8th Ed. To those not abandoning ship...

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Xuil, Feb 16, 2015.

  1. Xuil
    Chameleon Skink

    Xuil Well-Known Member

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    I'm sure a large number of us are currently waiting to see what 9th brings in order to decide where to invest our time and money, when it comes to armies.

    Forgive me if this is the wrong board on the forum to raise this, but:

    How many are sticking with Lizardmen, no matter what? And, of you guys, is anyone looking to acquire more models through trade?
    I need to branch off out into 40k in order to keep playing with my gaming group. :pigeon:
  2. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Regarding both lizardmen and their spaceships: I am still on board.

    If everything goes as bad as rumour has it
    my host will evolve.

    Savage Spawnings will have frenzy

    Shimmering spawnings will have a wardsave

    agile spawnings will be be harder to hit

    and the stoic spawnings will fear nothing.
  3. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    I got the army, no reason to sell it. My group will likely continue 8th edition if 9th edition fail. Maybe it'll only last a year, maybe two, but hopefully we'll have fun while it lasts :)
  4. JPowah

    JPowah Member

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    Im putting them on the shelf till 9th then bringing them back down :D
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I do not suggest abandoning ship before all the facts are on, but if you are...

    About the only things I need to have what I view as a Perfect collection of LM would be some more Razordon and some more Rippers.
  6. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    I think many of us will stand strong by our army. I know I for one intend to enjoy 9th no matter what comes over the horizon in May or this summer. If my Lizardmen become retro, so be it, but don't think I won't sub every damn model for whatever army I'll move to if 9th forces it. I'm still of the strong opinion the lizards will return, in some form or another. And when they do, I'll be ready.
  7. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    I'll never give up my lizards.
  8. SilverFaith

    SilverFaith Member

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    I have lost interesting in painting and buying more models for the moment, but that's mostly because I don't want to invest money in something that might not be useful/fieldable at all come 9th, and this whole mess has turned me off quite a bit. But I certainly have no plans on scrapping my lizards, especially not when no one has any idea what will actually happen.

    People need to remember that the whole "Lizardmen will be scrapped" rumour is not part of the original rumour/leak, but some heavy "between the lines" reading that makes a ton of assumptions. Kinda similar to the whole "round bases" spectacle some sites have blown way out of proportion, likely just because someone at GW decided to throw his Plague Furnace and Screaming Bell on round bases because it looks better. Those square bases are far too small to properly fit the models as it is.

    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    I won´t give up my Lizardmen. Never!

    If I cannot play my lizards, I am not playing at all.
  10. Chicken Lips

    Chicken Lips Well-Known Member

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    I just got into Lizards when all of this ET stuff came up! I'm certainly not giving up on them now!

    I've always liked the idea behind Lizzys, but I never took that final leap. ET was the push that I needed to start them. I will collect what I can, while I can and just enjoy them no matter what 9th edition does to us. If bad - 8th ed. rules. If good - well then, we're good.
  11. KingCheops
    Temple Guard

    KingCheops Active Member

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    I play the army not the game. If there are no lizards in 9th well then see you later 9th. That still leaves 3 editions of Warhammer I deem acceptable and 3 other fantasy games that I am currently enjoying (KoW, AoA, and M!).
  12. pgarfunkle

    pgarfunkle Member

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    If I cannot use my Lizards in 9th then I will play 8th but I do not think that they will be squatted in the end.
  13. Ulodwor

    Ulodwor New Member

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    Well, I'm not going to instead invest in another army that is not rumored to be killed outright, that's for sure. Looking at the rumors it seems GW currently plans to gut every 8th edition army that is not eliminated. Maybe they'll be somewhat usable in 9th edition, maybe not.

    If the Lizardmen are completely squatted, that simply makes it a lot easier to decide on how to continue. I won't have to consider whether to buy additional models to keep the shambling corpse that is my 8th edition army running through 9th edition, into the freak show that awaits beyond 9th which I suspect will offer little to no rules support for 8th edition models.

    The Lizardmen might be screwed but so it would seem is everyone else, more or less. At least for us it will be a clean break. I might buy a few missing models if I stumble upon them and can get a really good price. Otherwise I just can't be bothered, the outlook is too bleak at the moment.
  14. Malebranche

    Malebranche Member

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    I don't think we're getting scrapped anyway. I think 9th will simply be a more grimdark version of fantasy, and they want to ensure everything fits this. I don't think Slann worked for this, so they decided to get rid of them and put more of an emphasis on our sinister shamanistic (skinks) and carnivorous savage (Saurus) aspects, while putting more emphasis on the aztec/mayan inspiration (more sacrificing/eating of hearts).

    In other words, I think we'll be just fine.

    And just in case, I'll start devising whether to use the beastmen (if they don't scrapped too) or chaos warriors books.
  15. Ersh
    Cold One

    Ersh Active Member

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    Same for me.

    Well, I had a lot of time to think about all that happened to LM and to WH:FB.

    If we will take as fact, that GW are remastering all WH:FB .. that mean that the problem is not in WH:FB, that it is "sells bad", but in GW only. In fact, plastic model that was made in China is VERY cheap. May be even few $ for models like Carnosaur, but GW sells them for $85 !
    So, I thought, that this business simply can't fail. It's nearly impossible. But GW made it.

    And remaster will not solve the problem, problem is not in game system, but in GW itself. No "new blood" can solve it, unless it's a "new blood" in GW.

    I'm not leaving until 9ed, I really love my lizzies, I will not play any other army, but I paused my activity.
  16. InflatableFriend
    Jungle Swarm

    InflatableFriend New Member

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    Warning: Rant inbound.

    You really love your lizzies? Honestly? Doesn't read like it.

    GW's mini's aren't actually that over priced, sure, they could stand to be a little cheaper but if you shop around you can get the original minis for a fair price (unless you live in Aus/NZ where luxuries are stupidly expensive and the wildlife stupidly dangerous).

    There's a whole raft of artists and staff involved in producing a kit for sale, let alone getting it to the high street for you to buy. Overheads and initial costs that a simple counterfiet casting operation doesn't have. It's enough to say that someone stealing something produced by another team, making resin copies and selling them on the internet has a tiny percentage of the costs of the origional producer, the actual final production is but the last tiny stage!

    If you love your lizzies, and you say you'll do, then how can you attach no value to the work of the concept team that roughed up the ideas, the sculpting team who turned those ideas into reality, the mould tool team who took that sculpt and refined it for casting and the staggering cost of producing the actual production mould tool, the manufacturing team, the packaging team (not forgetting the teams who painted the models, photographed them, designed and manufactured the packaging), the distribution team. All of the support staff needed at the various stages of the models life, the costs of the equipment to do all this, the costs of the buildings to house all this, the rent of the store front where paid employee finally sells you the product.

    If you love your lizardmen, then you need to realise and accept that each one of those figures took hundreds and hundreds of specialist man-hours to produce.

    Buying cheap knockoffs shows you have no respect or understanding of that it takes to actually create something worth having, and without respect and understanding, you ain't got love.

    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    I understand what you are saying, and I agree: If we want Games Workshop to support the miniatures, we gotta buy the models.
    I am not trying to display myself as an angel, but I have personally always bought my models new, I have never bought them cheaply off the internet, but I fully understand why a lot of people might do that.

    GW´s products are rather expensive, but as InflatableFriend pointed have pointed out, there is a good reason behind it.
    I would rather like a quality product than a cheap one.

    I might not always agree with GW, but at the end of the day we, as gamers are dependent on them, if we want our hobby to live, and they are dependent on us, if they want to make money out of it.

    It is plain and simple: If we sustain GW with money to make miniatures they will keep making them, which i assume is what we all want.
  18. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I respectfully disagree. I buy some of my models second hand and some of my stuff from the stores.

    Dollar for dollar I probably spend about two-thirds of my monies directly from the store (mostly books and paints). If I did not have the option to buy a large portion of my stuff on the secondary market, then I would not have re-entered the hobby and GW would have gotten NONE of my money rather than a some of it.

    The possibility to re-sell minis also propels sales to an extant.
  19. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    There is no other game that matches both the scale and quality of GW.

    There simply is not another miniature game that is cheaper, and of similar quality and depth. End of story.

    my buddies wanted me to start malifaux and I was appalled at the quality my 50 dollars would be buying. It's disgusting.

    Same to warmachine. Gag.
  20. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    while buying knock ofs is hurting the game
    buying secondhand is not.


    Your Slann model is more worth as product, if it can be sold twice.

    1: Buyer1 buys slann from store
    2: Buyer1 sells Slann secondhand to buyer2

    Buyer1 is more confident in completing purchases with GW, as he knows the product
    is strong enough in its brand/quality for him to reliably get a portion of his money back, should he choose to.

    Money Explained:
    I dont give 300 danish crowns for a slann.
    I give 300 danish crowns for a Slann which after I am done with it can be sold to regain me
    at least half.

    Why it is great to GW:
    Because while buyer 2 never buys from GW's own store,
    - he evidently doubles the sales of Buyer 1.
    - he increases demand on GW's wares, keeping up the secondhand prices (the closer to original price the better)
    - he increases awareness on the product, as he is the reason ebay and sites like it is overflooding
    with warhammer.

    Everytime you buy a preowned GW miniature, you do GW a favour.
    Everytime you buy a re-cast, you hurt them and the community.
    Everytime you buy an alternative model you are sending GW the message "I am not willing to pay
    your price for the product" which they counter by saying "No alternate models in our stores".
    If this doesn't affect or bother you, it is up to them to change your opinion.

    You are not here for their sake, they are here for you.
    No customer owes GW ANYTHING unless that particular customer feels he/she does.
    That is the definition of customer loyalty:
    You cant demand it, you must achieve it.

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