Contest Lustria-Online Short Story Contest Jan-Feb 2015 Results!!!!!

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Arli, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Here are the final results from the Lustria-Online Short Story Contest for Jan-Feb 2015!

    Lordkingcrow has the official bragging rights granted by winning this contest! Who will knock him off that lofty perch?

    1st Place: No Title By Lordkingcrow
    2nd Place: "Redemption" By Lordkingcrow
    3rd Place: “Cold Commerce” By Spawning of Bob
    "Broken Oath" By Lordkingcrow
    “Completely Anonymous Entry” By Scalenex
    “Under the Tempel” by Essmir
    4th Place: "Hey bill!"By Madrck
    “The Spine of Sotek” by ASSASSIN_NR_1
    5th Place: "Cities of Gold" By Lordkingcrow
    “The Return” By Spawning of Bob

    Thanks to all of the entrants in the contest and there will be another one soon. Thanks to all who Participated!!!
    Scalenex likes this.
  2. lordkingcrow
    Temple Guard

    lordkingcrow Active Member

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    Re: Lustria-Online Short Story Contest Jan-Feb 2015 Results!

    Thanks to everyone that voted! Just glad I could write stories that you all enjoy.
  3. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Re: Lustria-Online Short Story Contest Jan-Feb 2015 Results!



    One author. Four stories. Stitching up over half of the vote.

    Arli... Kill him!

    If this was the Underempire, that is how it would be done.

    Here in the jungle it is:

    Congratulations and well done, Cold Blooded Brother. Even if points were only awarded for effort, you would still be the winner.

    I enjoyed your stuff (and everyone else's) and I sincerely hope there is more inspiration under that eggshell of yours.

    Thank you Captain Arli and Puppeteer Scalenex for making it all happen.

    And Scalenex, your horse head is in the mail.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Re: Lustria-Online Short Story Contest Jan-Feb 2015 Results!

    I liked all the pieces. I hope everyone who wrote something will write something in our next contest. The next contest will PROBABLY going to be an April writing, May voting month.

    And pieces outside of contests are always welcome. Since Lordkingcrow wrote three pieces in six weeks, I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say I hope he'll become a regular contributor of fluff pieces. Not only did you sweep up half the votes, but I also award Cities of Gold the Scalenex Cup for spending the whole story developing a character who died. Were that your only piece I'm sure it would have garnered many votes.

    I hope I fooled lots of people with my Spawning of Bob parody. Don't worry I'll stick with my tried and true and get back to inflicting horrible things on my protagonists. Well done to Bob for writing Cold Commerce. We both wrote out of our comfort zone! I had an inkling he wrote Cold Commerce because it followed the paragraph system Bob usually uses. The only piece to do so besides "The Return" and "Completely Anonymous Entry." Also Bob is the best proofreader I know, and Cold Commerce was remarkably free of errors. I REALLY went all out editing my piece to properly disguise it (and I made sure to add in a "colour" and "armour".

    Anyway, let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions to make our next contest even better!

    Bob and I are competing again. Less secretively this time since we proofread each other's entries. I would be pleased if some/most/all of you who voted in the L-O contest were to mosey over to the U-E Empire forum and vote in their February-March contest.

    Bob and my pieces are the ones that are well-proofread and dripping with awesomeness from each and every sentence.

    Also, if you looked at the timing of the L-O contests and U-E contest and thought, wow they are set up so they are sequential, that's deliberate. I plan to keep doing that, so Bob and I can keep entering both contests (and anyone who wants to join the cross-forum fun).
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  5. lordkingcrow
    Temple Guard

    lordkingcrow Active Member

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    Re: Lustria-Online Short Story Contest Jan-Feb 2015 Results!

    Thanks for the award Scalenex! I'm honored. I was a bit disappointed with how Cities of Gold did (having received no votes), but this raises my spirits. This was my first attempt at some fluff pieces and has really helped hone my writing skills. I've got a few projects underway right now (sorry, not for L-O, but hopefully some potential publications and actually one I think you would like Scalenex :) ) but I will probably find some time to get in at least one short story when the next competition comes up.

    Great job everyone! Maybe next time we can get even more participation! I know there are some of you out there that fancy yourselves as writers. Show us your stuff! Even if you aren't sure of where you stand or if you think your work isn't up to par, who cares? Just get it out there and grow from it! This is a very positive and encouraging group of people that are here to give feedback.

    Lastly, I did not vote. I didn't really feel that I should as I was a participant. If I did, it would have been for Cold Commerce. Bob, I greatly enjoyed the fast paced dialogue. The story was smooth, flowing from one scene to the next and I felt that it was a contender for the top. I found myself immersed in the story all the way through till the end. I think that's what any good writer wants to hear from his readers. So unless any one is opposed, I don't think it should share a place with "Broken Oath", it should surpass it. Especially since his hatred for the poor stunted fellows runs so deep. ;)
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  6. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Re: Lustria-Online Short Story Contest Jan-Feb 2015 Results!

    No votes means that voters had two stories out of ten that they liked better. "Cities" was not a weak story, it just picked the wrong competition to enter!

    The cat is out of the bag, LKC. If you have more stuff to share that is not LM but still WHFB - put it up in the Lesser Races subforum. If it is ex-universe, put links to it in your sig, or put it in miscellaneous somewhere. I like to think of myself as an equal opportunity fantasy enjoying lizard. *

    * OK, there is no appropriate place for romantic fiction on Lustria-Online. That would be an exception.
    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  7. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Re: Lustria-Online Short Story Contest Jan-Feb 2015 Results!


    You may know that Scalenex and I have a little proofreading and story inspiration bromance on the side. We've attempted to help each other out of many a plot-hole, fluff inconsistency and homicidal desire to kill everyone. I must confess to only partial success with the last category of interventions.

    Quite independently, he/she/it and I decided to use the L-O comp as a vehicle to try and slide a story past the other's guard without them being able to spot a familiar hand.

    I went through every story word by word to find his entry and eventually gave up. Now the villain confesses to doing Anglicized spelling for armor /armour and color / colour etc just to hide his Yankee ignorance. He also bothered to proof read. I hates him, Precioussss.

    He correctly picked "The Return" as being mine, but then he twisted himself in knots failing to identify "Cold Commerce" as mine, despite the fact that our 3 entries were the only ones with extra spaces between paragraphs. The dirty sneak, after his own dishonorable / dishonourable performance, suspected that I might have run all my lines together just to throw him off the scent.

    He and I have also learnt from the master of deception, Ratty Gnawtail over on the Underempire forum about how to sow confusion and false leads while doing a public critique of one's own story.

    Next comp, I will be trying to guess which are Madrck's, Essmir, ASSASSIN_NR_1 and LKC's as well as Scaly's.

    Life gets more complicated (and fun)
  8. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Re: Lustria-Online Short Story Contest Jan-Feb 2015 Results!

    I disagree with the second half of your first sentence. I think fluff should stay in the fluff forum even if it's not directly LM related.

    That's how U-E does it (though most of the fluff is rat based. Also, our Lesser Races forum does not get a lot of traffic
  9. lordkingcrow
    Temple Guard

    lordkingcrow Active Member

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    Re: Lustria-Online Short Story Contest Jan-Feb 2015 Results!

    Sadly, I don't have any other WFB fluff pieces. I've got a few short stories currently waiting to be accepted or declined, so I don't want to post them anywhere. I like to play myself close to the chest. :) When the next competition comes up, I'll post something. This has been helpful in letting me see what people like. The critiques were very much appreciated.
  10. Essmir
    Chameleon Skink

    Essmir Well-Known Member

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    I will give you an hint:

    :D I am thinking a romance betwen two Sauruses of diffrent tempel citys. But thier slanns are enemys. So they want to run away together, and there slanns try to separete them so one try to sneak off to the other and the other try to play dead so when the first reatches the second the first thinks the second one is dead and the first kills himself. The second one wakes up and kills him self to so in the end both lovers are dead.

    And then Scalanex shows up. ;)
  11. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    I forget, did I promise the winner a Bob/N810 compolation picture or something ?
  12. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Everyone got a sketch. If they want those fancy new fangled colour thingies then they could ask you. I guess the sketches are avatar fodder as well.
  13. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    You could design a trophy surrounded by deadly weapons, poisons and natural hazards so we could have an actual "Scalenex Cup" to present...
  14. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    Lizardmen are genderless right? There *must* be a way to get a romance out of this.

    I think you've inspired a story. I can see the titles already:

    "Gor-Rokeo and Kroq-Garette"
    "Gone With The Wind Blast"
    "Fifty Shades of Sotek Green"
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2015
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  15. Essmir
    Chameleon Skink

    Essmir Well-Known Member

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    I thanks Bob for drawing a picture to me even to I didn't won. But I had allready begun to draw my self a
    consolation prise so I wanted to show it to you guys, plese remember that it is just a scetch.

    and Slanputin you're on the right way there whit those ideas!

    Paradoxical Pacifism likes this.
  16. Essmir
    Chameleon Skink

    Essmir Well-Known Member

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    some thing went wrong whit the picture URL and I don't now how to edit, but here it is

    by the way what is the topic of next months comp? I want to start writing!

  17. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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  18. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Nice pic, Essmir! The caption should read "what the Mahrlect!"

    Your shading and use of perspective give the picture real depth, although all those straight lines make me feel tired. Stairs are just about my least favourite thing to draw. They are not even in the Great Plan for the Old Ones' sakes! (Why else would the Slann create floating palanquins?)

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