8th Ed. Sooooo...Jungle Swarms.

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Chicken Lips, Jan 26, 2015.

  1. Chicken Lips

    Chicken Lips Well-Known Member

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    Hey, guys! First time poster here!

    I've just recently started a Lizardman army and I was trying to get some ideas as to what I needed to flesh out my army and start really playing with them.

    So far I have:
    39 Saurus Warriors
    24 Skink Skirmishers
    21 Temple Guard
    2 Salamander Hunting Packs
    1 Stegadon
    1 Slann Mage Priest
    1 Skink Priest
    1 Oldblood

    So, based on what I've gotten already, what do you guys think I should add to in order to advance my army?

    Also, I've been wondering about your thoughts on Jungle Swarms. I know a lot of people don't like them, but I think the concept is cool. Especially when paired with Tehenhauin and a Bastilladon with the Arc of Sotec on it. Sure, it probably won't win me games, but it might be a fun, different approach that most aren't used to seeing. Thoughts? Or do they completely suck and I just need to forget them completely?
  2. hardyworld

    hardyworld Active Member

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    I think you have a good start here.

    Jungle swarms are one of the least used options in the army for a reason: minimally effective & overpriced. I've had some success with them, so they aren't untakeable, but when filling out a growing army...you can wait on adding them. I'd hate for you to buy and paint them and then use them twice and then have the models gathering dust from thereon. If you really think you may like taking the unit, proxy them in a few game first to confirm you like using them in your play style.

    Skinks! 24 is not enough, you need more skinks!
    Scar-Vet on Cold One is probably the most popular character used by LM players...because he is a beast on a battlefield. You'll want one of these (or you can make one/two out of a box of Saurus Cavalry)

    Also consider: Terradons/Ripperdactls, Saurus Cavalry, Kroxigor (whichever interests you more, all are good, not great options depending on your play style)
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    and if you get some cold ones you can use the decorative snakes as a swarm unit, you just need to glue them to a 40mm base.
  4. Chicken Lips

    Chicken Lips Well-Known Member

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    Sweet! That's the kind of info I needed!

    Proxying the Jungle Swarms is a good idea. I'll try that.

    The Scar Vet on Cold One is a good idea as well! I run an all-mounted Empire army rather frequently and I understand the significance of being mounted. The armor boost is handy, but the freedom it gives you with movement is awesome!

    I have been really looking closely at the Ripperdactyls. How many make for an optimal unit? 4? I know that they are sold in boxes of 3, so it would make sense for GW to write the rules so that they are best when used in units of 4.

    Also, people in my meta tend to load up their army one way or another. For instance, I might take as many cannons, Steam Tanks or Helblaster Volley Guns as I can and supplement with the others or a Dwarf player might take 4 Gyrocopters and 2 Gyrobombers in his list. With that in mind, who feasible is it to include 2 Stegadons and 2 Anchient Stegadons in a list? Is that just stupid or something that could work?
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Opinions differ, some like multiple units of 3 (for more toads), and some like units of 6+ so more survive to hit the enemy. I'm not sure I've seen anyone endorse 4. For more information on Rippers, read this, then [http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=13505]this[/URL] to get an abundance of (sometimes conflicting) Ripper wisdom.

    Doubling up is more or less the norm on our dinosaurs with people taking pairs of units far more often than a one of each menagerie list. I'm not sure about four Steggies. An Stegadon (either type) with Sharpened Horns can take down an enemy monster if they get the charge and can stomp it's way through small or medium sized infantry units. Against larger blocks of infantry, you need supporting units.

    In a Skink Cloud army, Skinks redirect the carp out of the enemy and Stegadons smash into any vulnerable units the Skinks can expose. In a Traditional Army, Stegadons are used to do devastating one-two punches in conjunction with Saurus Warrior or Temple Guard blocks.

    I haven't tried four Steggies in a single list...yet. This weekend I'm running a five Steggy list. Okay it's 6000 points. I'm hoping it will give me much Steggy wisdom.
  6. Chicken Lips

    Chicken Lips Well-Known Member

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    Sweet! That was really helpful! Thanks!

    The times I have faced Lizardmen opponents, the only times I was really worried was when they managed to get their Ripperdactyls in my backfield. That made me really uncomfortable with them back there. I devoted a good portion of my forces to dealing with them, which probably hurt my main strategy.

    I guess that's why I've been keen on them as well. They sound like a really good supporting unit that can apply hard pressure and unlike units such as Ellryian Reavers, they can do some real damage (under the right circumstances) and you can't simply ignore them.

    Thanks for the info guys!

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