8th Ed. Disjointed thoughts about End Times (doom'n-gloom warning)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Raithial, Feb 16, 2015.

  1. Raithial

    Raithial New Member

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    Guys, I don't want to stir the pot, but I just want to express what's going through my head at the moment.

    The one word that sort of comes to mind when I think of the Lizardmen in regards to the end-times is "pointless" Everything about them feels pointless now; and I have no desire to play them anymore with the news of the end times.

    Each victory I had with my Lizardmen, regardless of how insignificant felt as a slight victory to bring order to the world, to set it back on the path of the old ones; or at least to recalibrate to a new path to stability. Bith in skirmish-matches and campaign-rides. All that feeling is now pretty much gone.

    At this point it feels asif GW is trying to make the armies of order into either corrupted former good-guys, or corpses for the undead to use.
    With all the slann either KO or K.I.A. all cities in ruins, and what remains of our forces adrift in space, what is there left to do that is of any meaning? The only decent story I can think of that would suit the lizardmen is rallying the survivors and trying to be a society (sort of like the original southlands idea). But that would turn into a revenge-flick...
    I'm now just hoping that GW will realise that dismissing the Lizardmen as a viable army is a bad idea, because in all likelihood they're about to alienate a huge portion of their clientele. (I was about to call it a fanbase, but at this point, this seems hardly the case.) There is a mere shard of me that hopes that they will come back with the lizardmen in some way, and that they'll return with the Lore of the Old Ones, and that there will be a number of our troops that are now so impressive that they will rival the new kits for Skaven, undead and chaos. An incarnate of beasts, A red crested Slann on a mission. One who is pro-active and who now leads the renewed Lizardmen Empire. And that Gor-Rok also appears as a champion worthy of the deeds attributed to him. A badass that is willing and able to crush the skulls of undead, chaos and dark-elf alike to dust and feast on the corpses.
    though, in all likelyhood, these are mere wishes that will never come true...

    GW's half-assed attempt to ensure the survival of the elves has also left me bitter for sure. Which side should a decent High Elf choose? The side of Tyrion, a lord we all know and love, but who has become an avatar of Khaine, or do we bend the knee to that bastard son of a hag Malekith who turns out to be the divine phoenix king? and it's not like they gave us a third option which would've been right in front of their faces; Alith Anar, make a faction that stands for the true high elven spirit, against the bastard elves.

    I can also imagine the undead-players and chaos-players now getting a massive slaughter-boner and I am currently not really in mindset to be able to handle the endless taunts about it I'm going to get at my local store, which is also in part why I've avoided my store since Thanquoll came out.
  2. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Re: Disjointed thoughts about End Times (doom'n-gloom warnin

    The same as there has always been, and will always be.

    The sacred sworn duty of the gods firstborn.
    Created to align the variables of the world towards the old ones decree.
    While the great plan has failed, the old ones will and legacy has not.
    It is time for the saurian to interpret the new environment on their own,
    and to deduct what path the old ones would have chosen.

    and upholding

    The children, now matured, will carry the heritage.
    The great purpose will not be quenched.
    Chaos shall not thrive.

    Gather your host Raithial!
  3. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Re: Disjointed thoughts about End Times (doom'n-gloom warnin

    ...oh...may I kindly ask you to speak for yourself though :p
    I cant stand the guy, his arrogance or his childlike un-thought out behavior.

    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: Disjointed thoughts about End Times (doom'n-gloom warnin

    yay speech for the Lizardmen :smug:
  5. InflatableFriend
    Jungle Swarm

    InflatableFriend New Member

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    Re: Disjointed thoughts about End Times (doom'n-gloom warnin

    I wouldn't worry to much about the End Times nonsense, at least not until we've actually got the final retail print of 9th Edition clutched in our awesome hands.

    There's no denying that there are a lot of changes afoot for WHFB over the coming months. GW are a business first and foremost and WHFB hasn't been performing as it should for a long time, it needs to attract new blood to remain a viable option and while changes may hurt they're ultimately preferable over the total discontinuation of the line.

    There are a lot of rumors, yup. Can't deny that, some of them even come from fairly good sources - But I wouldn't go trusting in them completely, they're likely to be inflated, misinformed or just plain fabricated. A few years ago I worked in post production on some reasonably high-profile film projects, more than a few of our staff passed many an hour trolling their socks off on various forums 'leaking' the most outrageous rumours and inside information to see who could get the biggest outraged reactions. It's more than possible the same kind of thing is going on to some extent right now.

    Reasons to be cheerful, 1 2 3..

    Even if the changes go ahead and we aren't one of the 6 initial factions we can still use our 8th edition books, that's no worse than how things pan out for many factions in 40k with whole editions passing by without a suitable update for their codexes.

    Change isn't necessarily something to be feared. It seems the main issue is that WHFB just doesn't feel that dynamic unless you're drawn quite deep into the fluff side of things, even then as cool as they are the Lizardmen are quite static, chilling on their dangerous island of terrory-doom 'led' by giant slumbering toads with a deft line for decade long naps and all-round narcoleptic action, staffed by butt kicking lizards who are content to stand around staring moodily into the middle distance until such time as ordered to murder the heck out of something. Worse, given that they're entire shtick is fighting chaos they actually seem to do very little of that. A reconfigured world-map, geopolitical upheaval and a swift kick to the lore-pants could allow the lizardmen to become a much more active and dynamic force, out their in the world kicking chaos's butt via activity and action rather than through super-power naps. It could well be awesome - Just look at the new Harlequins releases to see how great it is when GW get something spot-on.

    It can all be ret-conned. GW aren't beyond just ignoring the heck out of something that they and their players have invested a lot of time and effort in. All it takes is a shrug and a handwave and all of a sudden the whole End Times is naught but a memory, Bobby's in the shower, it was all just a dream and the world is reset via whatever mechanic ready for the next Simspons episode. Storm of Chaos anyone?

    There's also a few reasons to think that much of the world as we know it is going to remain the same rather than this whole 'bubble' nonsense. GW have more than a couple of irons in the fire on the videogame front that should bolster the game-world as we currently know it. Left-4-Skaven (Vermintide), Mordenheim and Total Warhammer will bring interest, it's unlikely that they'll be investing current usage of their IP into something that'll be redundant or unrecognizable when the games are released.

    There's months to go before 9th pops its head above the parapet, until then zip upp your awesome-suit, inspire yourself with Phatmotha-phucka's words and get back out there and let your armies kicking of butt speak for you.

    If folk really are weird enough to tease and taunt you over the contents of a book and how their armies are winning, just smile ask what part they played in the battles or the writing of the book to be so proud of it. Or make a challenge of it, "Sure" you can say, "Your armies can win when someone else is writing about them, let's see how they poorly fare when you're playing at General on the table" Or you could point out the Lizardmen saved the planet, flew into space and still had time for a quick trip over the Horizon. (and, honestly, I really do doubt there are many people immature enough to get all swaggery over a story. It's probably much much worse in your head).

    Failing all that positive malarky you can just take heart in it all being good(ish) natured pretendy fun time.
  6. pgarfunkle

    pgarfunkle Member

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    Re: Disjointed thoughts about End Times (doom'n-gloom warnin

    I'm wondering if the 6 armies thing is true perhaps it is 6 races that are included in the starter set as army lists (probably not models) and then other races may be added later with expansions and additional army books.
  7. Chicken Lips

    Chicken Lips Well-Known Member

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    Re: Disjointed thoughts about End Times (doom'n-gloom warnin

    ^This. I've been thinking the same thing since that rumor hit.

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