8th Ed. 2500 points combat heavy

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Gary_M, Feb 22, 2015.

  1. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    I've got a friendly game on Monday and was toying with the idea of trying a very combat/magic support (ie no overtly offensive magic) heavy army, and would love your thoughts on it:
    Old blood, CO, Fencers Blades, Glittering Scales, Dawnstone
    Old blood, CO, GW, Steg Helm, Talisman of Preservation

    Scarvet, CO, GW A of D, BSB
    Skink Priest, lvl 2, Dispel Scroll
    Skink priest, lvl 2, cube
    Skink priest, lvl 1

    35 Saurus, full command
    3 x 10 skink skirmishes

    3 rippers
    7 cold ones, full command

    Ancient steg, EotG, both upgrades

    Still undecided as to lore for skinks. with EotG I think it's best to keep all priests on same lore, probably beasts.

    What do you all think?

    My game will be a Lizardmen Civil War (what would the old ones think?)
  2. Elholm

    Elholm Member

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    well it looks solid... there is not much to comment on, but i have the last couple of days been toying with the idea of a OB with blade of realities... in this match-up it could come in handy, imagine you telling your opponent that his AoD scarvet cant take his 1+/4++ save and then he just remove him, i think it would glorious :D! and when you pack beasts then the savage beast of horros is pretty easy to get and therefore a lot of attakcs that hurt ...

    another thing could be putting skink on steg, lesser deployment shenanigans but more survivability on the fellow??
  3. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Seems allright at a first glance.

    Old blood, CO, Fencers Blades, Glittering Scales, Dawnstone Using the mighty Dawnstone on only a 3+ armour save seems not quite effective, consider giving him either a 1+ armour save or getting some other upgrade. You are not getting the full benefit of the item
    Old blood, CO, GW, Steg Helm, Talisman of Preservation

    Scarvet, CO, GW A of D, BSB You need this guy, dont drop him. Solid choice.
    Skink Priest, lvl 2, Dispel Scroll
    Skink priest, lvl 2, cube
    Skink priest, lvl 1 What is the point of this guy, anther Wyssans Wildform? 2 lvl 2 skinks should be fine i think, especially with 2 scrolls

    35 Saurus, full command A bit big for my taste, you might be running around the rosies for quite a while with these guys as your enemy is probably quite able to get out of this units way.
    3 x 10 skink skirmishes With javelins i take it?

    3 rippers Gotta have those warmachine hunters
    7 cold ones, full command Consider making one of your Oldbloods a Cowboy to ride with these badboys to give thema lot of punch and general monster killiness. They are not very good on their own, they are also reffered to as the cowbow delivery system. Most of the time they are ran in units of 5, but 7 should give you a bit more flexibility and wounds i guess.

    Ancient steg, EotG, both upgrades Unstoppable stampede is generally bad, you dont use the extra attack on the charge very well. 10 points for an attack you are only getting once or twice a game is pretty bad. This is especially true on a EotG Steg, you want to keep them slightly more save then those rowdy young baby Stegs. Horns is to be considered if you want to kill monsters even more. [/color
  4. MasterKrox

    MasterKrox Member

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    Both old bloods are on cold ones he has a 1+ not a 3+
  5. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Aaah,, ok, that completely chages the list. It makes the Dawnstone a lot better, just consider giving them GW's then. I never ran a COC Deathstar, but i imagine it's quite killy and way to expensive for what it does. Happy hunting and tell us how it went.
  6. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the comments guys.

    I played the game on Monday, my oppo had four fighty characters (2 x OB, 2 x SV - All comboys), Tetto and a Priest for Heroes/Lords, Core was all skinks (2 blocks of 25/26 cohorts inc poison and a couple of 10 figure skirmisher units), a unit of 5 chamo skinks, 2 sallies (each with extra handler) and 12 cold ones (split into two units). One of 6 plus the characters, and another of just 6.

    It was a really easy going game although we started late unfortunately, so didn't get the full game in.

    We played the Meeting Engagement (the scenario where we deploy diagonally and have to roll to see if units arrive - Any roll of 1 means they start in reserve).

    I had two units in reserve (the saurus block and a skirmisher unit) , while he had only one, his cham skinks.

    Overall, I learned (and re-learned, the hard way) some lessons:

    1. I can see how rippers are good, but going into the front of a unit just isnt the right thing (In the game I 'had' to charge them into a salamander to stop it getting shots at my saurus block). The combat took a couple of rounds but eventually the rippers died.

    2. Never charge a monster into combat unaided - There was however a rationale here - To protect the flank of my cold one bus - It was a damn expensive bit of chaff though (In the game I took the decision also to get the benefit of impact hits, this was combat against the character bus and despite this the lone steg handled itself quite well. However in the final turn we played (T3 I think) it lost combat, failed morale and was run down despite rolling 11 on the dice!

    3. Skirmishers just can't be ignored - Even by higher toughness stuff like us. Invaluable.

    4. The builds for the OBs and the SV were awesome. They didn't take a single wound all game. If we had continued, it would have been very interesting - Having run down the steg, the character cold one bus was open to all three characters charging it individually (they were seeing off the cohorts). His characters looked to have been built to attack (sword of battle etc) whereas mine were mainly defence in terms of armour / ward saves. With two of them using Great Weapons, and the third being hit on higher rolls due to Fencers Blades and Glittering Scales it would have been close.

    5. Magic was pretty much a breeze. It did help that Tetto dropped to Lvl 0 on T2 or 3, but even before then I was stopping the spells I wanted to stop (and didn't see a comet all game!). He tried a bubbled Savage Beasts but having been stomped by that spell the last time we played (he was Brets that time) all I had to do was hope that it wasn't IF'd. It wasn't so I used the cube against it and didn't roll a 1 (phew!). Against higher level wizards I might struggle but I felt I controlled the magic in this game.

    6. Never miss an opportunity - I had the chance to use Amber Spear against Tetto - Potentially gaining 185 points easily - I decided not to and cast a different spell. Mistake I think.

    7. Don't leave vulnerable skink priests alone and out in the open. Lucky for me I only lost one, but it could have been a lot worse. (When I started playing WFB again in 2013/4 I made this mistake time and time again. In this game I reverted back to my bad habit)

    When we called the game I had lost by about 3/400 points I think, but it could have been a lot closer if we had been able to continue. He would have lost some fleeing units (they were on table when we finished unless he rolled either double 1 or 5) and my saurus block was getting into a position to support the characters if needed.

    Got to say while I like playing the chap on Monday (really relaxed games, if we miss something and as long as its not too far passed, we go back), I've never beaten him, yet. Will keep trying though.

    In response to @airjamy - The lvl 1 skink priest was there because I didn't know what else to spend my final 65 points on!
    I've tried them before and they've done ok. I was initially a bit worried about taking such a large block and, like you said, an opponent dancing around them, but so far I'm happy with them - I did have them stand up to a Doombull and 6 Minotaurs, albeit with the help of Wyssans.
    Yes, skinks were with Javelins - Sorry, should have said so.
    I took 7 cold ones simply for maths, with the 3 cowboys, I had a unit of 2 rows of 5. I never thought I had OCD, but thinking about it, I do like all my units to be even blocks when starting a game so who knows...?
    Ancient Steg - I see your point, like you say, 10 points for something non-magical used once or twice a game? Situational, and in this game I didn't have the right situation. I took the sharpened horns as although I knew I would be fighting lizards, I obviously didn't know his list. I was expecting a steg of somesort and/or a basti. In the end, he took neither.
  7. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    You are welcome,

    7 Cowboys in a single game, what is this madness? XD Well, at least we won't be surprised where the nerf bat strikes next i guess. A lot of characters on his side, i generally don't like that but i guess i'm in the minority here as it did work.

    How large was the unit of Salamanders you charged, if it was only one you should have won it easily i'd say, especially if you had your toads on them. These are the units i would also target with my Rippers, should be fine.

    If you don't get hit by a cannonball, your Oldbloods should indeed never die. Great guys. You should be able to handle magic with your list, 3 wizards is a lot.

    If you would have 65 points left, take another 10 skirmisher skinks if you can eat away 5 points somewhere else, maybe the champion on the COC? That one extra attack for 10 points is not that good, and there are very little challanges your cowboys would not want to take. Just an idea. :) With the unit of Saurus i would be very much afraid for all cav tournament lists, then they are just VC waiting to be picked up.

    As a last point, taking sharpened horns should be ok especially against other LM, you suspect other big dinosaurs then. It's just that if you put full points in the upgrades for the Steg, you put all eggs in one basket, charging with it. I think you got the idea.

    Hope you had fun!

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