7th Ed. 2250 Point List

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by El_Collyero, Mar 19, 2008.

  1. El_Collyero

    El_Collyero New Member

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    For starters, I don't have a Slann or a Carnasor (What's wrong with me, eh?). So, I'm trying to build a 2250 point list on what's in my case. Specifically, I'm aiming for a fast, hard-hitting army. Without a Slann, I know offensive magic is mostly out of the question. However, I do want a respectable magic defense and the ability to minimize the damage from war machines.

    Below is what I've got so far. I really like my krox, skink, skink priest, and Salamander units. sarus and cold one rider units are ok. (Love to have more of both, of course. I'd also like to have a standard bearer for the cold one unit.) I'm worried about my general and bsb setups. Also, do I need terradons? Could cold one riders and or the unit of scouting skinks do the job against those nasty cannons and bolt throwers?

    Thanks for the thoughts...

    Sarus Oldblood On Cold One w/ Piranha Blade, Light Armor, Shield & SoSotec – 243 Points

    Sarus Scar Vet Carrying Battle Standard w/ Light Armor – 112 Points

    Skink Priest Level 2 w/ Diadem of Power – 135 Points

    Skink Priest Level 1 w/ 2 Dispel Scrolls – 115 Points

    16 Sarus Warriors w/ Hand Weapon & Shield & Full Command – 222 Points (BSB w/ this unit)

    17 Sarus Warriors w/ Hand Weapon & Shield & Full Command – 234 Points

    10 Skinks w/ Javelin & Shield – 60 Points

    10 Skinks w/ Blowpipe & Hand Weapon – 60 Points

    10 Skinks w/ Blowpipe & Hand Weapon – 60 Points

    10 Skinks w/ Blowpipe & Hand Weapon & Scouts – 70 Points

    4 Kroxigor – 232 Points

    4 Kroxigor – 232 Points

    5 Cold One Riders – 175 Points (General w/ this unit)

    3 Terradons – 105 Points

    3 Salamanders – 195 Points
  2. Conotor
    Jungle Swarm

    Conotor New Member

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    Your heroes should be spawned on quetzle, and you should probly take a JSOD instead of the lvl 1 priest.
  3. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    I think this list is pretty strong. You've got a decent magic defence and a pretty sound character setup. How you kit out your characters is usually a matter of preference over anything else, so I won't go into too much there.

    I like the special choices, those krox and CoR will hurt anything they charge. Terradons are always useful, be sure to keep them near the general at the beginning of the game though, I've always found that my terradons seem to attract quite a bit of missile fire ^_^

    The skinks and saurus look pretty solid as well, and skinks are always a fine choice! :)

    A JSoD would be useful, at least he's always useful to me, but I think it would be tricky to integrate him into your current setup. I actually really like both the skink priests, gives you a really good magic defence. I you really were thinking of dropping one though then perhaps BSoTepok on some of the saurus/characters? But then you would have to find the points somewhere :p

    Overall I think it should do fine as it is, but give it a few tries and see if it works for you
  4. El_Collyero

    El_Collyero New Member

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    I've been thinking about the army and I've come up with a slightly different strategy. Instead of placing the general with the cold ones, I'd leave him on foot and throw him in the second unit of Sarus. He could then take the Jag charm & be my very expensive JSOD. My thought would be that the opponent would see both sarus blocks and not know which character had the charm. That might help with the surprise element. I'd also add the Huanchi totem to the CORs to help regain the extra advantage lost by removing the gen from the unit. This will cost me one dispel scroll and a few more sarus warriors. I think I like this list better. A few more tricks and, perhaps, if terradons, CORs, and scouts do their jobs, I could delay playing the JSOD until late game.

    This list is currently only 2234 points.
    Would You Add:
    A. Bane Head To General
    B. Musician to COR & 1 Skink
    C. SofQuetzl to BSB
    D. 2 Skinks
    E. Dragonfly of Quicksilver (pointless, completely overpriced & pointless)

    2250 Point List

    Sarus Oldblood w/ Piranha Blade, Jaguar Charm, Light Armor, Enchanted Shield, SoSotec & SoQuetzl – 248 Points

    Sarus Scar Vet Carrying Battle Standard w/ Light Armor – 112 Points

    Skink Priest Level 2 w/ Diadem of Power – 135 Points

    Skink Priest Level 1 w/ 1 Dispel Scroll – 90 Points

    15 Sarus Warriors w/ Hand Weapon & Shield & Full Command – 210 Points (BSB w/ this unit)

    15 Sarus Warriors w/ Hand Weapon & Shield & Full Command – 210 Points
    (General w/ this unit)

    10 Skinks w/ Javelin & Shield – 60 Points

    10 Skinks w/ Blowpipe & Hand Weapon – 60 Points

    10 Skinks w/ Blowpipe & Hand Weapon – 60 Points

    10 Skinks w/ Blowpipe & Hand Weapon & Scouts – 70 Points

    4 Kroxigor – 232 Points

    4 Kroxigor – 232 Points

    5 Cold One Riders w/ Hunachi Totem – 215 Points

    3 Terradons – 105 Points

    3 Salamanders – 195 Points

    5(7) PD
    4(6) DD
  5. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    If you can get the bane head to work with the general then I think it would be a really good addition. My only concern is that a cunning opponent will be able to accept/declare any challenges with the champ and draw you out that way. Do multi-wounds weapons generate extra overkill on a champ in a challenge? If they don't then you might be in trouble as you'll probably be facing a lot of static CR and even with cold blood a -4 ld modifier might send you packing. But if you can get him into combat with other characters then go for it I say!

    Otherwise I think the musician on the CoR or the BSoQuetzl on the BSB are both sound choices.

    Don't know if that helps you or confuses you even more! :p
  6. El_Collyero

    El_Collyero New Member

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    The rule book states "any excess wounds scored when fighting a challenge do count towards the combat result." Sounds like all wounds from the piranha would count as overkill if applicable. A Bane Head & Piranha Blade combo could be very destructive.

    A little advice from the brains at Games Workshop--The last sentence in the overkill section: "It also means that players will benefit if they meet a challenge with as powerful a character as possible."

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