8th Ed. Have Specific End Times Questions? Get Answers Here!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Overlord of Serpents, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    So spoilers and rumours below for the 'Council of the Winds':

    Incarnate of Death: Nagash
    Incarnate of Life: Alarielle
    Incarnate of Shadow: Malekith
    Incarnate of Fire: Ungrim
    Incarnate of Metal: Thorgrim's throne (briefly)
    Incarnate of Light: Teclis's Staff

    Incarnate of Heavens: Karl Franz

    Incarnate of Beasts: Grimgor Ironhide
    Incarnate of Metal (post-Thulgrim): Balthasar Gelt
    Incarnate of Light (post-staff): Tyrion
    - Apparently resurrected (with Nagash at large and apparently in cahoots with Teclis, it's not a far stretch). Teclis steals the fire of Ulric from Middenheim, claiming they 'need a hero', which would correlate nicely with this rumour.
    Incarnate of Fire (post-Ungrim): Cadaryan
    - Apparently Aqshy leaves Ungrim, to be claimed by Cadaryan. ET: Thanquol does mentioned that the Wind of Fire settles within Ungrim 'for a time at least', implying it's not necessarily permanent.


    I cannot recommend enough salt to be thrown at this. The rumors for every End Times books have been a bit wild and as we get closer to the end they get more and more crazy. I personally don't believe the Lore of Fire will leave Ironfist, but I wouldn't be super surprised either if they made a move to finish off the last of the dwarf special characters.

    Balthasar Gelt seems likely along with an Ogre character like Greasus Goldtooth, though Gelt was a major character in Nagash so I imagine he'll be back, though I'm a bit skeptical that they'll take him out of his big fall into Necromancy. Tyrion coming back seems the least likely in my opinion, as Teclis explicitly stated that he could never be brought back for him and Khaine were inseparable and you cannot revive one without the other. That being said, it would not totally blindside me if stealing Ulric's flame had something to do with this.

    That being said, I'm going to extremely disappointed in the Elves if they get all the glory by consuming half of the lores. It's hard to tell if all of the glowly characters that have shown up (Thorgrim, Kroq-Gar, Valten, and Gregor) had temporary lore powers. It may very well be Thorgrim consumed Metal and Kroq-Gar Beasts temporarily during the final battles for their respective realms. Personally I'm more inclined to believe that the text was suggesting that these were the final vestiges of Godly power, Kroq-Gar becoming crazy powerful with the implied return of the Old Ones and Thorgrim gaining strength from the last of Grungni's power.

    Thanquol had a lot of the final major players for entire pantheons outside of the Elves that were resolved in Khaine. So we'll have to see, but I'm curious if the Lores are truly capable of bouncing around that much.
  2. Ranorian

    Ranorian New Member

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    Overlord, thanks so much for writing all this out and responding to questions!

    I was discussing all this with a friend of mine and he pointed out that if Gelt is a necromancer...and he gets the Incarnate of Metal...

    He could make Necrons.


    The Old World becomes the first Tomb World!

  3. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    How about Kroq-Gar steals Teclis' staff to become Incarnate of Light, making all Lizardmen permanently WS10 I10? I like that idea.
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Did Tehenhauin the Prophet of Sotek get a mention in the fourth ET book?

    I'd personally prefer he remain a historical character because Skinks shouldn't be immortal (nor non-wizard Elves, I'm looking at you Alith Anar!)

    That being said, I rather like Tehenhauin's models and I think he would be an interesting choice with the End Times magic rules although the ET Beast spell blows, I think Tehenhauin would be better than a Slann for summoning and occupying an arcane fulcrum.

    Also, the gimmicky part of me wants to give Tehenahauin the Lore of Undeath, just because it's allowed...
  5. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    Tehenhauin the Prophet was probably the most active Lizardmen in Thanquol. And he definitely is the same Tehenhauin that beat the Skaven originally. In Thanquol he's stupidly strong and appears to survive the End Times. He also comes in a new force called the Red Host which upgrades skinks taken with him to WS3 and Arks of Sotek get 3d6 str2 hits instead of the old 2d6. Also his force hates skaven, and none of this costs bonus points and counts for your Core, which is SUPER nice.
  6. zink
    Jungle Swarm

    zink New Member

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    What happened to Beastmen in EoT?
  7. KingCheops
    Temple Guard

    KingCheops Active Member

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    Mostly just folded into Chaos and Archaeon considers them and Skaven to be essentially the same thing. The guy that had the rivalry with the Middenheim elector gets killed by said elector and there was some big badass flying dude who got killed by either Martak or Valten during the final battle at Middenheim.

    Grimgor and Tyrion are confirmed as Incarnates. No stats yet on Tyrion but the Grimgor page has leaked. He apparently gets Beasts while O&G are fighting Ogres and they are all so impressed by him that the 3 forces create the Beasts Waagh! His rules reflect this as he has a bound spell that gives bonuses to O&G plus Ogres within 12".
  8. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    The Beastmen show up all over the place in multiple fights. Probably their biggest moment was during the Fall of Altdorf in the Glottkin book. The made up one of the 3 factions Nurgle's champions led against the city. One was a mostly Warrior force led by the Glottkin, one was a mostly daemonic force led by Epidemius and the Maggoth Triplets, and the final one was a mostly Beastmen force (after all his warriors died to forest goblins) led by Gutrox Spume and a powerful Beastmen shaman called The Harbinger.

    Taurox the Brass Bull was shot in his one weak spot by the huntsmen special character from the Empire and died.

    The Harbinger was burned alive by the Emperor's Dragon when Gregor Martark lured his pursuer's into the Imperial Zoo.

    Khazrak the One-Eye was killed by Boris Todbringer (Count of Middenheim) in a duel, after which One-Eye's herd ripped Todbringer apart.

    Malagor the Dark Omen was killed in the final stand in Middenheim. After spamming pit of shades and killing a large number of soldiers and war machines, Gregor Martark (now blessed with Ulric's spirit inside him) hurls an Ice-covered Amber Spear (which is waaaay more powerful) and kills him with a single blow.

    Note Khazrak and Malagor died during Thanquol. Likely the remaining they're going to use will appear in Archaon.
  9. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    The new incarnate reveals are interesting. We also have Balthasar Gelt (despite having been cast out and turned to Necromancy) becomes the Incarnate of Metal after its temporary stay in the Throne of Power with Thorgrim. Also the Lore of Fire goes into Caradryan, presumably after Ungrim Ironfist dies.

    It doesn't surprise me that probably due to the Dwarfs' magic-resistant nature they are unable to contain/hang on to the lores. Curious (and a bit disappointed) that they're having Tyrion come back to life (since his death was a MAJOR part of Khaine). Grimgor will be a lot of fun and Ogres joining Orcs and Goblins will be really awesome.
  10. Trociu
    Chameleon Skink

    Trociu Active Member

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    Do you remember what happened with Settra after his talk with chaos gods?
  11. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    Sadly that particular bit of information is still hidden in the dark. It is most likely Settra will arrive on the scene in Part 5 and we'll find out who's side he is on. There's a number of factions that have been revealed so far such as the remaining Khainites combining with the evil tree spirits of Athel Loren, lead by Belakor; and the Undead/Nurgle faction that appears to be led by Isabella von Carstein. Likely we're going to see every single final trick the Chaos Gods have up their sleeves, and I've already seen a copy of the book enough to say that this damn thing is HUGE. So whether Settra will join the Chaos Gods or the ones opposing them remains to be seen. It is likely many of the incarnates may die in the final battle, in which case Settra buffed up by the Chaos Gods may be powerful enough to face Nagash.

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