8th Ed. Combat reform after wipeout

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by ahbrown42, Jan 26, 2015.

  1. ahbrown42
    Jungle Swarm

    ahbrown42 New Member

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    The rules state that a winning unit can perform a combat reform to bring more models into base contact.

    What happens if it is a wipe out?

    It seems by the rules that a unit that completely destroys it's opponent cannot reform at the end.

    In a recent game, my cold one riders completely destroyed a unit of tomb chariots. I wanted to reform at the end to set up a charge on a unit of necroknights that were two inches to my immediate left and engaged in close combat.

    Because the necros were directly to my left, I couldn't charge them on my next turn because they weren't in my forward arc. Even though there were 2 inches away! So I had to reform on one turn, and charge the next turn.

    This seems unrealistic and stupid so I assume we were getting some part of the rules wrong.

  2. Kblock

    Kblock Active Member

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    Your Cold Ones should have been able to reform after wiping out the chariots.

    Pg. 53 in the BRB under the Wipeout paragraph:

    "...In such cases, the unit automatically restrains pursuit and reforms."

    This is the case for a normal combat resolution at the end of a round of CC.

    If the chariots were wiped out on the charge, and the Cold Ones did not overrun, they can also do a reform.
  3. owain_b

    owain_b Member

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    However there is some contention over these rules if the unit was wiped out due to crumble and not actually killed in the combat itself.
    There is a massive discussion about this on a vampire counts forum and the view seems pretty split. If the unit is wiped out due to crumble there is a very good arguement suggested there is no reform.
    Its all to do with the order in which things happen and the combat reform happens before combat res is done due to there being no need for combat res to be worked out, however, crumble happens after combat res and so the opprtunity to combat reform has been missed and no combat reform is allowed.

    Just something to think about, I'm not really sure where I sit with this one but as we cant decide our gaming group have opted to allow combat reform after crumble as we feel this is what was intended. But could be wrong.

    Although I could be confusing this with overruns?
  4. owain_b

    owain_b Member

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    Just looked into this further.

    You do get to reform after wipeout as Kblock stated and the ruling for overrun was FAQ'd it seems so you do get overrun after crumble.

    Sorry to double post, should have refreshed my memory better before posting in the first place.

    My bad

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