8th Ed. My 2400 Lizardmen List - Advice and criticism welcome <<<<<

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by dodobrains, Mar 22, 2015.

  1. dodobrains
    Jungle Swarm

    dodobrains New Member

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    Slann - BSB - Focus of Mastery (High Magic), Harmonic Convergence
    - Channeling Staff, Obsidian Lodestone

    Saurus Oldblood - Great Weapon, Armour of Destiny, Dawnstone, The other tricksters shard (in Saurus unit)

    Gor-Rok ( in Saurus Unit)

    34 x Saurus Warriors - Hand weapon and Shield, Full command ( 6 wide, 6 ranks)

    10 x Skink Skirmishers - Blowpipe
    10 x Skink Skirmishers - Blowpipe
    10 x Skink Skirmishers - Blowpipe

    26 x Temple Guard - Champion, Standard Bearer ( 6 wide, 6 ranks with Slaan)

    Ancient Stegadon - 2 Giant Blowpipes, Sharpened Horns, Unstoppable Stampede
    Ancient Stegadon - 2 Giant Blowpipes, Sharpened Horns, Unstoppable Stampede

    That's my standard lizardmen list built mainly around my block of saurus, temple guard, and Slann.
    Lately i haven't been having much success with them. My Block of saurus hold and never run (thanks to Gor-rok) but never are able to dish out enough damage to actually win without taking horrendous losses.
    1 of my 2 stegadons almost always die to war machines or pesky fliers that hold it up for a turn or 2. Their main goal is to charge infantry as soon as possible but it's becoming exeedingly difficult to make a charge in turn 2 without them having taken half of their wounds and being subsequently being killed by a great weapon right after impact hits.
    My skinks try to zone out and pick off knights and machines but by the bottom of turn 3 they become useless.
    I originally had my oldblood on a cold one as a cowboy charging units and holding them up, but i decided to have him on foot in my block of saurus to actually help them win some combat for once.
    My temple guard are my mop up crew, i had a razor banner on them to chew through pesky knights and chaos warriors, but they are mainly a defensive unit for my slaan.

    So far i've lost about 5 games in a row, what could i be doing wrong?
  2. owain_b

    owain_b Member

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    Re: My 2400 Lizardmen List - Advice and criticism welcome <

    Looks similar to a list I play but I seem to do better with it, I'd drop all the steg upgrades if you are targeting infantry with them sharpened horns is a waste of points. I'd also include 2 skink priests either both beasts or one beasts and one heavens. Wild form will make the saurus killing machines plus one can be scroll caddy and the other can have cube.

    Also I tend to use javelins with the skink as you very very rarely get to double shoot anyway and I like having a 5+ save against most shooting as they have a shield
  3. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Re: My 2400 Lizardmen List - Advice and criticism welcome <

    Seems like a solid enough list, it just lacks some units. I feel that your list is very slow, i like to take a cawboy unit or some Terradons to control the board and kill some warmachines. have you considered a skink on a terradon instead of the oldblood? Gor Rok seems great to hold the line, but you wont need another fighting character in that unit id say, he will rarely get his points worth. I would also drop the upgrades on the Stegs if you want them to kill infantry, that are anti monster upgrades.

    I feel like my skinks always really start working at turn 3. What do you do with them? I always marchblock with them, kill of warmachines and stray units, and its great to use them as a redirector. Never be afraid so sacrifice 10 skinks for the greater good, i have staved of many a Death star with just 10 skinks. Some Salamanders should also be good, you lack units that tear down massive units of small guys.

    You are also a brave man for not taking the Soul of Stone in such a big unit of TG, don't you have a lot of them dying to miscasts?
  4. Skinquisitor

    Skinquisitor Member

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    Re: My 2400 Lizardmen List - Advice and criticism welcome <

    Well, if you want to find why you lost five games in a row... It might be harsh, but sauruses and temple guards are one of the weakest options our books has to offer.

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