8th Ed. 2500 Themed List for semi-casual game

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Scalenex, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Opponent is planning to run Lore of Undeath but I don't know if he'll take Undead Legions, Chaos Legions (he usually self limits himself to mono-Tzeentch when he does this), or Wood Elves.

    Slann, BSB, Standard of Discipline, Harmonic Convergence, Soul of Stone, Becalming Cognition, Channeling Staff

    Scar Veteran, Cold One, Light Armor, Shield, Luckstone, Sword of Striking, Potion of Speed
    Skink Priest, Level 2 Undeath, Dispel Scroll
    Skink Priest Level 1 Undeath, Forbidden Rod, Opal Amulet

    26 Saurus Warriors with Spear and Full Command
    20 Cohort Skinks with Poisoned Attacks and Full Command
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Patrol Leader
    10 Skink Skirmishers with Patrol Leader

    30 Temple Guard with Full Command, Banner of Eternal Flame, Warrior Bane Sword

    Ancient Stegadon with EOTG
    Troglodon with Divining Rod
    Salamander with Snack

    I wanted to try multiple Skink Priest Undeath casters and figured Death would fit the theme. Since both Death and Undeath lack any defensive spells, I figured I'd need a LOT of Temple Guard.

    I feel incomplete with out a block of Kroxigor, but I couldn't afford them. Hopefully lore of Death and summoned roadblocks will take care of the enemy heavy hitters.

    I don't normally take spears on my Saurus but I figured mono-Death means EOTG is good, and EOTG means ward saves. If I roll Soulblight, even better.
  2. Skinquisitor

    Skinquisitor Member

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    What is your plan with this list, what would you like to achieve, how to use it?
  3. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    What I planned to achieve was use summoned troops to disrupt things and pick my battles, knock out the enemy heavies with Death and have my two blocks pummel things into submission.

    Just played it What I actually achieved was to get my tail handed to me.

    I was so enamored with summoning undead that I underutilized my Slann's spells. I walked away with the conclusion that the Lore of Undeath will not impress Chaos much. I had all three Death Snipes, but those don't impress Chaos much either because their stats are so solid. I was also playing against pretty tough Tzeentch and Slaanesh marked Warriors of Chaos. I also really regretted not taking sharpened horns.

    My luck was also subpar on saves, attacks, and casting, but great on break tests. Basically whenever I rolled three dice two of them were snakes. Basically his hardy troops barreled in and ground me down one by one. Then the stragglers were knocked down by a Turn 4 Summoning of a Mortis Engine.
  4. Skinquisitor

    Skinquisitor Member

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    In my opinion, youll need 8+ dice on winds of magic to have this list work. Saurus is worthless without buffs, Tg might be fair even unbuffed if they carry razor standard (skavenpelt on slann) / banner of swiftness, but to make them shine, they need hand of glory and a solarodon aswell.
    I can see your point in summoning units, but the old one says magic is unreliable:)
  5. rottedtoad

    rottedtoad New Member

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    so both you and your opponent had lore of undeath. that's really cool! what was the warrior list, and how did that person use undeath? i'm really interested in how people are using undeath, both for my lizzies and other races. any chance you'd do a battle report on it?

    also, what would you do differently in the future then?
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I'll consider writing a battle report. I have notes and pictures, but this battle was so one-sided it would be more of a slaughter report than a battle report. I didn't kill a single whole unit though I came very close to killing his two Tzeentch characters and a unit of Bloodcrushers.

    He had a level 4 Tzeentch caster with Undeath on a disk with a 3+ ward save. A defensively oriented Tzeentch BSB with a 3+ ward save. Throgg, 2 x3 blood crushers with no command, a large unit of Slaanesh warriors, a 2 horse drawn Slaanesh chariots,

    I ran a tight dispel phase so he didn't use Undeath much when he didn't get much summoned until he rolled Irresistible Force to pop up a Mortis Engine. He managed to hit me with the token bestowing magic missile multiple times though.

    If you want to see some battle reports with Undeath, I took a splash of Undeath in this tournament. I played an Undeath Slann versus the Undead Legions Army in these two casual games.

    Doesn't matter how cool a Skink's spells are, Skinks are the back up casterd. We even agreed to house rule that the EOTG could work on the lore of Undeath. That enticed me into underutilizing the Slann even more.

    I regret not taking Sharpened Horns on the Steggy. I should have played more aggressively with the Stegadon. It's an attack dino first and a buff wagon second. I regret taking the Troglodon. I don't dislike Troglodons but they have no place in a 2500 point list with two Skink Priests and no Kroxigor.

    On the whole, my track record against the Warriors of Chaos is subpar, regardless of what list I take and this opponent is very good even when he is takes

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