Hello, fellow Lustrians. As you can tell, by my cunning not a disguise, I am just like all of you. I look forward to writing stories for this community of lizards. Who I am just like. Im going to need a little help on writing about Lustrians though, I know very little. Even though I am one. Totally. Not a Skaven. IF SCALENEX CAN SO CAN I!
Greetings-welcome to the forums! Always nice to have fluff enthusiasts. If you need help hide-blending in, N810 our resident Avatar smith can help you. He created my airtight disguise on U-E and my equally flawless Empire disguise. You missed our last short story contest, but if I anything to say about it (and I do) there will be another one this April-May. Also in fluff news, I am working on a Lustriapedia that be full of goodies for fluff enthusiasts. Hopefully I'll be ready to launch it in a week or two. P.S. I know you are not a Skaven, are you also definitely not-not a member of the Awesome Council of Thirteen on U-E? EDIT: Nevermind I went on the U-E and found you are one of the relatively rare posters who uses the same username in multiple places. I was tempted to go by Scolenex on the Force of Destruction forums, but that would probably be just similar enough to confuse people.
Yeah, sorry. Not Council of the Thirteen (Though that would be awesome.) And as for being a relatively rare poster, school unfortunately get in the way. Hell, Frost Bite is being written during World History class,
Always nice to meet a fellow fluff writer Welcome to the jungle, totally not-a-Skaven! From, Totally not-a-Daemon