8th Ed. Lizardmen vs High Elves

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Koranot, Apr 1, 2015.

  1. Koranot

    Koranot Member

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    since we can now upload pictures directly to the forum, I would like to post a battle report. I played with my Lizardmen against a friend who was trying out High Elves. Our lists were:

    Slann with wandering deliberations, soul of stone, book of ashur and BSB
    Scarvet with egg of quango, enchanted shield, light armor
    Skink priest with scroll and lore of heavens

    29 Saurus with full command (Scarvet goes here)
    2x10 Skink skirmishers with blowpipes
    2x10 Skink skirmishers with javelins

    26 Temple Guard with full command (Slann goes here)
    5 Chameloen Skinks
    3 Terradons
    Bastiladon with solar engine

    Ancient stegadon with sharped horns and engine of the gods
    3 Razordons

    High Elves

    Alarielle the Radiant with high magic
    Prince with giant blade, dragon armour, golden crown of atrazar, shield of the merwyrm
    Mage, lvl 2 with scroll and lore of life
    Noble BSB with banner of averlorn, longbow, dragon armour and shield

    57 Spear Elves with full command (Allarielle and Prince go here)
    10 Bow Elves with musician
    5 Ellyrian Reavers with musician

    25 Phoenix Guard with full command and banner of the world dragon (BSB goes here)
    25 White Lions with full command (Mage goes here)

    Great Eagle

    Deployment and vanguard

    I originally wrote the report in german, so I will list the unist from left to right and give the according acronym.
    High Elves: Phoenix guard (PG), Spear elves (S), White lions (WL), Great eagle (RA), Bow Elves (B), Ellyrian reavers (EG).
    Lizardmen: Skinks (SP), Skinks (SP), Ancient Stegadon (ES) Temple guard (T), Skink priest (S), Chameloen skinks (C), Bastiladon (B), Razordons (St), Skinks (SP), Skinks (SP), Terradons (T).

    Hochelfven vs Echsenmenschen 2500 Pkt Übersicht Echsen.jpg
    Hochelfven vs Echsenmenschen 2500 Pkt Übersicht Schlachtfeld.jpg

    Spells were:
    Slann: all signature spells
    Skink priest: Blizzard
    Alarielle: Drain magic, Soul quench, Walk between worlds, Fiery convocation
    Mage: Earth blood, Awakening of the woods

    The High elf columns before the lizardmen deployment zone represent arcane ruins and therefore the lizardmen could channel with 8 dice. This had hardly any impact on the game, but the psychological impact on the High Elves was enormous. They deployed all their big units across the arcane ruins to conquer them as soon as possible.

    I will post the first turn tommorow as it is getting late here.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2015
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  2. Koranot

    Koranot Member

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    So, enough sleep, let's start with turn one.

    The High elves had the first turn and tried to cross the table as fast as possible.

    High elves turn 1

    The big units push forward and the Reavers threaten the right flank of the lizardmen. In the magic phase the mage casts awakening of the woods on the lone Skink priest, but the Slann dispelles it. Alarielle tries to cast Soul quench on the poor priest but looses concentration. The Bow elves kill a Skink.

    Lizardmen turn 1
    The Skink priest joins the Temple guard and the Bastiladon walks around the arcane ruins. The Chameleon skinks are placed in front of the White lions to prevent a flank charge on the Bastiladon. The Terradons fly over the reavers and bomb 4 of 5 (need more Terradons). The Slann casts a medium fireball and fries 5 White lions. The toad fails a spirit leech on the High elf BSB and the solar engine is dispelled. The Skink kill the last Reaver in the shooting phase and the Chameleons and Razordons open fire on the White lions and kill a further 4 of them.

    Pictures of turn one:
    Hochelfen vs Echsenmenschen 2500 Pkt 1. Runde Schlachtübersicht.jpg
    Hochelfven vs Echsenmenschen 2500 Pkt 1. Runde Bogenschützen vs Skinkplänkler Reiter vs Teradons.jpg
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2015
  3. Koranot

    Koranot Member

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    High elf turn two
    The Eagle charges the Cameleon skinks and the White lions seek cover in the building. The Spear horde and the Phoenix guard advance. Alarielle and the Mage are now in range of the arcane ruins (but this has again little impact on the game). The mage casts Awakening of the woods and kills two Skinks. Alarielle casts Fiery convocation on the Temple guard but the Priest uses his scroll. Further spells are dispelled by the Slann. The Bows deal no damage to the Terradons (need more Terradons). The Eagles breaks the Chameleons and catches them.

    Lizardmen turn two
    The Ancient steg, the Temple guard and the Bastiladon declare a charge on the Spear horde whose shield of Saphery is down. All make it, despite the Stegadon and the Temple guard both needing an 8 on two dice. One of the Skink units on the left flank is placed to redirect the Phoenix guard away from the fight. The Razordons march in front of the building to block the White lions from appearing in the flank of the Bastiladon. The Rest marches to the left, the Skinks and Terradons try to remain out of range of the Bow elves. First spell of the important magic phase fails with double one, so no magic for the lizards. In the shooting phase the Skinks deal a wound to the Eagle. In the big combat the Prince and the Spear elves kill quite some Temple guard, the Temple guard strike back, kill the Prince outright and deal a wound to Alarielle. Some elves die between the remaining Temple guard attacks and the attacks of the Stegadon. The Bastiladon strikes last, directs all attacks on Alarielle, deals two wounds, Alierelle fails her ward saves and bam: dead Everqueen.
    The Spear horde lost the combat by quite some margin but is still steadfast. Of course they fail their re-rollable LD 8 and are run down by the Segadon.
    At this point the elves surrender to the servants of the old ones. Ha.

    Hochelfven vs Echsenmenschen 2500 Pkt 2. Runde Horde vs Ehrw Stegadon Tempelwache Troglodon_2.jpg
    Hochelfven vs Echsenmenschen 2500 Pkt 2. Runde Schlachtübersicht_1.jpg
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2015
    n810 likes this.
  4. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    well done Sir. :D
  5. Koranot

    Koranot Member

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    So a win for the Lizardmen.
    I think the High elf list was a little light on shooting and mobile units but the big units scared me a little before the game. My friends fixation on getting to the arcane ruins was what effectively lost him the game. The big elf units were blocking each other and I was able to charge the spears when their ward was only at 5+. I was of course lucky that the horde broke after the first combat, but both the Phoenix guard and the Whit lions were blocked from entering the combat in the next round, so I think I would have removed their steadfast within the next two combat phases.

    More pictures:
    Hochelfven vs Echsenmenschen 2500 Pkt 2. Runde Horde vs Ehrw Stegadon Tempelwache Troglodon_3.jpg Hochelfven vs Echsenmenschen 2500 Pkt 2. Runde Alarielle zu Füßen des Troglodons_1.jpg Hochelfven vs Echsenmenschen 2500 Pkt 2. Runde Horde flieht.jpg
  6. Fhanados

    Fhanados Well-Known Member

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    I laughed when the Everqueen was killed by a Bastilodon. Classic! Good report, good pics and I love the paintjob on your terradons (even though the view is from a distance!).
  7. Koranot

    Koranot Member

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    Thank you. I am glad that the Bastiladon did something meaningful as I really like it fluff and gameplay wise.
  8. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Really good and clear way of reporting the battle, well done. To bad it was such a stomp, but enjoyable to read nonetheless.

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