8th Ed. Magic Questions

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by TommyM, Apr 14, 2015.

  1. TommyM

    TommyM New Member

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    These are probably dumb questions, but any help much appreciated.

    • If the comet strikes the turn after the original marker is placed, does the original marker count for the +1 hits?
    • If multiple units are affected, do you have to roll for each unit separately to determine hits or apply one result to all?
    • What happens if there is a character is the unit?
    • Can the comet strike a building?

    Burning Alignment (Engine of Gods)
    • Do you have to attempt to cast the spell before rolling the 4D6 to determine enemies affected?
    Thank You
  2. Trociu
    Chameleon Skink

    Trociu Active Member

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    1. Yes.
    2. You roll to hit for every unit separately.
    3. I don't remember rules for characters in units. Like none. Seriously.
    4. Yes. Although there's nothing about comet destroying the building but I would house rule that
    5. Yes, you have to throw a spell to see how good it will work
  3. Stonecutter

    Stonecutter Member

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    Whether or not a character is affected while in a unit depends on the unit size and their model type vs the type of unit they are in. As per page 99, if there are 5+ rank and file models of the same troop type as the character, then the character cannot be hit at all. This means a character inside a unit with only 5 R&F models will not be hit even if the comet drops 20 shots (i.e. it spent four full turns not coming down and then rolled box cars!). If the character is of a different troop type or there are fewer than 5 R&F models, then the controlling character chooses how the hits are allocated with the restriction that every model must be hit at least once before allocating a 2nd hit to another model.
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