8th Ed. 1200 vs DE

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by bhuddiver, Feb 28, 2015.

  1. bhuddiver

    bhuddiver Member

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    My attempt at keeping it short...

    Old Blood
    -Piranha Blade
    -Glittering Scales

    Scar Vet
    -Armor of Destiny

    2 Skink Priests lvl 1 both Beast
    -one with Cube (Curse of Anaheir)
    -one with Scroll (Wissons)

    20 Saurs
    -Hand Weapon and Shield
    -Champion and Standard Bearer

    11 Skink Skirmishers

    6 Chameleon Skinks

    5 CoR

    I was 1 point over, he said it was fine. I put OB in CoR, SV in Saurs block, 1 Priest in Skinks, 1 alone.

    Sorceress lvl 3
    -Blade thingy (chose a spell)

    Witch Rider?
    -Sword of Might




    Bloodwrack Shrine

    Dark Riders

    He had the some kind of hero on the Shrine, while the shrine was in the middle of the Executioners. The sorceress was in crossbowmen. He hadn't played Fantasy in quite a while, so it was kind of a relearn for him.

    From left to right:
    DE - Crossbow/Sor, Dark Riders, Corsairs, Executioner/Shrine
    LM - CoR/OB, Suars/SV (with priest behind them), Skinks

    I put chameleons near his sorceress, he vanguarded his horses up near my saurs

    I managed to go first. Turn 1:
    LM: Moved up all forces. charged Saurs at Dark Riders who ran. Shot and killed a couple crossbows and executioners from respective skinks
    DE: Shrine charged skinks (who were in marsh), they fled but shrine/executions "stuck" in it. Corsairs moved up, crossbows shot. Dark Riders shot. Lost 1 saur, lost 2 chameleons. both held.
    Turn 2:
    LM - OB unit charges Sorc unit, Saurs charge corsairs, skinks reposition and shoot. Chameleons kill 3 of 5 riders, they hold. Skinks kill a couple more executioners. OB unit wipe out Sorc Completely. SV Saurs win combat and chase down corsairs.
    DE - Remaining Dark Riders move to block a charge on Shrine/Executioner flank. Shrine chargers SV/Saurs. Absolutely slaughters my SV/Saurs and run it down.

    That's where we called it since we spent a lot of time making sure we got the rules right (or as close as we could) before he went to work. Up until this point magic did nothing the whole game. Either I couldn't get it off or I scrolled/cubed him.

    During my turn I was going to wipe out the rest of the riders, skirmish shoot/curse the shrine until it died or until I could have it frenzy charge off the board.

    So very very short game, but learned more. I was very worried, but most of his army I was able to shoot/cc better (until I ran into the Executioners) and I kept his more powerful magic from ever going off. Next game with him probably won't go as well, since he was very rusty when it came to deployment.

    Thoughts? Tips? Was a fun game, especially since I've grown used to being almost shot off the board before I get into cc.
  2. bhuddiver

    bhuddiver Member

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    It was a Cauldron of Blood with a Death Hag. I don't know DE models very well :/

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