This is reference to this thread: Figured I'd actually put my hypothetical list in the right forum. LORDS --Tehenhauin* HEROES --Chief*: LA, Jav, Potion of Strength, Enchanted Shield, Sword of Might, Luckstone --Chief: BSB, Jav, AoD, Ancient Stegadon (Sharpened Horns, Unstoppable Stampede) --Chief: LA, Jav, Shield, Dragonhelm, Obsidian Amulet --Chief: Jav, Shield, Gamblers Armor, Egg --Priest: lvl 2 Beasts, Scroll CORE --Cohort*: 47, Full Command, Poison --Skirmishers: 13, Javs --Skirmishers: 13, Javs SPECIAL --Bastiladon*: AoS --Bastiladon*: AoS --Chameleons*: 6 --Jungle Swarms: 3 --Ripperdactyls*: 3 RARE --Ancient Stegadon: EotG --Salamander*: +handler TOTAL:2496 *:Minimum needed for Red Host Concept: Tehenauin with Swarms, between the two Bastilidons. This is the main anvil, supported by Ancient Stegadon. Chief in Cohort (in horde), with Chief BSB Ancient Stegadon as flankers. Salamander, Skirmishers, Rippers, and Chamos do what they are supposed to do. At least that's the idea. The plan is to use Beasts to buff the crud out of the dinos (should be easy with lore attribute and EotG). And get in there and use all of those Area of Effect spells and snakes. I wanted to incorporate the Red Host detachment that we got from End Times, and hopefully make it viable at least a little bit. With the bastiladons pumping 6d6 plus extra Swarms should be tough to break. And I don't really care too much about WS3 skinks, but a WS5, strength 5 (or 7) chief can put surprise hurt on someone. I know I missed stuff, but off the top of my head I think it could work.
I certainly appreciate what you are trying to do. I'm not sure the Red Host can be competitive but this looks like this is a good first attempt. My first instinct would be to take this and go more character heavy. A L2 Beast Priest (ideally with a Scroll or Cube) in one of the Skirmisher units (or riding the EOTG Steggy) and an extra chief or two. That way you can hopefully get bubbled hero buffs on lots of Skinks. One of the advantages of the Red Host over vanilla lists is that you do not have to spend 25% on Core. In my opinion, you do not need three units of Skink Skirmishers, Tehenhauin, the Steggy, the Bastiladons, and even the Swarms all seem intended to march forward full out and ram straight into the front lines. I doubt you need that many chaff units for redirectors. Cohort Skinks are cheap, but you can probably get by with 45ish if you need to free up some points for more characters. The second Sally also seems unnnecessary since it runs counter to a frontal assault strategy but Salamanders are almost like the table salt of LM armies, you can sprinkle a little bit of them on everything for a nice flavor. I'd only drop the Sallies if you were hard up for points elsewhere. You've inspired me to try out the Red Host (especially since I kind of what to try Slann-less a few times). I tend to play 3000 point games in non-tournament settings. I might try something similar to this list only with more characters and see how it turns out.
Just noticed you gave your BSB an EOTG. Sadly, only Skink Priests may ride EOTG Stegs, so you have to drop the Engine for something else to keep the list legal. Probably be better off without it. If you opponent has a cannon or rock lobber, then he has to make the difficult decision whether to target your EOTG or your BSB.
That's what I get for using a list builder! I'll knock it off the list. Added another Obsidian Amulet and 3 more cohort skinks. I should have spent a little more time reading our rules, ha!