Hi everyone - I'm kinda new to Warhammer. I'd been interested for a long time, but finally gave in last December after watching certain move that was basically a two-hour fantasy battle scene. I picked the Lizardmen for a variety of reasons I may disclose some other time (the TL;DR would be story, religion, and omg dinosaurs!), but about an hour after I picked up my first battalion box I discovered we were in the End Times... I almost regretted picking up a game at its "end," but frankly the cooler heads on this forum helped keep me sane, even during the bleakest phase of the Thanquol revelations. Also, I've learned an enormous amount from all the army list, tactics, and painting threads, so thank you everyone for all the help, advice, and encouragement, you didn't know you were giving! It's been greatly appreciated! Anyway, I don't expect to post much, just arrival of the new forum seemed like a good time to say hello.
Welcome aboard, I'm also new to warhammer, used to paint around 23 years ago but never gamed, but Lizardmen have always been my fav but I never painted any back then apart from one.
Welcome to the forums! Glad you didn't cave into the doomsayers. Let us know if you have any specific questions about tactics, fluff, rules, or anything else.
Welcome to the scaly fold! Don't worry too much about the End Times: many people on this forum have been collectors of the Lizardmen for years, and I very much doubt many will drop tending their army after such a financial, temporal, and emotional investment.
I presume you meant "movie", not "move". What movie would this be? Sounds interesting. And welcome to L-O!!
I did mean movie And it was the final entry in the Hobbit adaptation. Just one battle scene after another! ...though for some reason I had no interest in the Hobbit minis game; just Warhammer!
I love Lord of the Rings, but I could never get on board with the Hobbit movies. They just felt way to drawn out, especially the third and final entry.
I think it had quite a bit more pronounced fan base early on with the release of the LOTR movies, but died off rather quickly.