Discussion Scar-vet VS Revered Guardian

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Celticfire, Jun 17, 2009.

  1. Celticfire
    Chameleon Skink

    Celticfire New Member

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    so who is higher on the chain of command as far as Lizzies go? i am not quite sure myself, if i knew nothing about Lizardmen and just look at the models, i would say that the reverd Guardian is on top. that is just my 2 sence though.
  2. asrodrig

    asrodrig New Member

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    Temple Guard really aren't on the "chain of command". They're just bodyguards, really. If something is bugging the Slann, it's their job to dispose of it, no matter what.
    PS: the phrase is actually "two cents".
  3. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah unit champions tend to be a bit below hero choices, remember that heroes can be the general while unit champions cannot.
  4. kroxigor01

    kroxigor01 Member

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    Temple Guard are breed to defend the Slann, they have almost no independant thought (so would be bad commanders).

    Saurus are breed for both aggressive and defensive combat with instinctive tactical knowledge (so are much better commanders).
  5. Celticfire
    Chameleon Skink

    Celticfire New Member

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    I did not ask who is the better commander. i also challange that they have no independent thought. i would say that they have a very prominent sense of duty, that has evolved from instinct, but i do belive that they have independent thought. My train of thought was that the slann is the highest link in the chain of command. so the sarus who defend him are given special honors and a special place in the lizardmen society. I understand that they were spawned, but each spawning of temple guard is a celebration. in most cultures being the bodyguards of a particular king, queen, prince, giant toad, was something that meant that while no one reported to them, they were given more importance sometimes even more than the generals.
    Also realizethat i am not talking about the TG as a whole, but about the Revered Guardian, the elite of the TG.
    @strewart: Chakax?
    @asrodrig: i am broke,i dont have two cents, all i have is two sense.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  6. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Chakax is basically the leader of the Temple Guard and a special character so he is a bit of an exception..

    You did ask about a chain of command. Respect-wise, I would probably agree that the revered guardians (and even TG) would have plenty of servants that would obey their every command as quickly as possible, but that is a bit different to being sent out to lead an army or even a small force. I think a saurus warrior would bow to the guardians, but a scar-vet would probably be too busy to be near them and if he were given an order, he would then just dish it on to someone lower than him.
  7. Celticfire
    Chameleon Skink

    Celticfire New Member

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    True enough, but remember that Chakax is the leader of ONE temple city. he is the star chamber guardian. there is one of these in every temple that contains a slann, and there are probably more generic star guardians in the other cities. you do make good points though.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  8. Eagleblaze
    Temple Guard

    Eagleblaze New Member

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    I would expect that they are in one sense, a law unto-themselves.

    Typically they would only take to the field of battle when their charge is present, their charge being the slann, so even if a scar-vet or even an oldblood was present, they would be commanded by the slann as he is the head of the CoC.

    When not in the presence of the slann mage they are there by the slann's orders, ergo they will be under comand of the general, be it a scar vet or otherwise, although those orders will never superceed that of the Slann's.

    Therefore, the temple guard, do not fall into the mainstream command structure, they are solely commanded by the Slann, who in turn may on occasion grant their assistance to the force of a scar-vet.
    So to answer your question, the answer is yes the scar-vet does come above the RG, but only when the Slann provides that that be the case, otherwise the SV has no power over them...
    Therefore your question, although thought provoking, is much broader than you have allowed for.

    Oh and on the topic of Chakax, he is the last of his spawning, and given the reverence given to age by the LM culture he is held in high regard, although he is not a commander in his own right, to consider this point is to go down the path of discussing LM spawning, genetic engineering and breeding etc

  9. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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    i think this argument is a little off to me, the Revered guardians are more like secret service, where as the Scar-vet's are colonels and generals in the army so they have mutal respect but neither defer to each other, but i am not the foremost authority on lizardmen society, that is how i see it anyway but interpert it how you will
  10. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    Revered guardians don't command things (except TG's) they simply listen and carry out whatever there master needs....unless that involves him being unsafe in any way....

    Meanwhile Sca-Veterans are given control over armies, they drive them into battle to crush the enemies of the lizardmen...

    In a sense you really just can't compare the 2 as they have completely different roles to play
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  11. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    It's like the president's Secret Service agent compared to a 1-star general.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.

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