8th Ed. My First WHFB game in 20 years

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Veezara, Feb 25, 2015.

  1. Veezara
    Jungle Swarm

    Veezara New Member

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    Hello Everybody,

    I recently joined a gaming club in London and I actually have my first game against Empire tomorrow at 1500 points.

    When I say its my first game, what I mean is that its my first game in 20 years. I played 40k and Fantasy a loongg time ago but that is another story. I have been watching some battle reports online, and I think Empire are going to be guns guns guns

    So these are the models I have painted (by Gollum Studio in Manchester UK)

    60 Saurus with 2 full commands
    20 Temple Guard with full command
    20 skinks skirmishers with blow pipes
    9 Chamealon Skinks
    3 Salamanders, 9 skink pokers
    6 Terradons
    Carnasaur with Lizardman on top
    Skink character with sword and shield
    2 Skink priests
    Saurus Vetran with battle standard

    For basic tatics I was thinking that I should use a Steg to distract the cannons.

    Maybe two blocks of 20 Saurus for the fighting, 2 skink priests for magic and and the skink hero (Army General) for a sudden surprise.

    Salamanders for burnig the heavy armour.

    All advice welcome, I'm lost here!

  2. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Hi, and welcome back! First, if you have some time and want to really get back in read the current tactica for LM, its a great writeup about everything LM. It will also give some more details and backbone about what im about to say.


    From the characters side of things i would take 1 skink to do some magic, depending on how you want to roll i might take 2. I would pick the lore of Beasts on the first and the lore of Heavens on the second, the CC oriented side of your army will be very heavily buffed by the signature spell of the lore of Beasts ( you are guarenteed the signature spell of each lore you pick). Heavens is nice for some additional blasting magical support. A Saurus BSB will also be a great buff to your force to keep everybody from running. Be carefull to not put to many characters in your force, it will make it a lot weaker. I always try to take 1 character per 1K of points, i would start with one Skink Priest for magic and as a general and a Saurus for extra CC killiness and a BSB.

    2 Saurus blocks with some Skinks should be a great place to start from with your core. Bunker your BSB in one of the Saurus blocks, and you have a strong core. Always try to get saurus blocks of at least 20, never go below 15.

    The rest is cherries on top, what would you like? You will have around 600-700 points left. A stegadon is good, but you dont want it to tempt cannons,, you want the cannons to shoot at your cheap Saurus Warriors and not at your priced Stegadon ;). Distract it with Saurus so it won't shoot your Steg! Stegadons are very strong on the charge and it should be good in any list. Chameleon Skinks are also generally good as warmachine hunters, Terradons do the same. Taking a few Salamanders(if you take them, take 2 in each a SEPERATE unit) helps with thinning down hordes, they do template attacks now that dont really shred armour at all, the old days of killing armour with them is gone. Your Slann and Saurus on Carnosaur are to expensive for this low ammount of points, i would shy away from them as they would completely lopside your list.

    Take care to read the rulebook and your own armybook and the tactica before you play(in that order), there is a lot of ground to cover if you consider picking up the hobby again, and the game is a lot more fun if you actually have any idea what you are doing. I hope you have fun, do post your list and any experiences you might have had on here.

    On a sidenote, its kind of weird to think of people stopping playing warhammer 20 years ago and coming back now. I am only 20 years of age.
  3. OldOne

    OldOne New Member

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    it depends on your playstyle preffrences :)

    If you are looking for a tournement army then i would recomend you that you dont play saurus warriors at all, since they have nothing special ...

    Skink skirimishers and skink cohort are the current meto for lizies, althoug if you preffer friendly games then yes ofc saurus block will do their job :)

    As i ve said depends on your prefferences :)
  4. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    Where abouts in London are you?
    I'm London end of the M3 (South West London).
  5. owain_b

    owain_b Member

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    OP does say he only has 20 skirmishers with blow pipes, not sure how you expect him to make 375 points out of them ;)

    Anyway, I think Saurus are one of the best core combat blocks in the game. They are amazingly resiliant and can kick out quite a few str 4 attacks, nothing to be sniffed at really.

    For your core I would take 2 x 10 skirmishers, which leaves you 235 min to spend on saurus which is about 20 to cover your min core. Then you have plenty of points to pick and choose the special and rare units you have
  6. lordkingcrow
    Temple Guard

    lordkingcrow Active Member

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    First off, glad to have a returned player from so long ago! As you see, there is a debate between those that are quite fond of saurus and those that are not. While I'm a saurus guy myself, skink may be a good investment, as they are great war machine and monster hunters. Saurus will do a great job once they get into combat, but you will probably have to weather the storm of projectiles for a couple turns.

    I'm not big on running monsters in general (unless it is my beloved carnosaur... but that is more because I like the model and the potential damage it call deal with an oldblood on it :D) but this goes double against armies with cannons. They just don't hold up against artillery.

    Terradons can also do a pretty good job of war machine hunting. Maybe two units of 3? Salamanders do amazing against empire troops with that nasty strength 4 template weapon.

    Personally, I don't think I would run 2 priests, but maybe it will work out for you. I've never tried it at such a low point game.

    Let us know how it goes!

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