8th Ed. My take on 2500pt Dual Carno

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Jason839, Feb 3, 2015.

  1. Jason839

    Jason839 Well-Known Member

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    I wanted to run a MSU style list that still has the punch necessary to get in there and smash things when it has to. Thanks to the 50% Lords and Heroes Errata, this seems easier than ever. Here is my take on Dual Carnos, please look it over and provide feedback. I think I will be taking this to an upcoming GT, and any advice on improving it will be greatly appreciated.

    Oldblood- General, Great Weapon, Shield, Armor of Destiny, Dawnstone, The Other Trickster's Shard, Carnosaur- Bloodroar, Loping Stride

    Scar-Vet- BSB, Great Weapon, Light Armor, Talisman of Preservation, Charmed Shield, Carnosaur- Bloodroar, Loping Stride


    Skink Cohort (14)- Musician, Standard Bearer, Poisoned Attacks
    Skink Cohort (20)- Musician, Standard Bearer, Poisoned Attacks
    Skink Skirmishers (10)-Javelins
    Skink Skirmishers (10)-Javelins
    Skink Skirmishers (10)-Javelins
    Skink Skirmishers (10)-Javelins
    Skink Skirmishers (10)-Javelins

    Bastiladon- Solar Engine

    Ripperdactyl Rider (6)
    Ripperdactyl Rider (3)

    Chameleon Skinks (6)

    Salamander Hunting Pack - Extra Handler
    Salamander Hunting Pack - Extra Handler

    I plan on using the smaller cohorts as a bunker for tetto while the larger unit holds the center of my skink cloud. With all the vanguarding, this looks to be a very fast paced army that can get up close to the enemy and start peppering them with poisoned shots very early. I am trying a unit of 3 rippers for chaff and a 2nd bloat toad while my main unit of 6 is what I use to eat up infantry. Hopefully I have enough magic between the laserdon and Tetto.
  2. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    What I can't remember (and dont have the book to check) is whether the Carno gets the same +2 to riders armour saves or just +1.

    OB - I'd drop the shield:
    OB starts with 4+. AofD makes that 2+ and then Carnosaur makes it a min of 1+ (plus the 4++ from AofD) and the reroll.

    Why the shield? Can't be used in combat with a GW and you're already at 1+.

    (if the Carnosaur grants +2 to A/S like a Cold One, then I'd swap the Aof D to glittering scales and take Talisman of Pres from scarvet and give to the OB. This would give a 1+/4++ with a -1 on enemies to hit him in CC. Also consider giving Fencers Blades (Not sure of points here) for WS10 - This would mean many enemies hitting on 6s.

    Scar Vet starts with 5+, Light armour 4+ and Carnosaur makes it a min of 3+. Shield would be beneficial against shooting but again not in close combat.

    (If carnosaur grants +2 to A/S like a cold one, then given the changes above, give the SV the AofD for 1+/4++).

    There is a thread somewhere on OB and SV builds (sorry haven't looked! :oops: )
  3. AllSeeingWraith

    AllSeeingWraith New Member

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    wow it looks like we are building a very similar list.

    For gary the carnosaur only gives +1 to the rider, only cold ones give the +2 for some reason.
  4. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    Its because they are stupid :D
    What I don't understand about these sorts of lists is how you ever break steadfast. You have 0 ranks in the entire army, unless fighting in the forest. You can grind down a whole lot of slaves and goblins, but so long as 5 remain they roll on base leadership, probably with a reroll. Is the idea to kill every last model with wounds instead of by CR?
  5. Jason839

    Jason839 Well-Known Member

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    Thats how I have been trying to play it. Usually I will pick a few units at the start of the game that I want to focus on killing. Usually 1 big expensive unit and the rest are small chaff that are easy points to pick up. The rest of the game is spent killing these units and denying points to my opponent. Carnos and Rippers also have a dual use in scaring things off the board. Its a good way to get rid of giant blocks of cheap infantry.

    Its not how I normally play, but after trying to make saurus work since 8th started Ive just grown tired of big expensive blocks of saurus buffed by magic getting steamrolled by pretty much everyone.
  6. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    So you are banking on the bloodroar? I am always so afraid to charge units with the carno because of how easily he can be tarpit (due to the ranks). I suppose its better he be tarpit in combat, than cannoned outside of combat.
  7. Jason839

    Jason839 Well-Known Member

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    Well blood roar definitely helps, but surrounding the units I mark for death is gonna be the real kicker. A list like this needs to isolate a target and destroy. So really I'm expecting to only kill one or two things a game. The rest of it is shoot move deny and control the board.
  8. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I am curious as to why you deploy your Rippers in a unit of 3 and a unit of 6. Why not three units of three Rippers for a third Blot Toad?
  9. Jason839

    Jason839 Well-Known Member

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    I am sacrificing a 3rd frog to ensure at least some rippers get to attack. I expect a lot of people to be taking lists in the 0-5 swedish comp range to this tournament. We are all kind of this way, as its a big power gaming community. Rippers will die before they reach combat, and die before they can attack, its just expected. With a block of 6, Ive found that I can survive shooting and their attacks with around 2-3 rippers remaining, which is still enough to win a combat over the kinds of things rippers should be charging.

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