Hi everyone , let me introduce myself ,I'm Matthieu ,26 years old and warhammer player since almost 10 years, i play skaven, empire and of course the best of the best LIZARDMEN (because ... even jesus is a raptor dude ...), i have more or less 10k point in my LM collection (i'm pretty proud of it ^^). In real life (the boring one) i'm a french game developper living in Lille ,(i'm here because the french forum about lizard men are not that good ,and this one is rich of information !). Ok that's all ,i guess ,question me if you want to ! PS, sorry my english is not that good but i keep learning everyday !
Don't worry about your English, a lot of our members have English as a second or even third language. Just post any questions or comments without worrying about that, if there is a part we do not understand we will ask you to clarify.
Welcome to the forum. Your English is very good, I wouldn't worry about it at all. I'd love to see some pictures of your 10k Lizardmen army, it must be an impressive sight! Hahaha, that's the comment of the day!
Welcome to the forums. Let us know if you have any questions about Tactics, fluff, rules, painting, or anything else. If you run across something you don't understand, don't be afraid to ask. This being an internet forum there are a lot of jargon terms that can sometimes confuse native English speakers let alone second language speakers. This glossary has most of the game terms we use. The Tactica Index (link in my signature) has tactical advice ad guidelines by topic. The Lustriapedia is a fluff equivalent for the glossary and Tactica Index. I guess since I used it twice, fluff is jargon for parts of Warhammer not related to actual game play (which is sometimes called crunch. "The Emperor's griffon is named Deathclaw" is fluff whereas "The Emperor's magical hammer does not need to roll to wound and ignores armor saves" is crunch.
thanks every one for this warm welcome ,i appreciate it ^^ @Scalanex ,yeah i already read part of your LM tactica index ,great job !!! and thx for this glossary @NIGHTBRINGER ,i'll take a few pics as soon as i find and repair all my lizards (they are in some box ... moove in is a real scourge for warhammerer ..) Hi to my neighbor from above the sea or in my own country, pretty cool to see i'm not the only frog eater here ;D