8th Ed. I will never listen to internet interpretations ever again!

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Mr Phat, Mar 9, 2015.

  1. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    "Not so friendly thread" incoming

    okay...so I just finished the lizard fluff in Thanquol
    ...(no...NOT the torrent that just got out :p)
    ....and I might be late to the party here
    but....what the F! people!?

    Nowhere does it even come close to a death sentence...

    It clearly states

    - Some slanns stays to help mazda, rest goes to space with selected skink attendants.
    (This is so ridiculously clear that I feel embarrassed to have given anyone who said otherwise any credit for
    informing me.)

    - Plenty of temples gets away
    - plenty of spawning pools are hinted to be preserved...IN THE TEMPLES THAT GET AWAY
    - NO ONE but Kroak and Mazda from our book is said to die.
    - The chunks of lustria is send "UP" ....UP!!! and beyond the horizon of the world!

    basically: all survivors IS IN SPACE!

    what the f gives birth to the thought of us becoming squated ?
    I am VERY agitated that apparently someones TERRIBLE english
    selective reading have had me in doubts for so long.

    - Events
    - Semantics
    - Hints
    all points to continued survival.

    All that doesn't is the mention that "Lizardmen" will not be continued in its current form
    ...but the same goes for about ALL armies.

    All previous speculation about us going away is stegadonbull-'hit.

    hold your cold ones, take a LD10 test with cold blood and re-rolls....


    ......rant over...
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  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

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    ASSASSIN_NR_1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    What a feeling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmFDEKXezas

    Good times await it could seem, as we, from what I have heard, did better than the other races.
  4. Trociu
    Chameleon Skink

    Trociu Active Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    Yup. I'm going to read this book maybe this month but after reading previous End Times i had simillar fealings.
    If we won't get trashed I will be happier - new cheap Slann is coming to me this weak, and i hope that I will get some more cheap figures to play before everyone become sain again.
  5. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    I agree. I think the only fear for LM being squatted was that they just leave forever, which was fed by the Warseer rumour-fest of people speculating on the 6 factions rumour for WH9 and vapidly concluding LM were to be dropped.
  6. NexS1

    NexS1 Well-Known Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    What happens to lizards in space though?
    Do we become anti-tyranids? Do we migrate from planet to planet, abolishing evil?
  7. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    All guesses are equal.
    My personal guess is something along these lines:

    1. the Temple-ships will rendezvous with the chunks of lustria, forming a New Lustria cluster.
    - The chunks of lustria is without a doubt a writers mechanic to explain
    why we still have carnosaurs, salamanders and other dinos.

    2. The Slann senses that chaos slips in into this dimension, and decides to leave it.
    - While I have my doubts that Archaon will stand when this is all over,
    I am quite certain that Chaos will win this time around.
    The world WILL fall, and that is why we DONT get squated: everyone is MEANT to leave the planet.

    3. The Slann warps New Lustria into their own pocket dimension
    - *Bloop* Lizards in 9th/bubblehammer (Which I think will be called "Realms" :p)

    4. You can play "Lizardmen" for as long as you like in 9th, but we will recieve no futher updates.
    - BECAUSE: we will eventually receive a book, named as something else.

    Like ALL the other armies we are going through a massive re-vamp.
    Probably a namechange, paradigm-shift and unit style.

    This is my contemplation on the matter.
  8. Trociu
    Chameleon Skink

    Trociu Active Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    Tyranids are made by Old Ones so I heard that after Lizards went to space to find Old Ones they found them... and the Old Ones started to experiment on Lizardmen and boom! 40k has Tyranids.
  9. Overlord of Serpents
    Cold One

    Overlord of Serpents Active Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    Based on my own readings of Thanquol (which are all in that mega-thread I'll post the link for) I'm still strongly by the idea the toads are gone for good. The rest of the Lizardmen will be returning, of that I'm certain. The Slann going to the stars seemed to have been a significant event in the book, as that line literally was its own paragraph. The rest of the lizardmen went "beyond the horizon". Those are not the same thing. I think Kroak created our pocket dimension for us in his last act, but I doubt the Slann will be returning. That being said, it's just my opinion so we'll see what happens.
  10. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    with all respect for your work Overlord, being the only summary of the book that actually made sense,
    I simply don't agree with you.
    I think you are misinterpreting the context.

    You read "beyond the horizon of the world", I read "Up and beyond the horizon of the world".
    Given the events of the planet, and the will to leave it, I think it irrational that Kroak, an omnipotent being,
    would go out of his way to simply move lustria to get meteor showered elsewhere.

    Regarding the

    "it was time for the slann to return to the stars"


    You read "it was time for the slann to return to the stars...(and never to return)" (please correct me if not the case)

    I read it like this:
    (after millenias of fighting, and upholding the great plan now lost)
    "it was time for the slann to return to the stars".

    Yours: end of the "slann era"
    Mine: End of the "Lizardmens duty on this planet era"

    In all fairness: both can be true, as it comes down to interpretation, which mean: We are both guessing.
    We simply cannot make a final conclusion, as it doesn't undisputed say either.
    I have a hard time seeing it go your way though :p
    as it from a narrators point of view makes very little sense.
  11. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    Not to derail this thread into the realm of Thanquol speculation, but considering the balancing issues GW have had with the Slann I can imagine them happily taking this as an opportunity to remove them. I feel Thanquol vindicates this: having the majority of the Slann die, along with both Slann characters, and the survivors "return to the stars" in a renunciation of the world due to the failure of The Great Plan.

    The LM in general could easily be brought back, the bubbles providing an excellent opportunity to keep their dinosaur aesthetic, even if they aren't included in the initial faction release. I imagine they'll be somewhat re-imagined (I did see a rumour that GW are taking them down a Draconid path - flying Krox please!), to fit them more within the thematics of the new world(s). Although, you could easily justify continuing to play traditional LM in 9th by saying some of the last floating land-masses/temples got caught in whatever apocalyptic dimensional event GW decides to use to transform the setting into bubblehammer.

    I also interpreted the "horizon of the world" as just a magniloquent way to say that they've left the planet, however I don't think either interpretation matters as it's a pretty obvious method to remove LM from the narrative, for now at least.
  12. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    I also thought about the "how to remove slanns for dummies" angle, but why not have them all die then?
    Having a big portion of them taking of seems like a way of saying

    "alot died, but not enough so that you wont be able to bring them anymore!"
    but we will see..

    im not that much for the draconid angle to be honest :/
    I like the theme as it is, but wouldn't complain if the dragon-kind was ADDED to the existing :D
  13. KingCheops
    Temple Guard

    KingCheops Active Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    God dammit MF shut the hell up! Everybody keep selling your lizardmen! The sky is falling! Remember people will only pay 25 cents for each model now so post them low. Don't listen to reason keep helping me fill out my army on the cheap.
  14. Jackdaw
    Jungle Swarm

    Jackdaw New Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    Overlord: thanks for you masterful and uplifting take on things. Great nostalgia- wish it were true....

    Unfortunately all of this is irrelevant. The reason we have been left some faint hopes, as have Dwarves, Brettonia, Khemri, Beastmen and the various Elves, is just to keep us all hanging on while they sell off the stocks in store and in the warehouse.

    They have seen WH sales going down vs. 40K so their answer is to turn fantasy into a scaled-down wannabe 40K! ...with, wait for it....Warhammer SPACE MARINES (new super strong race) to fill up the empty shelf space.

  15. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    I hear that exact same rumor every year... :rolleyes:
  16. Chicken Lips

    Chicken Lips Well-Known Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    Honestly, I'm in your camp Phatmotha-phcka.

    I didn't even interpret the Slann as being gone for good, but rather "recharging" like Superman to a red sun, in a place where Chaos couldn't reach them. I think that they are totally going to come back just as Teclis and Incarnate company are doing their big final magic push to stop Chaos. The Slann will tip the scales in favor of Order.

    Those that went up in space are the ones who were destined to fight in this final battle, the others were moved "beyond the horizon" to keep them safe and alive.

    I don't think we have anything to worry about.
  17. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    agreed, except: I dont think the slanns that left will interact anymore in the end times
    (personal idea, cant back it up with anything but a gut feeling.)

    The planet is lost, they know it, and that is even after the greatest of their kind sacrificed themselves.

    I still hope that they will orbital bombard Archaons forces (or just the planet really), but its more wish than thought :p
  18. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    Before the doomsaying clouded my mind, I had the theory that the big mess of the End Times was going to reshape the world into something NOT directly based on the real world map and real world history.

    I figured when the dust settled, Chaos will just barely manage to fail to destroy everything (per usual) and the Forces of Order would survive intact (per usual) only all the nations barely covered by GW models and rules would go poof, Halflings, Cathay, Tilea, Estalia, Araby, Ind, etc.

    I'm not sure what to think about the Slann...
  19. SilverFaith

    SilverFaith Member

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    But the "narrator" is GW, which is the epitome of making "very little sense".

    Not disputing your argument, just pointing out that this last line of reasoning is kinda faulty when dealing with GW :p

    I still don't believe the Lizardmen will die out as an army. The Slanns might go, because they are Fluffwise better at magic than elves, and GW can't have anyone being better than their precious elves... But the skinks ARE capable leaders, and are known to act independently of Slanns. It wouldn't be much of a stretch to see them pick up the confused Saurus and lead them on to a new era.
  20. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Re: I will never listen to internet interpretations ever aga

    :smug: My money is still on the long shot...
    Now that they are in space and away from Chaos's influence,
    one of the spawning pools in the ships comes to life....
    and the 6TH Generation of Slan are born. :smug: :smug: :smug:
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