8th Ed. 1500 point tournament list... Btw I'm new at fantasy

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Fancyninja321, Mar 21, 2015.

  1. Fancyninja321

    Fancyninja321 New Member

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    Hello everyone I am new to fantasy and there is a fantasy tournament being held at my local gaming store, the tournament is to help bring fantasy players to the store.
    Since I am completely new to fantasy and would Ike some help with my list though I may not be able to make many changes to the list since I am tight on money right, and the tournament is being held march 29

    Here is my 1500 point list

    Saurus Scar-vet:XXX
    Halberd, light armor, shield, and the stegadon helm

    Skink priest:XXX
    Level 2
    Plaque of dominion

    Sauras warrior:XXX
    18 Saurus with full command no spears
    skink priest will be in this unit

    Saurus warrior:XXX
    17 Saurus with full command with spears
    Scar-vet will be in this unit

    3 units of skink skirmishers:XXX each
    All with skink brave and javelins
    12 skinks in each unit


    Temple guard:XXX
    10 temple gaurd full command
    No magic weapons for the leader
    Jaguar standard

    Cold one riders:XXX
    8 cold one riders full command no spears
    This list comes out to 1510 points

    Or my alternative list is primarily the same except I remove the cold one rides in exchange for 2 bastildons both with the solar engine this list would come to a total of 1540 points

    Also I don't know all the army's at the tournament the only armies that I do know, are warriors of chaos, chaos dwarves, and one fellow lizardmen player. Please tell me what you think what changes I may need and strageties for the armies that I know will be at the tournament, hopefully by this Sunday I'll found out the rest of the armies that will be at the tournament
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2015
  2. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Hi, and first of all, welcome to the jungle!

    There are quite a few things i would change in your list. Also consider that people come to hone their years of skills of WHF wargaming at fantasy at tournaments, as a new player you might want to start with some friendly games to get you in the groove of things. I also often play to tournaments, and in friendly games i am always more then happy to help people in games when they are new, but when i am in a tournament, i play to win, that's why i go to tournaments. I would reccomend you to practice a lot before you go, as in at least 5 games.

    The saurus scar vet should be a BSB, always take one above 1500P, most of the time it wil be your Slann. tool him up to survive, you want his reroll. Dawnstone/Armour of Destiny should be fine. Your Skink priest will be your general, which would sound weird but as your base leadership with reroll is quite high you should be ok. Never take the plaque of dominion, it is terribad. Take a scroll, and the lore of beasts, and always swap one spell out for the signature spell of the lore of beasts, it is very strong. Do not put your Skink priest in your sauri, put him in your skinks! Your skinks want to stay out of CC, just like your priest. Your sauri want to be in CC, so this is anti synnergy with your priest. People will snipe your skink out of the unit in CC. You should then be ok on characters.

    Never take spears on sauri. You will only get the bonus attacks when you take the charge,and the 5 bonus attacks you get will not use the full ammount of attacks of your models and they do not benefit from Predatory Fighter. Take handweapon shield, the parry is a bigger boon then the spears will ever be. Also, make the units bigger. 20 minimum for sauri is my benchmark, as they will have to be able to take damage to deal out theirs with I 1. Skink skirmishers with javelins are good, better then blowpipes IMHO, just drop the braves, they ad nothing. Then you should be good on core.

    10 TG is waaaaaay to few to do anything meanigfull. With their low I, they will die before they ever get to hit anything. I know they come in boxes of ten, but that is just GW wanting more money. I would convert some of your spear sauri to TG, or drop the unit alltogether. Knight units are often seen as ways to bring cowboys in CC. 8 is to many for that, they are not efficient enough to be used. Drop 3, and use them as a supporting unit, do not think they will be able to solo units. With the points you have left now, consider taking 1 or 2 salamanders. They really fit your list i think, take extra skinks to mitigate missfires. Go and fry some hordes with them!

    I would not really consider matchups yet, but i will say that WoC are the strongest in tournament scene now. they have Daemon Princes which you wont really be able to kill. Evade them, and just do your best. If the dwarves have a lot of shooting, kill the warmachines and go for CC asap. Else, try to outmanouvre them and go for flanks.

    Try to have fun, and tell us how it went!
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    I disagree they are useful with larger units, (like at least 24 & 6 wide) especially if you are also running a engine of the gods,
    because now you have your 6+ ward save back.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2015
  4. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Even when you have an engine, you would have to rely on it surviving. The few extra attacks are in my oppinion never worth the loss of parry, especially as you only get the extra attacks if the guys are still alive at I 1 and when you are not charging. Maybe in certain specific lists they might be ok, but when you are fielding 30+ sauri, they should be in a horde anyway so then the spear benefit does still not apply.
  5. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I draw the line for taking spears at 25. I would not want to take spears on any unit smaller than that, but I disagree that spears should never be taken.

    If I'm fielding Sauri in numbers above 30 (which I rarely do), spears are almost mandatory.
    n810 likes this.
  6. Fancyninja321

    Fancyninja321 New Member

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    Hey guys the tournament was last weekend but thank you for all of ur comments during the tournament there were three rounds, and by the end of the three rounds the scores will be tallied up, though I only won the first round and lost the other two I still had so much fun my first round was against wood elves, my second against night goblins, and last against vampire counts, I one my first games, but saldy to say I never got into combat all I did was shoot the wood elves with my bastila one and skinks and brought down some meteors with my preist, reason why that happen was my opponent brought out two forest that block my only way through to her and well by turn 4 lazer bastila dons had done there job, and the funny thing was here wizard blew up though she didn't die she took a strength ten hit and my skinks ran up into here face and poisoned her to death it was so funny
  7. Fancyninja321

    Fancyninja321 New Member

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    My second game was against night goblins and well this was by far the best game though I lost horribly, it was fun because of all of the mayhem, my opponent had first turn all he did was stand still summoned the undead and shot both his bolt throwers, I lost one Bastiladon that turn and I lost my other the next turn, my Saugus unit with spears and my scar vet charged at a large group of skellies and were decimated my goblin fanatics two to be percise. Sadly to say he had 3 more night goblin fanatics. And I wasn't quite sure to charge with the rest of my army. Though I realise now i couldev charge with my skinks to get rid of the fanatics. So any way long story short that game ended at turn six with only my skink preist and half of his unit surfing and my scar vet and his unit kept losing combat and luckily I kept rolling triple ones until turn six if I last until the game was over it would have been a tie, out of the rest of the armies in the tournament my opponents night goblins were my favorite because all he had was 4 block of night goblins two blocks with bows the rest with spears, and he had four wizards a level 1,2,3,4 all with the lore of undeath in total he summoned a necromancer a lot of "bare bone" skellies (see what I did there) some chariots a bone gaint almost forgot when one of his wizards missed casted all of his wizards took a wound it so funny when that happen, I guess his night goblins have to lay off those magic shrooms, any way that game was fun, I think any one would love that game if they saw the randomness of it all
  8. Fancyninja321

    Fancyninja321 New Member

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    My last game was against vampire counts and well can't say much about this game but it was really close until one his units(forgot what it was) just went through my Bastiladon and my Saurus block of spears... A lot of good lizard men died that game, forgot to say that he also charged with his ghost riders into my spear Saurus and sadly to say he got the rear charge D:, but it was worth it for I (through 40k player mindset) brought down extermantis unto the undead... I basically called down a bunch of meteors that wanted to say hi to the zombies, but right as the game ended, his ghost riders decided to go through another Bastiladon and well you can guess what happen to him.... I hate vampires

    In loving memory of Barney and Yoshi (my two Bastiladons)
  9. Fancyninja321

    Fancyninja321 New Member

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    Forgot to mention one thing I did change my list because I had to be under 1500 points so all my skink units had ten instead of twelve, and Saurus that had 18 in total went down to 17, and my priest took the cube of darkness instead of instead of plague of dominion everything else stayed the same.
  10. Fancyninja321

    Fancyninja321 New Member

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    And I wanted to say thank you agian to all of you guys who responded, and I have to give big thanks to gamermancy for holding the tournament. Hopefully I'll be asking for more advice (probably this weekend)..........just realized I am ranked as a jungle swarm....(=゚ω゚)ノ

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