7th Ed. 2000 pt. Rapid Assault

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Ninjaskink, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. Ninjaskink
    Cold One

    Ninjaskink New Member

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    Ok, this is my first attempt at the army and I'm hoping it works out for the best. I used the pencil and paper route when making this so if I made some sort of points error, please let me know. Also, any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    Old Blood on Carnosaur
    Burning Blade of Chotec
    Light Armor
    Aura of Quetzl
    Sacred Spawning of Quetzl, Itzl, Sotek
    467 points


    Scar Vet (JSoD)
    Great Weapon
    Light Armor
    Sacred Spawning of Quetzl
    Charm of the Jaguar Warrior
    Glyph Necklace
    158 points

    Skink Priest (Scroll Caddy)
    Level 2
    Dispel Scroll x 2
    150 points

    13 skinks
    Jav & Shield
    78 points

    13 skinks
    Jav & Shield
    78 points

    10 skinks
    70 points

    10 skinks
    70 points

    8 Chameleon Skinks
    126 points

    4 Kroxigor
    232 points

    4 Terradons
    140 points

    3 Salamanders
    195 points

    235 points

    1999 points total

    Biggest one I can think of here is no SCR! While I originally tried to fit a SW block in here, it not only didn't fit the idea, it also took up a huge number of points (which were placed into the Terradons and Krox #4).

    Also, aside from within the General's vicinity, leadership will probably be a huge issue, since the skinks will probably... well, be skinks and run to the hills if anything goes foul.

    And finally, little to no magic. While the Priest might be able to negate the magics on turn one, after that he'll probably just be trying to push out some Portent of Fars or Second Signs, and attempting to dispel anything that could possibly end up breaking the battle wide open.

    Lots of Fear and Terror causers. The fact that anytime something wants to charge me it has to take a Ld test is nice. The fact that it might make or break a combat for me if I can get some combined charges in could help as well.

    Highly Mobile. Everything in the army moves a minimum of 6". If the enemy makes a move that I don't like I should be able to divert attention it in the early game. And if he makes a mistake I should be able to capitalize provided I haven't made one first.
  2. Ninjaskink
    Cold One

    Ninjaskink New Member

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    well, I already caught my first error, so here's the changes:

    -1 Chameleon skink to bring the unit down to 7

    +3 to the non scouting skink unit of ten, bringing them up to 13.

    Total points now at 1992.
  3. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    looks like a good list, I just have a couple of suggestions.

    First, I would suggest dropping the spear on the Oldblood. As you cannot switch between weapons during a combat, you should choose between one or the other. IMO, the spear would be just as good on the charge and would save you a bundle of points to spend on more troops.

    Similarly, I would suggest dropping the glyph necklace on the JSoD and the level 2 upgrade on the skink priest. The very nature of the JSoD is that he is should be expendable, and investing more points in him would be dangerous. His 2+ save should protect him anyhow against most stuff coming his way. With the carnie and steggie in the list, your opponents war machines will not be focused on the Scar Vet, meaning that you only have to worry about small arms fire. Use the 30 (35?) pts elsewhere. Additionally, with only one level 2 it is very unlikely that you will be getting very many spells off. Indeed, it seems that he is just in your list as a scroll caddy. With only 4 power dice, it is unlikely that you will using the 2 spells rolled to their full potential, so I would suggest simply dropping the magic level and going with a plain scroll caddy.

    With the 60+ points saved, I would suggest getting a BSoTepok somewhere to suplement your magic defense (with each new army book enemy magic gets better and better). Alternatively, you could use these extra points to get more skinks (always a good thing), invest in a single jungle swarm (great for redirecting/tarpitting fast cav./marchblocking, etc.), or beef up some of your units.
  4. Ninjaskink
    Cold One

    Ninjaskink New Member

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    The reason for the BBoC is because, as stated in another thread, my main opponent looks like it'll be bretts, and I was wanting to hit his knights with as much of a can opener as possible. Along with this, from what I remember when browsing the last tournament held in the area, there were an army of tomb kings, two knight heavy WoC, and a couple of lizardmen armies. I'd like to get the extra kick to their armor, along with the flaming rule if I run across anything nurglish or mummified. I understand your logic in the points though so I'll re-evaluate it.
  5. Ninjaskink
    Cold One

    Ninjaskink New Member

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    and I will take you up on dropping the level on the priest. I'm not that knowledgeable of the magic rules yet, so looking through the BRB, it'd make more sense to lower his level since it doesn't affect the dice pool... and I can add the Tepok spawning to the JSoD now.
  6. Ninjaskink
    Cold One

    Ninjaskink New Member

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    Ok, I bought the army builder program which has helped immensely in messing with the army to get accurate costs for units. So without further ado, here's the revised list:


    Old Blood on Carnosaur (General)
    Sacred Spawnings of Itzl, Quetzl and Sotek
    Light Armor
    Enchanted Shield
    Burning Blade of Chotec
    Aura of Quetzl
    463 points



    Sacred Spawnings of Quetzl and Tepok
    Great Weapon
    Light Armor
    Charm of the Jaguar Warrior
    148 points

    Scroll Caddy (level 1)
    Dispel Scroll x2
    115 points


    Skink Skirmishers (13)
    Javelins and Shield
    78 points

    Skink Skirmishers (13)
    Javelins and Shield
    78 points

    Skink Skirmishers (10)
    70 points

    Skink Skirmishers (10)
    60 points


    Kroxigor (4)
    232 points

    Chameleon Skinks (7)
    111 points

    Terradons (6)
    210 points


    Salamander Hunting Pack (3)
    195 points

    235 points

    Total: 1995 points
  7. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    I wonder if with a unit of skink scouts already the chamo skinks wouldnt be better swapped out for another CC unit? Right now you have only 3 rank-breaking units (JSOD and terries are more light-unit interceptors). Perhaps another unit of Krox would serve you well, or alternatively you could break down the terries into two units of 8 and then have points to fiddle with something else?

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