8th Ed. Skrix Unit Questions

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by kduncan145, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. kduncan145
    Jungle Swarm

    kduncan145 New Member

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    Are the kroxigors in skrox units able to use the predatory fighter rule or their stomps?
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    The answer to the first question is complicated.

    There is no consensus on whether supporting ranks can or cannot benefit from Predatory Fighter. The thread go so long and some of the arguments got personal we had to lock the discussion topic. Since GW is highly unlikely to settle the issue with an updated LM FAQ, you need to settle this with the players in your local meta.

    I believe they should get PF attacks (mostly so I don't have to differentiate dice), but most of the players in my local area do not, and I do not believe the extra PF are mathematically significant so I don't press the point.

    The answer to the second question is fairly simple.

    The Kroxigor in a Skrox unit have the Stomp special rule, but they rarely get to use it because Stomps require the model to be in base-to-base contact with the enemy. So if you keep a Kroxigor on the side and they get flanked the Kroxigor on the side gets to Stomp someone. Likewise if the enemy kills enough Skinks that they force the Kroxigors into base to base contact, the Kroxigors would then be able to Stomp.

    Also, welcome to the forums!
  3. kduncan145
    Jungle Swarm

    kduncan145 New Member

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    Thank you for the quick reply. The reason I ask is that I run a skink heavy list (basically no slann and no saurus). Skrox units will be the only units I will let get into HtH with the support of stegadons. I will have to talk to my local group of gamers to decide on the predatory fighter rule, it would be nice to get those extra couple predatory fighter attacks from my kroxigors and I totally get the no stomp unless in base to base contact.

    Anther quick question, if a skink chief rides a stegadon, can I use his BS to shoot the giant bow?

    Also, thanks for the welcome to the boards. I started playing warhammer in 4th edition and committed to lizardmen in 5th edition when the first lizardmen book came out but I haven't played in about three years. I am slowly getting back into it and I have always been fascinated by the southlands army build. Skinks are just cool.
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    The new 8th edition book is unclear and there is no FAQ clarifying it BUT the seventh edition book had an FAQ for the exact same situation and explicitly said that Stegadon howdah weapons always use that of the crew, not any characters. The general consensus is to grandfather that ruling in to 8th edition even though you could theoretically argue that's void.

    If you decide to incorporate Slann into your lists, the spell Hand of Glory can help Giant Bow shots a lot. Basically we just have to accept that the Giant Bow will rarely hit things. Fire it whenever you can because you might roll a "6", but NEVER forgo close combat just so you can shoot the Giant Bow.

    The Tactica Index should have lots of good threads for you, but the best one would probably be the thread called How to Skink.

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