7th Ed. My First Lizardmen Army List

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Leethoof, Jul 24, 2008.

  1. Leethoof
    Jungle Swarm

    Leethoof New Member

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    Hello I am new to Warhammer. (Don't even have rulebook). I used to play LOTRSBG. Here's my first Lizzy Army List. Please Point out things that don't go with the rules, are bad ideas, and give me a strategy or 2 for it. Thanks in advance.

    1,000 Point- Req-ex's Raiders

    Hero= Scar-Veteran Req-ex 162 Points
    Spawning of Itzil, Light Armor, Cold One, Maiming Shield, Venom of the Firefly Frog

    Core=1. Tlequa's saurus Chargers 174 points
    9 normal, Musician, Standard, Champion Tlequa

    2. Itzagar's Skink Scouts 75 points
    9 blowpipes, Brave Itzagar

    3. Tlequa's Skink Screen 60 points
    10 Javelins+Shields

    Special= Req-ex's Cold One Host 296 points
    5 Cold One Riders, Standard, Musician, Spawning of Sotek

    Rare= Gor-gar's Furious Saurus Chargers 228 points
    9 normal, Musician, Standard, Spawning of Sotek, Spawning of Quetzel
  2. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    I just have a couple of suggestions:

    (1) You may want to rethink the way you equiped your Scar Veteran. A BSoSotek + a normal shield would probably be a cheaper and just as effective way to get the additional attack (remember the maiming shield does not benefit from VotFF). Also, you may want to reconsider the VotFF, as its main use is to make GW and other such attacks magical. As you simply have a handweapon, I would suggest getting a magic weapon (or better yet a spear since hes mounted).

    (2) You probably need a lil' bit more of a magical defense. A BSoTepok somewhere will go a long way in preventing the lone lvl 2 that you will often see at 1k.

    (3) I would suggest that you reconsider the rare Saurus unit. Keep in mind that the price for the Sacred Spawnings are estimated for units that are roughly 16-20 in size. Hence, you are paying a disproportionately high price to give your small unit two spawnings. For the points involved you could boost the units so that they would have another rank bonus (keep in mind that you only benefit from a rank bonus when it is 5 wide)
  3. Leethoof
    Jungle Swarm

    Leethoof New Member

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    Thank you very much. The Maiming Shield and Venom of the Firefly Frog has been doing really well for me, Especially since i make him join the Cold One Riders. I played against some other Lizardmen last night and a flank charge by my Calvary took a way 12-model Saurus Group in one turn. But you are right, a normal shield and Sotek is cheaper. I could get a few more Skinks in... :D Can someone give me strategies now. I think the Thunder Lizard in the book would probably be good, but i need expierneced players help.
  4. freakndell

    freakndell New Member

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    Well what can i say....It's not my kinda list at 1K.....To slow and a lack of answers to different treaths...

    Please can you explain me how you soften of Stunties, with all there shootin'...Not even your rare SW would survive those.
    How will you handle fast moving armies...(high Elves, Dark Elves, Daemons, Bretts..)

    You have One unit that can mess with your opponents plan, movement, etc...Your skinks.
    (Indeed you have one, the other ones are scouts and will not be of any "screen/redirecting help"....)

    Your Hard hitting unit has Stupidity (a safe you will rarely fail, but still) and a AS of 3+ VS any attacks...
    Neh that's not my cup of tea...

    And last but not least...Your SW blocks are Sloooowwwww and profide a really low SCR against other units.
    In that case all your Combat resolution will have to come from attacks....ws 3?? (Pray your opponent does not have ASF!!)

    Sorry for the "hard words" like mentioned before...not my kinda list...
    I like to be fast and hard hitting (aka, skinks, sallies and kroxigors with a mounted scar-vet and a nike saurus or something...) But hey....that's my style. Maybe yours is different...In that case ignore my remarks.... :rolleyes:
  5. Ninjaskink
    Cold One

    Ninjaskink New Member

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    The "Thunder Lizard" army in the lizardman book might be worthwhile, but to back up freakndell, compared to everything else in the army, SW blocks are slow. So facing anything shooty or highly mobile (a good majority of the other armies in one way or another) means that without a good use of skinks to direct opponents attacks, it'll get outmanuevered or shot to pieces before it sees action. If you do go this route I'd suggest it for 2000+ points and set the Slann in TG (maybe just 4th Gen to save a few points) in the center of it. Use Krox and Sallies to cover your flanks (along with skinks who should be screening, running the flanks and doing everything else these little guys are famous for) It'll be a hard build points wise, but could prove interesting if it works out.
  6. Kovash

    Kovash New Member

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    My advise would be to get a unit of 2 salamanders so that longer ranged firepower is not absent in your army. And then, we come to the unit that everyone agrees on.....KROX! This is a very powerful unit (but they need to be screened to be useful) get some quickly. Also, it might be a good idea to make a JSoD, but who am I to talk, im still a noob :)

    Good Luck
  7. Leethoof
    Jungle Swarm

    Leethoof New Member

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    Thanks Everyone, but this is all the models I have. (A batallion and hero). I'm gonna get to Games Workshop soon. What should i get to finish this army off? I am thinking a Stegadon or some Kroxigors. Please help.
  8. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    My suggestions would be, in order of importance as your list expands:

    (1) a skink priest: at anything above 1k, your going to start seeing magic. Although against some armies you can get by with a couple tepoks, a couple scrolls are needed in most cases. Plus magic is an integral part of fantasy and you should have some fun with it. (Plus it doesnt cost too much)

    (2) Kroxigors: A unit of 3 should be fine under 2k (although 2k and above should feature units of 4 or more). With Saurus warriors making up a big part of your list, kroxigors should be able to roll up one flank while the SCOR go up the other flank (or will allow you to play a refused flank with the Saurus holding the center and the kroxies and SCOR rushing up the same flank).

    (3) Sallies: Although a Stegadon will be great in many lists, Salamanders are really devestating, especially in smaller games where they have plenty of room to move around and postition themselves.

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