7th Ed. 1250 combat heavy

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by stamos, Jul 22, 2008.

  1. stamos
    Jungle Swarm

    stamos New Member

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    I got a small 4 player tourney coming up and I need some advice on what i got so far.

    I will possibly be playing vampire counts, skaven or Bretonnia. vc's going magic heavy with 3 vamps and 1 necro ( not even sure if 4 heroes is legal at 1250 and about 40 ghouls. skaven is going to have 50 clanrats all with ratling, 20 nightrunners and 3 assassins. bret will most likely go magic defense heavy, 12 bowmen, about 16 men at arms and some cavalry. If the bret player is stupid enough he might even take his grail knights.

    anyways onto the list:

    Saurus scar vet-213pts
    shield,light armor,BSO sotek, BSO Quetzl, BSO Tlaszcotl, maiming shield and charm of jaguar
    10 saurus wars-150pts
    full command,hand weap shields

    10 saurus wars-150
    full, hand weap shields

    10 saurus wars-120
    hand weap, shields

    10 saurus wars-120
    hand weap, shields

    10 skinks 60

    11 skinks 61
    shields, javs


    4 kroxigors-232

    4 saurus cold ones-140

    I know its a different list then the usual beefy saurus units but i want to try some new stuff out.
    my plan is to keep the saurus wars in grps of two so I can set them up for one straight charge while the other flanks. use krox for full power against tough units. probably going to use the scar vet for hero hunting ( maybe put a bane head on him instead.) i could also easily replace skinks with a lvl 2 skink priest, but that makes me worry against brets and especially skaven.
  2. Lounge_Lizard
    Cold One

    Lounge_Lizard New Member

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    I'm a fairly new player myself, but i think I can give you some input on this.
    First, I think you can only get 2 blesses spawnings on your scar-vet. Being sort of a JSoD, I guess Sotek and Quetzl would be te most logical ones. I don't think you can simultaneously use a normal shield and a magical shield, and unless you're expecting to find ethereals, why a shield at all? Use a great weapon (with Sotek, 5 Str. 7 attacks on charge!).
    Next: waaaay too many saurus, waaaay too few skinks. If you really want a saurus unit, either as an anvil or just something to hold your centre, use just one, and make it bigger (see post about saurus unit size). With 4 kroxes (never can go wrong with those babies!), you'd be better server by screening/scouting skinks.
    SCOR: why 4? point limit? Less than 5 are preety useless. Better yet, why use them at all?
    Oh, and where are the salamanders?
    Bottom line, you really should consider dropping the saurus (except maybe one unit), put way more skinks and some salamanders. SCOR isn't much of a need also, not in an army that moves 6 inches and with fear-causing kroxigors.
    but then again, I'm barelly a begginer myself :) .

    See ya!
  3. Craken

    Craken Well-Known Member

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    I personally like using SCOR I use them quite often with great success, although a good point was made about the SCOR altough it should have said the minimum unit size for SCOR is 5 and you cannot take less then that. Although IMO for SCOR CMD grp is very useful otherwize a heroe on a cold one is almost neccessary. As for Salamanders they are not in all my builds as I find them very uneffective vs heavy armored troops, again IMO. About the Saurus blocks at least drop one unit, or put those points into 2 bigger blocks. Kroxigors are pretty much no loss, they are one of the best units in the army.
  4. Kovash

    Kovash New Member

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    Im pretty new also, but I have to encourage you to drop 1 full command and maybe a saurus unit. Get more skinks, also, a skink priest or two would be a welcome addition. Salamanders are good for ranged damage, and would be particularly useful for the skaven, not to say that they wouldnt roast a knight or two. Merge two of the saurus units together (with FC). You can take CoRs but I do not think they are particularly reliable, damaging: yes, reliable: not always if you really want to then I will not complain, although you said they have worked well in the past...If it really floats your boat.....go ahead
    good luck
  5. freakndell

    freakndell New Member

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    As said before....Your list is Illegal, so giving advice will be a long shot!
    For the Scar-vet, drop the tlazcotl spawning. Your not playing fear causing units (much). He can do without. Keep the shield! To make his chances of survival bigger! Keep a low AS.

    For the SCOR, it has to be 5 as mentioned.

    SW.....neh...not that many small units... Bretts will brake them in one round of combat. (You have a SC of 1, maybe 2 if you still outumber) A Bretts charge will ripp trough it!
    Make it a bigger block! (2 or 3 ranks, banner, etc...)

    The Kroxes...wel they Rock!

    Me personally would play 3 terradons, so they can go warmachine or mage hunting. and field Sallies. They are NOT great vs high armoured Knights! You will fire allot and wound almost nothing! Aim that fire at there archers and stuff. They are also nice to protect a flank! (Of that One big SW block!)..
    Last but not least: More skinks!!!
    They drop like flies, but not before poisoning some opponents and more important...redirecting charges!!

    good luck!
  6. stamos
    Jungle Swarm

    stamos New Member

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    just to let you all know what i have at my disposal:

    40 saurus wars
    1 scar vet
    1 skink priest
    24 skinks
    8 COR's
    4 kroxigors
    and Thats about it. I would've put sallies in there if i had them, but that's just not a possibility atm. Also I guess i wrote my list in a hurry so sorry about the mistakes.
    In recent games i have been playing I've been having problems with my saurus war blocks. Everyone seems to ignore them and they just end up sitting around looking for kills until the end of the game. I am scared that by sucking up al ot of points on 1 15 block of saurus wars then I won't get my points worth. But If i split into smaller units i will be able to keep control of mass units skaven and vc will be using.
  7. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Alright, so Im just going to give you several pointers. It seems that everyone else has given you a pretty good explanation on the errors in your list.

    (a) Yes, you are correct about the VC. Unless I completely misread something, necromancers still take hero slots, meaning that your opponents VC list would be illegal. That said, make sure he has also added up his points right because I have found VC players to be the most inclined to accidental points fudging (getting carried away with all the bloodline powers and whatnot)

    (b) Although I am not completely sure about this fact, Im relatively certain that Skaven assassins cannot be the armies general. That means that it would be illegal for him to have 3 assassins.

    It would seem that you and your friends should sit down together and review your army books to make sure the army lists are all legal before-hand.

    As far as your list goes, you want to field units of more than 10 Saurus because SW perform best as static CR units. Sure, Elves can successfully field units of 5-10 infantry, but they benefit from a higher movement and initiative value, as well as useful traits such as ASF. I would suggest, as you are a beginner, that if you Saurus, to field two nice sold blocks of 15-20 Saurus. As long as your Bretonnian buddy is not going knights-heavy, your should be fine with units of only 15.

    Since you will be facing vampire counts, you are going to need some sort of magic defense. Either take a skink priest w/ a diadem of power (VC cast lots of low level spells, negating the usefullness of a dispel scroll) or a couple BSoTepok.

    I would definately encourage you to include all of your skinks, a JSoD, and all 4 kroxigors. From this point, you can choose to field two units of 20 Saurus and field a traditional hard center with protective flanks, or you could take the COR and steggie instead and field a faster, harder hitting list.

    On the one hand, the faster list, w/ its fear and terror causers, manuverability, and high initial impact units, should do quite well against the low morale skaven (and w/kroxigors and a JSoD w/GW either list will do well against Bretonnians). However, Saurus blocks will do well in grinding down the large raised units that you will face against when playing the VC (who will take away all of the advantage fear and terror gives you).
  8. stamos
    Jungle Swarm

    stamos New Member

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    funny thing is i wouldnt call my group of friends beginners. we just dont know our armies/ all rules very well. But thanks for the great advice, and i finally see why blocks of 10 SW wont work.( fyi this was just an experimental list, I usually play with standard-type lizzy listt ( i.e blocks of 20.) also my COR error is because i have never taken them less then 5 so i just never checked the rule on it. :jawdrop:
    anyway thanks again for the help.

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