Army Fluff Backstory/story

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Glyn, Jun 15, 2009.

  1. Glyn
    Jungle Swarm

    Glyn New Member

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    hi all

    i've been working on this today it's a kind of back story for my army and at the same time it may go on and be a bit more. i have no idea if this belong in this forum or a totally different one though so i'm placing it here and if it needs to go elsewhere i'm sure some kind Mod will move it...anyway here it is and i hope you all enjoy.

    The Rebuilding

    The cavern was dark, cold, and dank, no torches guttered to illuminate the chamber no skink priests watched or tended the pools the entire Temple City of Axlotl had long since been abandoned by order of the Mage-Priests. Nothing disturbed the tranquil silence of the chamber as the constellations slowly moved into the pre-determined alignment.

    Outside the city the birds grew restless and the great Stegadons lifted their heads and roared followed by a mighty Carnosaur as they began to move towards the city drawn there by an unknown force, herds of cold ones screeched their primordial cries and joined the procession to the city, Maritzal blinked his cold reptilian eyes as he watched the happenings around Axlotl and listened the reports of the other skinks that sat watching and guarding the city, something very important was happening in the Great Plan of the Old Ones involving the city.

    The spawning chambers silence was disturbed by a single drop of water falling from the ceiling to hit one of it sacred pools with a resounding plop the ripples spreading outwards, followed by a second and a third, still the constellations grew closer and closer to the prescribed alignment. In the jungle the outside more and more of the wildlife grew agitated and the jungle rang with the cries and calls of the many animals that called Lustria home.

    Maritzal moved towards the edges of the city studying, assessing his thoughts taking in everything something inside him told him this was what he had been spawned for to be a part of what was happening now. He turned his head and looked back to the forest line and quickly told the other skinks to travel to the other Temple Cities and inform the Mage-Priests of what was happening at Axlotl so they may understand it’s place in the Great Plan. Maritzal quickly scampered his way up a building to a ledge and sat watching patiently to see what happened next.

    The constellations drew together over the following days into the perfect alignment and the Spawning Chamber came alive as one by one, then in groups Saurus and Skinks broke the surfaces of the spawning pools pool the great Temple of Axlotl, their skins and scales shinning from the pools liquid, many looked at each other and the variety of skin and scale colours seemed to cause a momentary confusion amongst the Saurus, some were purple skinned with rich blue scales while others had a pale blue skin with the same rich blue scales. One group of Saurus stood apart from the others slightly larger and more muscled their flesh was rich green and their scales dark. These were soon followed by large Kroxigors, all the spawning soon gathered themselves into groups and started to march up the ramp towards the air, the city and the jungle…suddenly they all stopped and looked back to the pools and watched in expectation a small group of Skinks had stopped and were chanting rhythmically standing in the waters of one pool then the surface split and from it rose a large thick set saurus with almost white skin all the assembled Saurus immediately dropped to one knee and bowed knowing that this Saurus was specially marked by their gods for a special and great duty. Kor’Qua looked around his spawning brothers and nodded once then strode purposely up the ramp past them all leading them out to the temple and to the city, his cold reptilian eyes recording every single thing he saw as he passed it. Onward the spawning marched until it reached the great temple city that was ruined about them, without a word being spoken the skinks spread out and split into various groups and immediately started planning repairs and excited hisses and chirrups could clearly be heard, the Saurus who were still in their groups spread out and began patrolling the city searching for the weapon and armour stores, other skinks returned to the great pyramid and began studying the many hieroglyphs and runes there. Kor’Qua watched it all impassively immobile as he studied the city looking for something then he exploded into movement as he heard the roar of a Carnosaur, he raced down the vine choked avenues until he saw the mighty beast he opened his mouth and roared at it the Carnosaur turned it’s heard and roared back in challenge as the mighty beast tried to bite Kor’Qua in half he vaulted onto the creatures back and gathering a handful of scales kept a tight grip as the might creature went into a frenzy trying to throw Kor’Qua off it’s back, Kor’Qua held on all the while pushing his mind into that of the Carnosaur trying to communicate with it, slowly he succeeded and the Carnosaur roared once more then stopped it’s wild thrashing and became calm as the two became bonded together as one. Kor’Qua guided the mighty creature who was named Xa’Hua back to the temple and the rest of the lizardmen there.

    The skinks and Kroxigors were together as the skinks explained things to the mighty Kroxigors they nodded and moved off, some gathered stones and started to lay them where building once stood, others found large clubs and began to beat the avenues clear, the skinks went to work inside the building pushing small stones into place, sliding tiles into place on roves and returning the city to a place of life. Maritzal watched it all feeling amazed that a spawning had happened in the city at all he had heard of such things before but never witnessed it everyone thought that as the mighty Slann had order the city abandoned and dead that it would never see life again “the plans of the Old Ones are indeed strange and incomprehensible to the likes of me” he thought to himself. Then he looked to the entrance to the Temple and saw the rich green Saurus that hadn’t moved since they reached the platform where if there was one resident a Slann would sit and oversee the city “Temple Guard” he breathed to himself as he studied them.

    Dozens of dark green skinks gathered together at the edge of the city and studied the Stegadons that had gathered there and began to talk amongst themselves before splitting into groups and climbing onto the mighty beasts and guiding them either into the city to help with clearing rubble and debris or out into the jungles to gather materials to make the weapons and howdahs that would transform the mighty beings into creatures of war. Other skinks climbed to the top of the temple and there they found flocks of Terradons waiting as if by instinct each skink moved to a particular Terradon and mounted it before guiding it into the air to wait others to join it soon there were several formations swooping over the city and nearby jungle.

    In the heavens the alignment continued and the spawning pools continued to issue forth life, four more groups of the rich green Saurus destined to be the Temple Guard emerged and marched to join their Spawn-Kin more skinks and Kroxigors followed and soon more Saurus followed there were different to any of the previous saurus of the spawning in that they had the green flesh of the temple guard but the blue scales of the saurus warriors, these warriors ran quickly out of the temple and out to the jungle and to the waiting cold one herds that had gathered there, as one they leapt onto their backs and after a brief struggle the cold ones were under control and the mighty riders assembled and began to patrol the city and it’s borders. The alignment of the stars began to end and the spawning slowly finished one last spawning made its way from the pools below the Temple these were skinks but were the rare chameleon skinks that sometimes came from spawnings that had a great destiny. The city lacked but one thing now a Mage-Priest to guide it and even this, the Old Ones had made plans for, far away in the Temple City of Hexoatl the mighty Slann Mazdamundai felt a stirring in Axlotl and deemed that he must act upon it, as he did so one of the other priests of Hexoatl opened his eyes and commanded his Temple Guard to bear him to Axlotl that he was needed there by the will of the Old Ones.

    To be Continued.....

    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah I will shift this to the fluff subforum. ;)
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  3. hellbreaker

    hellbreaker Member

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    *claps hands*

    Interesting piece of work. ;)
    Could use some polishing thou... But who am I to say this? I suck at story writing

    Well it's a good effort, looking forward to the rest. ;)

    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  4. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    Hurray! another army fluff about builders! I myself wrote one about my army protecting and building one in the southlands (this is where my main enemies-skaven, orcs and TK are)
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.

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