8th Ed. First Game of Fantasy

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by bhuddiver, Feb 1, 2015.

  1. bhuddiver

    bhuddiver Member

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    So I played my first game of fantasy the other night and managed to win against the Empire! But a few questions came up in the game that we couldn't figure out. I tried some cursory search online for the answers but I didn't see anything definitive, so I figured I'd ask here and see if the answers can be pointed out.

    1) Can Quick to Fire Skirmishers (Skinks) March and Shoot?

    2) Does Scouting make you lose the +1 for first turn role automatically?

    3) Can you challenge if your hero is not base contact with the enemy unit? Example below
    xxH yyyy
    xxx yyyy
    xxx yyyy
    xxx yyyy
    -The units are fighting but the heroes are far apart. Can only one challenge, either, neither?

    4) Challenge again. If they do challenge and now "move to be in base to base contact" Where do they move too?

    5) When a Cold One Rider dies, is the Cold One also dead or does it follow the Ridden Monster Rules? How about when a Scar Vet or Old Blood is ridding one?

    I'm sure most of these are simple answers, but I don't have the core book (friend does) so I can search through it. Thanks in advance for the help!
  2. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    1. No they cannot march and shoot. The Quick to Fire rule allows them to no take a penalty for moving and shooting as well as shooting regardless of the distance of a charge.

    2. Scouting occurs outside normal deployment. If you you finish with your deployment before your opponent, you get the +1. Then you place your scouts.

    3. Challenges can always be declared. Then the two combatants Make Way to one another. This is why it is always good to have a unit champion to absorb the first challenge.

    4. We normally pull those two models out of the combat and do it separately, at their Initiative step. Then apply the result of the combat to the Rez.

    5. When a regular cold one/rider dies, remove the model. It is gone. when a character is riding a mount, I beileve you remove the mount (or rider) when it dies.

    Someone correct me if I am wrong on any of this (I am a bit rusty).
  3. Trociu
    Chameleon Skink

    Trociu Active Member

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    1. But being a skirmishers allows them to march and shoot, and thanks to quick fire they do not have -1BS for moving (because marching is some kind of moving)

    2. Correct

    3. Not sure so I won't try to answer.

    4. I think it can be important where you put those fighting heroes but i won't say what rules say about this.

    5. Those are cavalry mounts, so you threat them as part of hero riding it - cold ones don't have wounds, or toughness or leadership because they are never alone. Like other mounts of cavalry (i.e. empires warhorse). If you should use rule for ridden monster then you would have troop type "monster"
  4. SilverFaith

    SilverFaith Member

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    Skirmishers have a "Fire on the March" section in their rule section, which explicitly state that you can.

    They still have to remain in combat. Displace rank and file models as necessary.

    Unless your character is riding a monster (the troop type, like Stegadons, Carnosaurs, etc) then the entire model is removed. On a monster, only the slain model is removed, whicch can be both the mount and the rider, depending on who took the attacks.

    Also, @point number 3, I'm kinda wondering how your characters were placed that far away from each other. Characters generally has to be in the front row, baring specific circumstances. Being in the second rank isn't unusual, as such, but being in the 4th rank sure is.
  5. bhuddiver

    bhuddiver Member

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    So just to clarify:

    1) I can march my skinks 12 inches, then fire javelins at no penalty

    2) Scouting does not affect the +1 role

    3) Challenges can always be declared (I see the picture I made got messed up, all of the 'y's should be one unit)


    5)So Character on Cold One stays on cold one until he dies, but if he was on Carnosaur or Terradon that have wounds, it goes to the ridden monster thing

    To clarify question 4 and why the question: Empire had ~30 state troops 10 wide with a Captain. I had 6 Saurs plus Scarvet on CO. Our heros were in a challenge, pulled off to the side. There was an AoE spell about to go off that would miss my unit but hit his (The Comet to be precise). If we pulled our heros out on the left side the blast would technically hit my Scarvet and so my unit, but if we pulled them to the right of the fight it wouldn't. So how exactly do we move the challengers?
  6. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    Standard mounts (ie cold ones) die when their rider loses his wound(s), ridden monsters (ie carnosaurs) and their riders do not share their profile and they can die separately, monstrous mounts (ie terradons) die with their riders, but attacks can only be directed against the whole model, so they roll against the mount's toughness and wounds
  7. Trociu
    Chameleon Skink

    Trociu Active Member

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    It is written that when you accept challenge you have to move your hero, not challenger. That's why I would say that if none of the heroes stands in front rank then challenger is moving first and after him the one who accepted the challenge.

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