8th Ed. Lore of Undeath

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by LeCacty, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. LeCacty

    LeCacty New Member

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    How viable is the lore of undeath for lizzies? I feel like it could help by providing some cheap infantry but besides that is there any other reasons to use it? Sorry for the terrible post, I've been lurking for months and decided to finally make an accout :D .
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forums!

    I'm working on an nearly 100% converted Vampire Counts army and since it's slow going, I've been emjoying the Lore of Undeath because it lets me use my sparse VC troops alongside my numerous LM troops.

    I did some number crunching on things to summon here.

    My first game with an Undeath Slann reported here

    I dabbled with a L1 Skink with it in a Tournament seen here though to be honest, Undeath played a very small part of it.

    I believe an Undeath Slann stacks well against Fire, Metal, Shadow, and maybe Life but falls short in utility versus Wandering Deliberations, High Magic, and Light. I believe it beats a Beast Slann.

    Playtesting has suggested to me that on a Skink, a level two is best, because you can probably roll a decent summoning spell with two chances. Otherwise you are stuck with the sig spell, which isn't bad but it's not as versatile.

    I don't think it's worth buying a bunch of undead models if you didn't have them already.

    If I ever play a game with End Times magic rules from Khaine I definitely plan to take High Magic and swap out for an Undeath spell and the free extra lore mastery.
  3. LeCacty

    LeCacty New Member

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    So skink priests can use undeath or is it still just beasts and heavens? Also is there a way for me to get the stats and point cost aside from nagash or the army books?
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Yes, All wizards can take it unless they have specific rules conflicting with it . Skink Priests can take it. Tehenhauin can take it. Mazdamundi can take it. Kroak cannot take it because he uses Deliverance of Itza instead of generating spells normally. Tetto'eko cannot take it because he specifically has Lore Mastery of Heavens. A Slann with High Magic can use Contemplation to swap in Undeath spells. A Wandering Deliberations Slann can not use it because the wording of WD specficially says the eight lores in the main rulebook.

    Not legally. GW gets really uppity about their intellectual property. ESPECIALLY the points costs.

    Note Nagash has two undead units in it (two types of Morghasts), and they are pretty lousy outside of pure Undead armies. If you can borrow the Vampire Counts or Tomb Kings books, great, otherwise I would not recommend buying the books just out of curiosity about the Lore of Undeath unless you are made out of money. If you don't like fluff reading, Nagash just for the mechanics is not a good deal.

    I play Lore of Undeath because it's fun more than I play it because it's competitive.
  5. KingCheops
    Temple Guard

    KingCheops Active Member

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    Khizaar the Soul Stealer is very good for dealing with high toughness, high armor targets. It is direct damage so we have Arcane Vassal to overcome the "limiting" factor of it's 12" range. A Slann can easily 2 dice it. If you manage to inflict a single unsaved wound (ignores armor so it's just Ward/Regen saves) you get d3 Raise the Dead counters.

    I found that when I did try to use Undeath that a lot of the stuff in the Tomb Kings book that I wanted or unit sizes I considered acceptable required a few Raise the Dead counters to work. Khizaar is the key to making it work. Although reading over Slukhim the Hand of Dust that'd be freaking hilarious on a Skink Priest.

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