When fielding a Slann in a non End Times (regular 8th edition) game, which do you typically prefer: Wandering Deliberations or Focus of Mystery?
Re: PRE- END TIMES: Wandering Deliberations vs. Focus of Mys At first I was all over WD like a wet flannel, but recently I've been coming back to Focus. Primarily I think this is because it is superb against the Elf meta, which is dominant even in pre-End Time. Soul Quench, Fiery Convocation and even Tempest are amazing against Elves. WBW helps counter some of their Fast Cav mobility. Unmaking is incredible against some of the OP items of which Elves are most guilty of, but also helpful against WoC 3++ spam. Hand of Glory is great against Saurus (and stacks really well with Iceshard from a Skink, or Tempest). I've even found Apotheosis to be invaluable in healing up Scar-Vets. My problem with WD is that it lacks that oomph spell that Focus has. Sure, it has a tool for every occasion, but I don't feel like any one of them is the right tool. Yeah, it can gradually overwhelm through trickle phases, but in most occasions I found that I wanted to cast one of the spells available (which was usually one of the combat buffs, and was usually Miasma to help things hit better), and a canny opponent knew which one to stop if I didn't 6-dice it.
Re: PRE- END TIMES: Wandering Deliberations vs. Focus of Mys Funny, but I'm the exact opposite! I've tired Focus a number of times but it always just feels lacking, especially in the early magic phases (the short range of most spells is the kicker here). There just seems to be 1 or 2 spells each turn that are the obvious must stop ones, leaving you casting Tempest and not much else. WD on the other hand can really make up for our lack of ranged attacks (especially in the early phases) and having three potential combat buffs to cast means you've always got something to back up your troops.
well, the trick with focus is casting the less useful spells first! Your opponent will probably let them go and you'll be able to swap them. Actually you should priorize tempest
This is arguably the one shortfall with Focus. You can get around it with Skink Priests extending the range of Soul Quench, Unforging and Fiery Convocation, but the ranges of the latter two aren't that insignificant. It's mostly Quench that's the problem. Tempest has an incredibly long range and a relatively low casting value for something that drops a pie template, which will murder Elves. A Slann can 3 dice it with ease.
Personally I prefer Focus of Mystery for the sheer versatility of the lore attribute. You can pretty much tailor your spell list on the fly in response to your opponent's army and the current state of affairs. Also, although WD has a lot of great spells, it is lacking that essential really"big" spell, IMHO. Walk Between Worlds, Arcane Unforging and Fiery Convocation can all be potential game changers. Additionally, if you continually swap out to a single lore then you become increasingly more likely to pick up the key spell from that lore. I recently stumbled upon this YouTube High Magic tactica video that I found informative...
Oh wow... I just noticed that when you copy and paste a YouTube link into a post, it automatically embeds the video. I love this new forum update!!
It's time for necrothread? I'm good with it. I've tried many variations, but in the end my fav. is Wandering Deliberation. paired with Book of Ashur. However, FoM is definitely a very powerful option. Especially paired with high magic (Walk Between Worlds, anyone?)
I used to run nothing but WD with book of Ashur. but that’s when I realised that I can just take focus and swap out for the magic missile spells I need anyway. And still have some of the top end spells too.
That's a great build! What do you feel are the best spells for Lizardmen out of all Battle Magic and High Magic? And what 8th edition spells do you think are best, period? @NIGHTBRINGER
I don't think there's a must have spell. more which spell does your opponent like the least: Ie try forgetting spells and just keep on forgetting until you get it. Other times a signature is good enough. Facing Chaos knights? try for Transmutation of lead, plague of rust or failing that pick or searing doom. Facing a hellblaster cannon heavy army, lore of heavens for icesahard if you don't have. But if you are in doubt about what to take, take lore of light spells for the initative buffs. assuming you have saurus/temple guard blocks
The question isn't for me. I'm just curious as to which spell or spells you think are best. Generate some conversation! So, if you were going to go into a tournament and you don't know who you will face, what is the magical set-up you would do for your Slann?
I tend to agree. It's that toolbox aspect to it that is perfect for when you don't know exactly what you will need in a game. For a blind line-up like a tournament? No question for me really.