8th Ed. Your fantasy fandex

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by angelosfernando, Mar 19, 2015.

  1. angelosfernando

    angelosfernando Member

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    So I was thinking if GW actually shelved our army what would i want from a fan made codex. It would have the End Time's format with one book with all the fluff and the other one with all the rules/formations. The fluff would explore more about Lustria that GW never really touched on,the Southlands and the Dragon Isles, what happened to Lizardmen after the end times and alot of information about their new realm. I also would like to see new cool units as well some of the creatures which didnt get a model(Coalt),fluffy formations that is actually worth taking and new heroes for the rules section.

    So what would your ideal fandex/codex be like? I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
  2. Branden

    Branden New Member

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    Games-Workshop is not squatting Lizardmen or any army. Lizardmen will keep getting support as well. No need to fear guys. This fear needs to stop. Please.
  3. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    It would involve a completely Jungle Planet entirely ruled by Lizardmen, no other races.
  4. SilverFaith

    SilverFaith Member

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    Wouldn't mind a cool reimagining of the Lizardmen though. I would prefer seeing something completely new, though. Not just a few tweaks, complete reworks everywhere. A bit like the unofficial-unofficial Lizardmen Mordheim rules.
  5. Dog On Todd

    Dog On Todd Member

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    This. Honestly wouldn't even need enemies, just fluff :D Maybe some historical battles I can make an army around from when they conquered this planet. But I'm happy just with the society, magic, astrology, glyphs, wildlife, lores, myths, all fleshed out more
  6. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    LM will not be squatted, still we can imagine to reimagine LM :)

    I think a whole planet would feel a bit too much, we should have tons of units then (just think to all the monsters and beasts we have: they're all from Lustria, imagine if we had access to mosters from a whole planet). Previous ET i used to wish to see more focus on Old Ones technology (both warmachines and arcane engines) and Dragon Isles, maybe with some savage saurus èlite. Add something from Southlands like skink light cavalry and a pair of new beasts, some aquatic LM from Chupayotl, a coatl and marks: it would have been great. Seeing what happened with ET, tho, nothing will come from Southlands nor Dragon Isles. Chupayotl isn't even in the new book, and i think we all should accept that we'll never have marks nor coatls :rolleyes:
    BUT the old Mazda has heard the Old Ones, so maybe getting some epic technology is possible! Moreover, if the WH world used to be only one of many and there are survivors from the other worlds as long as the Old Ones have created these races then they could join LM. Or LM could just travel in the space on their starships looking for Old Ones artefacts planet by planet. Possibilities are endless, but i'm sure GW is gonna choose the worse :D
    (Even if i have to admit they were good with us talking about our ET fluff)
  7. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Where is that found?

    What I had in mind was there is a planet just one alternate reality to Spinward of the Warhammer Solar System. Same orbits except for the Olde Worlde and the Chaos Moon.

    The Old Ones setup shop there back in the beginning (because they do backups). Slaann have been spawning there. That is where the 7th, 8th, 9th and on.... generation Slaann have spawned. Their task for all these centuries has been to open gates unseen and obtain samples of all species that have ever lived in Lustria, The Southlands, or The Dragon Isles.

    The Flying Cities disappear in space, re-appear above the new world and settle gently onto its surface....

    The new place is a bit closer to the star and a larger diameter. The equator is very hot, almost uninhabitable. A parched rocky desert. There is a circumferential ocean in the Northern Hemisphere bounding the desert and an ocean at the pole in the Southern Hemisphere.
  8. SilverFaith

    SilverFaith Member

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    On this very forum: http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=13759

    It basically removes the old dated rules, makes it fit more with the modern style of play, and removes the ton of redundant rules that only work when playing the Lustria Mordheim campaign.

    It also revamps the entirety of mordheim, so you can't really use this without the opponents also using this "homebrew" Mordheim. Still, the concept is cool, because rather than just tweak a few things, it makes a complete overhaul of the warband. A complete overhaul similar to that, but done to our current army, would be incredibly interesting to see - and try!

    I just don't want a fandex that is just a tweak of the current one. I'd much rather see a ton of new, cool, interesting ideas.
  9. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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  10. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the links.

    Looked into the second 'updated' one. It failed to give/allow Skinks to have bows.
    Gets failing marks from me.
  11. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I do not think LM will be squatted, but I will pontificate on my dream list for fun. Without factoring unknown 9th ed meta changes.

    Army Special Rules

    Slann restrain predatory fighters the same way Skinks do. I don't care whether PF applies to supporting ranks or not but it should be CRYSTAL clear. I think Terradon and Ripper chiefs should be able to join their respective units.


    Saurus one point cheaper. Include options for spear and shield, hand weapon and shield, additional hand weapon all for the same cost. Option to take 1-3 point Marks of the Old One. One per unit.

    Skink Cohorts, unchanged

    Skink Skirmishers, may take javelins, short bows, or blowpipes. Shields cost one point per model and may be combined with blowpipes or javelins. Short bow are poisoned too.

    One Cohort or Saurus Warrior block per army can take a 25 point magic banner.


    Temple Guard, unchanged
    Jungle Swarms, 8 points cheaper per base
    Chameleon Skinks, unchanged but for 10 points per Chameleon Skink unit, you can add one more blot toad to the enemy army
    Cold One Riders, 2 points cheaper per model. May take magic banners up to 50 points
    Kroxigor, may take full command crews.

    Terradons, make Fireleeches free just for simpicity

    Bastiladon, cost 15 points cheaper. Solar Engine costs 15 points, Ark of Sotek costs nothing.

    Rippers, unchanged

    Stegadons, unchanged

    Add Horned One Riders

    Horned One Riders
    M WS BS S T W I A Ld
    Skink Rider As Skinks but with T3
    War Party Leader As above with +1 A
    Horned One M8 WS3 BS0 S4 T4 W1 I3 A2 Ld5

    Unit Size 5+
    Skinks: Aquatic (NA) Scaly Skin 6+, Cold Blooded
    Horned Ones: Fear, Fast Cavalry, Cold Blooded
    Hand Weapons, Shields, Spears

    22 points Each
    War Party Leader: 10 points
    Musician: 10 points
    Standard Bearer: 10 points.
    One unit of Horned One Riders may take a magic Standard worth up to 25 points
    May Take one of the following:
    Lustrian Javelins: 2 points
    Lustrian Short Bows: 2 points

    Lurkerdons, Monstrous Cavalry trained from river predators, approximately the same size as Demigryphons or Juggernauts of Khorne

    Skink Rider As with Horned One Riders
    War Party Leader As above with +1 A
    Lurkerdon M6, WS3, BS0, S5, T5, I3, W3 A3 , Ld5
    Unit Size 3+
    50 points Each
    War Party Leader: 10 points
    Musician: 10 points
    Standard Bearer: 10 points.
    May take a magic Banner worth up to 50 points.
    Shields, spears
    Skinks: Coldblooded, Scaly Skin 6+ Aquatic
    Lurkerdon: Fear, Swiftstride, Aquatic, Sea Creature, Predatory Fighter, Cold Blooded, +2 additional armor save to riders


    Salamanders and Razordons unchanged

    Ancient Stegadon, unchanged

    Savage Saurus Warriors, 14 points each, As Saurus Warriors with +1 WS, +1I, +1 Ld, light armor (or just more scaly skin), and Frenzy, may take up to two marks of the gods, may take Halberds for one point or great weapons for two points.

    Troglodons, 20 points cheaper

    I would add a stationary version of the Stegadon's giant bow for 35 points with a two Skink crew. There would be a Special Character that can make the shots magical and more accurate.


    Slann can restrain PF just like a Skink character can

    Skink Priests take Beasts or Heavens OR whatever lore the Slann has if the player chooses except for High Magic.

    Saurus may take Heavy armor

    Skinks get more options. A Skink can take a short bow, blowpipe, or javelins AND this does not preclude taking a spear or additional hand weapon.

    I would introduce a new batch of special characters narcissistically based on my own fuff pieces. Because I like having my characters die, I would introduce a LM tradition of namesakes for the dead, so there could be lots of Kaitars (all dying nobly).

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