8th Ed. Best Monsters for Lizardmen

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by laribold, Mar 23, 2015.

  1. laribold
    Cold One

    laribold Active Member

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    I recently played a game at the club where we decided to use the Storm of Magic Monsters. We decided to go for 2000pt lists and 500pts on Monsters.
    Now I know we have decent access to Monsters already, but I tend to like to run an infantry list. Based on the painted models I had available I went for a Cockatrice (not much use vs High Elves) and a Young Magma Dragon. My opponent took a Giant and an Arcane Phoenix.

    First of all I'd heartily recommend people play something like this! Having a bunch of big monsters on the table was a LOT of fun, but I then thought it might be fun to have a chat about what Monsters people think would be good to take alongside Lizardmen. Having a flying Monster was A-MAZING. It just opened up a whole world of possibilities to back up my foot/claw slogging troops. Loved it and would happily run one everytime if I could...

    Closest we can get is a Shadow Slann casting Steed of Shadows on a Scarnosaur Vet, but I don't think I'd want to risk that.

    So, anyone else have any experience of added Monster fun and if so, what did you take and why?
  2. DonCheadle

    DonCheadle New Member

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    Carmine Dragon is super-crazy. Like, pretty much bonkers. As is the Magma Dragon, although both carry the slight risk of casting with IF and then dying.

    I'm personally also a fan of the Basilisk, although I'm realizing I'm only giving you FW examples right now.

    For 500 points, I cannot imagine why anyone would bring something other than a Great War Mammoth, but I reckon it depends on whether or not your meta is saturated with cannons.

    Otherwise you probably wne tthe right way, flying monsters is where it's at.
  3. owain_b

    owain_b Member

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    If it's monsters vs monsters you just can't beat giants. They are great monster killers

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