8th Ed. To those not abandoning ship...

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Xuil, Feb 16, 2015.

  1. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    Was anyone arguing against buying second hand? its an integral part of the community and part of why I think the price of GW is so reasonable. They withhold 80% of their value for years and years.
  2. Chicken Lips

    Chicken Lips Well-Known Member

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    I buy nearly 80% of my models from my local GW store and the other 20% off eBay. I have never bought anything from China or any other copy company. I have bought things from companies such as Avatars of War, but that's just because I liked their models.

    That said, I think the reason so many people are tempted by buying from these copy companies, is that there was already a high level of suspicion that GW was charging a premium price for their products. There was a fair bit of complaining about it and as a result, GW decided to release fine cast as a way to maintain the current level of quality and reduce the price through manufacturing processes and materials. But what happened? Instead of lowering their prices like they said would happen, they raised them to outrageous levels. $99 for one box of 5 Blood Knights? Are you kidding me? If I collected VC, you bet I'd be tempted to look overseas at alternative costs for those same models. I think this is what has pushed so many people over the edge.
  3. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    My mistake, you are right.
    I just read it as "not bought at GW = BAD!" .
  4. Ersh
    Cold One

    Ersh Active Member

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    Imo you guys don't get the simple point.
    GW have an absolutely winning game, with huge money drawback. Major wargame in fantasy settings with an army of fans. Plastic toys that a overpriced, that's the fact, and still we pay for it.
    And still GW has failed. So any remastering of FB will not help it. Problem is not in the game system, it's in the GW management.
  5. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    I'm in a state of impending pain.
    I collect both Lizardmen and High Elves for fluff reasons. If Lizardmen are removed or discontinued then my heart will hurt.
    High elves is already ruined for me, because high elves and dark elves and wood elves are all the same.

    I play for the fluff, so if the fluff sucks, then good bye.
  6. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I am a Henchmen for Wyrd (I demo the game and host events)

    Have you seen the new models from Malifaux? I have been playing Malifaux for the last 2 years. These are some of the most dynamic models that I have ever seen or painted! I could not find a game of Warhammer Fantasy in my area for Months at a time, but there is an active Malifaux community in my area.

    As to the cost of the models, anyone that starts Malifaux can have a full crew that is playable for no more than $50. Obviously, there are more models that can be bought, but the cost of the models is a fraction of what you would pay for almost any GW model.

    The only quality issues that Malifaux has run into in the last two years are some scale issues and some delayed delivery issues. Their older metal models were not the greatest quality, however, they are still more dynamic than any of the models that GW produces.

    Further, Wyrd, the company that produces Malifaux actively listens to the gamers that they cater to. They do open beta testing on their rules before they produce a new rule book. They are the most engaged gaming company that I have ever seen.

    I have drank the Wyrd Koolaid, btw.
  7. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    Know this is off topic. But GW has stopped using Fine Cast, only selling out what they have in stock.

    This seems to be controlled by access to the products. Seen this mentioned several places.

    Back in 5th edition we had a very active community where I live, but now its basically just a few of us left. The main reason is that the stores that was selling GW products has stopped taking it in.
  8. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I would agree with that. The only source of GW products are a HobbyTown store (who does not keep their stock updated) and a local Comic book shop that has very few products.

    The closest GW store to me is almost in Baltimore, MD, I think. There are some closer stores that carry more stuff, but not much closer.

    40k has a much larger group in my area.
  9. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    Being able to play the game for 50 dollars is an entirely separate issue. It's a skirmish game compared to an army game. The model to dollar ratio is still worse for malifaux and the quality is inferior.

    FB or 40k could easily be a skirmish game you play with 5-10 models and the cost would be identical. But that's a radical different game.

    And I have seen all of the recent wyrd range. I think As a whole the quality is meh. Overall I feel like GW releases a far more diverse range of consistently better quality across the board.

    But ofc to each their own
  10. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    If the rumor about WHFB turning into a skirmish game is true, then this might be the case in the near future.

    Also keep in mind that GW has released skirmish rules in the past. The games have some more specific rules and are quick to play. Not unlike a Warmahorde game but closer to the spirit of Warhammer.
  11. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Can someone say "All Army Mordheim"?
  12. StarFyre

    StarFyre Member

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    I'm one of those abandonning ship. I decided, in the end, i'd prefer to get less nicer models than entire armies for a game i didn't play that often anyways. So the money i got from selling my liz (i have kept some stuff i really like such as the slann, skink priests, gor rok, etc) i used to get a whole bunch of the Mierce monsters.

    love their Chimera :) best chimera ever. Anyways.... if lizardmen came back, i'd probably get back into it IF ppl played in my area but most local GW are gone now and nearest one is far enough out of the way that i'm rarely in that area and won't make special trips just to go there.

    I play for the models....even if lizardmen are playable but as teh rumours say, no more new models that to me is a dead army. GW is a model company .. NOT a game company. They have said this themselves. It's not like TSR/WotC/Hasbo - where they make D&D and even if they don't make D&D miniatures, other company miniatures are just fine.

    Sad to see all the fear of not knowing what happens to ones army :(
  13. Putzfrau

    Putzfrau Well-Known Member

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    All the latest rumors point to lizardmen sticking around.

    Just FYI.
  14. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    They point to that they stick, but Harry said "no further support", which he explained to be no new models.

    This can mean a lot though...

    He specifically says "lizardmen" but if they get merged with someone else, they wont be "lizardmen" anymore.
    With all the talk of "cross-army" units, I think this is the more likely event.

    I will keep mine, but will be VERY frustrated if we go the way of the brets.
  15. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    Ignore Harry on this one. A lot of strong sources (including a fellow I was able to speak to personally) have said he's full of shit on this particular subject and he's upset a lot of figures with his doom and gloom predictions. I think it would be very wise for our community to not give him this one and fracture us.
  16. InflatableFriend
    Jungle Swarm

    InflatableFriend New Member

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    First, just to clarify - It's only thieving disgusting recasters that I was expressing contempt for, 2nd hand (bless you ebay and your wonderful oop mini's), cheaper distributors (like Wayland) and those who sell bitz or make things missing from the GW lineup are all great.

    Gotta agree with this sentiment!

    Harry has mentioned a few times that his information comes second hand from his source and is by his own account quite old and possibly outdated. Until things actually come to pass then I wouldn't put to much faith in conjecture and rumour.

    Also consider that the '6 factions' thing refers to the INITIAL factions. There is plenty of scope for GW to expand the range of factions as 9th edition progresses.

    Until we actually have everything done and in front of us panicking about nebulous what-ifs and murky rumour is just a waste of time and energy for everyone.
  17. KingCheops
    Temple Guard

    KingCheops Active Member

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    The rumor that we will be a small add on later down the road is the one that strikes me as correct. Sort of like what happened with the recent Harlequin release. I'm 100% convinced that FB is going to the 40K publishing cycle. We'll have 6 big army books for the main "factions" and then a lot of smaller data slate or mini-codex style release to fill in the product line. I'd also expect to see more Shield of Baal/Sanctus Reach style products to come out since they are suddenly selling really well.
  18. Rikard

    Rikard Well-Known Member

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    I'm confused, not quite sure whether I should feel guilty here or not. >>

    Hopefully the whole thing won't go into a "them and us" camp. It's hard to carry on with WHFB if you're an elf or Lizard player, let's be honest on this one, doens't matter if you end up being strong as an player for your army or not.

    I'll happily hold my hands up and admit continuing my Lizards (especially sculpts and conversions) has been exceptionally hard, trying to knuckle down and sculpt feels like trying to run through treacle.

    At the moment I am still churning out lizardman heads, trying to find something that has a different and awesome look.
  19. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    that would be "not" , and not just because of double standards:

    You are NOT a business that re-casts GW's sculpts, are you?

    To my knowledge you do your own sculpts, inspired or not.
    I see no wrong in that, rather I would call it beneficial for the community to have you.
    I could make a list of WHY I think so, but that would put me in danger of being accused for said double standards ;)
  20. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    I agree with Mofo. 100%

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