7th Ed. silly newb WYSIWYG question for models

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by angelwuff, Jun 15, 2009.

  1. angelwuff

    angelwuff New Member

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    sounds a little silly, but how close to you have to get for WYSIWIG on models. I know you can fudge a small percent of weapons (say, stick a few hand weapons in spear unit if that's the sort of crazy weirdo you are.) but I'm mostly curious on heroes and magical items.

    While it seems a lot of fun, do you have to try to model magical items on your heroes and lords? Or do people just assume that spear or sword or whatnot is likely magical.

    I used to play 40K where I recall it being pretty strict, but so far can't seem to find anything in the rules right now. might just be missing it in tiredness.
  2. Corbechev

    Corbechev New Member

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    It really depends on your play group and tournament scene, i know our area isn't very strict, As long as your BSB has a banner, and you make an effort they are usually happy with it.
  3. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah 40k is very strictly WYSIWYG but WHFB tends to be a lot more relaxed. You definitely do not need to show all your magic items, it is definitely preferable to have the right weapons (ie. be holding a shield if you are equiped with one) but when you think about it, even a simple axe can be anything from a hand weapon to a magic weapon to a great weapon.

    Also remember that while unit standards do not physically hold the same weapons or possibly a shield, they are still counted as being equiped with the same as the unit.

    Basically convert what you like, but for anything beyond a shield or maybe a bow you don't really need to model it.
  4. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    Another good thing about fantasy vs 40K (I myslef have just converted with Lizzies, and soon as i can WoC,) is that your oponents shouldn't know what you've got (it's more of a surprise that way,) but others are expected, like a WoC chaos lord/exalted hero being tooled up specifically for challenges, or mages with dispell scrolls.

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