I have a pretty competetive 2K doubles tournament coming up, and i have chosen to team up with some HE as i think that their list is strong, and also because there is synnergy between lists. I would like to know what you think about the list. We will not have to be afraid of WoC as much, as the lord restrictions make it so that you cannot take Nurgleprinces with WoC. I am still on the fence on the lore of the HE and wether we will need a Scroll with a lvl4 in 2K. Archmage will go in a unit of Skinks (They keep their Skirmish don't they?) and the Oldlood will be in the COC or maybe even the Silver Helms if that seems good. Looking forward to your feedback! Lizardmen Lords Oldblood Cold one. Great Weapon. Armour of Destiny. Dawnstone Core 12 Skink Skirmishers Javelins. Blowpipes 12 Skink Skirmishers Javelins. Blowpipes 12 Skink Skirmishers Javelins. Blowpipes Special 5 COC Spears. Music Stegadon Sharpened Horns. Giant Bow Rare Salamander Snack High Elves Lords Archmage Lvl 4. Scroll? Lore? Core 10 Silver Helms Banner. Music. Shields Special 15 White Lions Banner. Music. Banner of the World Dragon? Rare Frostheart Phoenix
I think it'll work pretty good. You're packing the punch and the magic that way. A Scroll is never a bad idea, regardless of army size. And yes, the character will gain the skirmish rule when he joins the unit of skirmishers.
Thanks, it will either be the scroll or another 2 White Lions, it is that trade off that is the hard thing. It will be the lore of Shadows, we hope to not meet shooty Dark Elves but all other matchups should be good.
For this event, is it still using the old 25% Lords/Heroes? Talk to us more about the list-building restrictions.
I have experience teaming up with high elves. Let us know the restrictions, we will provide you with more usefull ideas to make sure youll shine What worked for us: liz chars into silverhelms, lvl4 mage to skink skirmishers, star lance noble on eagle, 2xfrostheart, 2xflying chariot, 2xeagles. 2x ellirian reavers to the core, would be nice if you could fit a world dragon banner bearer into the silverhelms. For lizard part: 2x oldblood, 2xscar vet, scrollbearer. core: skirmishers, cohorts. 2x ancient, and a bastiladon. if you can fit 2x3 rippers, do so, if not, then terradons/chamos
The tournament restrictions are quite basic. No end time rules, INCLUDING the 50% lords heroes rule. So, i can only spend 25% on heroes and 25% on lords. You essentially make 2 1k lists, which both must be legal in their own right. So, 25% core, and at least 3 units. For the rest, normal tournament nerfs are here. You can only use 5 PD when casting a spell, not 6. You get look out sir against Dwellers and Final transmutation. Each battle has sortoff a special scenario, but they only grant 300 VP when you get them. First is, kill your opponents general. Second is capture the flag, have a banner stand in the opponents deplyment zone while you have no banner in yours. Last is blood and glory, get 300 VP if you have more units on the table at the end of the battle then your opponent. Enough information i hope? It's pretty hard, writing lists with other armies.