playing for a bit over a year, but only have maybe 10 games under my belt. I mainly play against my buddy who absolutely lives and breathes Warhammer, and uses Vamp Counts 90% of the time (rarely using Skaven, High Elves, and Empire). We trade off and on, but he usually come out victorious with the VC. Lokking for some tips...
    I'm a casual player, and not made of money, so I have limited units mainly based on what i found for cheap or on sale. We aren't picky though, so any saurus can be an OB (even though i have one), any skink can be a priest, etc.

    I have: Slann
    X10 Temple Guard
    X1 Stegadon
    X1 Bastiladon
    X4 Terradons (1 being Tiktaq'to)
    X2 Razordon (x7 handlers)
    X11 chameleon skinks (1 being Oxyotyl)
    X3 Kroxigor
    X32 Saurus Warriors (give or take, includes any Saurus chracter)
    X46 Skinks (give or take, includes Skink Characters)

    We typically play 2800 point armies, End Times rules. Been looking at buying a Carnosaur, along with a couple swarms and extra core units. Any help is appreciated. Just a casual player who wants to show the Vamps who the true cold blooded killers are!
  2. Stonecutter

    Stonecutter Member

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    Given what you have, here are a few ideas for optimizing vs Vamps under End Times rules:

    Slaan - wandering deliberations is an excellent choice since you'll have 64 spells to choose from. BSB with +1 LD banner and kitted out with whatever else you want.

    Core: Skirmish skinks are generally the best lizzie core unit due to mobility, low point cost and poison shooting. Ideal for taking out vamp chaff or going after terrorgheists. If your opponent allows you to proxy saurus as TG, then I would suggest a couple skrox blocks with poisoned skink attacks to flesh out most of the core requirement. They are fine against most vamp troops and the 6" move makes them much easier to get into a flank spot to support the TG block.

    Special - big block of 30+ TG with razor banner if facing black knight bus or move banner if not. Basillidon would be worth it for the initiative boost to TG to make them 3 so they strike ahead of skellies and same time as ghouls. Also, you can always one die the MM to draw out dispel dice.

    Rare: Steggie generally isn't worth taking as he will get howled to death. Razordons should be fielded as sallies if your opponent allows since sallies are much better.

    Other characters - vamps usually have a blender lord that will your units in short order. An OB on cold one with amour of fortune, dawnstone & OTS can usually take him out, especially if supported by slaan magic. Apart from that, avoid any lizzie special characters as they are grossly overpriced (Tett'eko being the one exception). Apart from the lord choice, I wouldn't bother with anything else other than maybe a scroll caddy.

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