8th Ed. Mazdamundi? Let's discuss

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Stevethepirate, Feb 23, 2015.

  1. Stevethepirate
    Jungle Swarm

    Stevethepirate New Member

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    Evenin' folks!

    So long story short I've come into a few lizardmen... including 5 stegadons and 3 slanns (don't ask). And I was thinking, I'm never going to use more than 2 palanquin slann, so instead of selling the 3rd, why not Mazdamundi?

    There's no doubt he'd be an awesome little modelling project, but how do you guys find him in the game? I don't think its worth arguing about the better options for Lords and Heroes, but has anyone used him here? Fun?

    What lore works with him? Any support elements that he HAS to have with him in an army?

    C'mon guys, convince me this is a good idea!
  2. Skinquisitor

    Skinquisitor Member

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    He is overpriced. Period.
    For fun games: take him with light magic, gang up with at least 4 more steggies(pref ancients). Pop aoe phas protection, timewarp, and smash into your opponent in turn 2 ;) Addition: seeing your opponents face when you put 5-6 steggies to the table: priceless.
  3. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    Remember that fluffwise the old Mazda is dead, so if i were in you i'd wait to see what happens before starting this kind of conversion
  4. Skinquisitor

    Skinquisitor Member

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    For my Mazda conversion, I used the old metal steg and slann, its throne can be applied to the howdah, if you remove the side panels :) I did the basecoating, but its yet to be painted.
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    If you follow the Space Pope's Steggy suggestion, you'll need a fair bit of Sauri. If you fill up your Core tax you can even take some Temple Guard.

    Why take lots of Sauri? Because Sauri do well when making combo charges with Stegadons. They also work great with the Lore of Light.

    You don't have to take the Lore of Light, just make sure your army list is built around the lore you are taking mastery of.

    Maz should probably be in a grand army. Then you could get some mileage out of his 18 inch command radius.

    If you want to use him in a normal sized game (thanks to the 50% Lord allowance) I would recommend taking the Lore of Life to keep Maz (and more importantly Zlaaq) alive as long as possible.
  6. Skinquisitor

    Skinquisitor Member

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    Life might work well, but light is better for a stegadon list. If you take him into a regular army, life is cool. Throne of wines+earthblood provides the same as pha's protection against warmachines, + even better in cc. Or... giving him +4T means they are wounded on 4+.
  7. Stevethepirate
    Jungle Swarm

    Stevethepirate New Member

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    Cheers for the replies guys!

    Model-wise I was planning on just slapping a Palanquin onto the steg and leaving off the majority of the howdah details (obvs it won't be that simple but its the basic jist).

    List-wise, I wasn't planning on running a stegadon list. Maybe 2 ancients with pipes and then Mazdamundi with a Bastilidon for support so there'll definitely be some target saturation (though stegs with a Bastilidon would be pretty sweet). Maz is the obvious choice, but there'll be some doubt creeping into the guy aiming the cannon. And I am a huge fan of Saurus with skink support. I usually try to cram in at least one big (24-30) unit in there, and ideally 2 blocks.

    I was thinking of Life, but also Shadow, for the sneaky switching with a Scar-vet/Old-blood when I'm in a spot I don't want to be.

    Cool, this requires some thought.

    Has anyone out there actually used him in a game?

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