8th Ed. (2400) 3 coldone busses... Could it work?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Xlanax_lot, Apr 20, 2015.

  1. Xlanax_lot

    Xlanax_lot Well-Known Member

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    I was playing with the idea of having a very strong fast moving army list and came up with this.

    The idea is to have 3 cold one busses each with one oldblood and one scarbet. And a huge skrox unit just to fill core hahaha... Finally tetto is there for support and the vanguards

    To me it doesnt seem like it would work very well because of so little models but I will like to know what u guys think!
  2. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Looks like fun, you might want to run this with a denied flank setup. ;)

    Ps. I'm gonna have to try something like this in the future... :cool:
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2015
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  3. borkbork

    borkbork Active Member

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    Definately denied flank approach, or alternatively double flank and no centre.

    It can work, as single scar vets/old bloods can tackle full units. Model count doesnt mean much i think. I used to have the philosophy that model count was important, but have recently started playing the smallest orc army i have ever fielded and it is going undefeated for 6 games now, while with my old big lists i dont think i have managed more than two wins in a row ever.

    My current lizard army features 3 cowboys and they can allready dish out an awfull lot of damage. Dealing with six of them will cause real trouble for most armies.

    And if i were you i would fidle a bit with the equipmetn and try to put the other trickster shard on one of the oldbloods. And one with the cheap anti fire items might be usefull as well, and a cheap anti ethereal magic weapon.
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2015
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  4. Xlanax_lot

    Xlanax_lot Well-Known Member

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    Nice advice man! Thanks
  5. Sebbs
    Cold One

    Sebbs Active Member

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    Being characters and the last thing you drop, you get the advantage of pairing them up with their prefered opposition on the other end of the table.

    Edit: Oh and don't forget about Glittering Scales. :)
  6. Skinquisitor

    Skinquisitor Member

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    Id totally drop the kroxigors, and put in more skinks, plus have them in one big unit for tetto, rest is max 10 skink strong.
  7. Xlanax_lot

    Xlanax_lot Well-Known Member

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    Ok.... So yesturday I took this list for a test run. My oponent was a DoC army with the following

    Great Unclean One ( with the gift that allows u to hide epidemus in the chaos relm, and Lv4)
    1 nurgle herald
    1 beast of nurgle
    1 beast of nurgle
    6 beasts of nurgle
    3 Drones
    6 furies
    2 nurglin bases
    40 plage bearers

    The game ended up on a victory for the lizardman in turn 4 ( we called it ), some things that worked great:

    1. The piraña blade: that thing its amaising it chued through the beasts of nurgle even with regen
    2. The skrox unit + poison atacks and harmonic convergence is way better than I expected, in one round of sns and combat they took 5 wounds from The Unclean One
    3. Tettos vanguard and @Sebbs strategy, couldnt work better with a list like this, it would ensure u at least one of the match ups u want
    4. The current character buildups are really hard to kill
    5. bubble harmonic convergence its THE BEST, this helped me so much specially since i was using flank denial as @borkbork and @n810 suggested

    I also found some interesting things (weakneses):

    1. This list really needs the flaming banner and as @borkbork suggested the other trickster shard would be incredibly usefull
    2. This list is incredibly vulnerable to things that deny AS such as lore of metal, death or dwarfs with GW for example....
    3. Combining the piraña blade with a potion of strength and harmonic conergence would be brutal.
    4. Vulnerable against magic heavy lists
    5. Canons would have been disastrous, i was lucky he didnt had one
  8. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Glad the list worked out. :D

    oh a common strategy is to throw cohorts at high strength units,
    since it's wasted on killing squishy skinks.
    (make sure you are in a LD bubble BSB or general)

    Cannons shouldn't be as bad as a monster mash list,
    unless they get a flank shot...
    Don't let them get a flank shot !

    the best way to avoid a lot of those nasty spells,
    is just to get into combat as soon as possible.
  9. borkbork

    borkbork Active Member

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    Nice work :)

    Regular Cannons aren't really a big deal for this list. If you play smartly a cannon can kill one cold one rider per turn and with this list you should get stuck in by turn two. It gets tricky if he is fielding multiple canons as after the first dead cold one riders you dont get a look out sir anymore.

    and lol, you got me confused with the harmonic convergence......I was like how on earth did you get a Slann in that list and what on earth does that have to do with stand and shoot.....but forgot about the spell with the same name (guess, it is time to get some sleep).
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2015
  10. Xlanax_lot

    Xlanax_lot Well-Known Member

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    Ok so afer hearing your comments and after the last battle I decided to tweek the list a little bit.

    I made this list a 2500, and with the 75points (after core) I added a bsb, gave him a great weapon and the loathestone for magic resistance and added the other trickster shard and the luckstone, finally I took out one of the kroxigors and replaced him for more skinks

    This is how it looks:

  11. Xlanax_lot

    Xlanax_lot Well-Known Member

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    After the changes and playing against a very shooty high elves army. I have to say I am LOVING this list haha ( it was another victory for the lizardman)

    This was the high elf list:

    Teclis (lore of high magic)
    BSB (banner of the world dragon)

    40 lothern Sea Guard
    10 sisters
    21 white lions
    30 phoenix guard
    4 bolt throwers
    3 units of rievers

    Thankfully he didnt have a frost phoenix. Or lore of metal or death

    What i did was put the heroes into two units two oldbloods and a scarvet in one and two scarvets and an old blood in the other and send those towards the phoenix gurs and the sea guard ( where teclis and the bsb where)

    Than I send the skrox unit to the white lions, and even though they where killing like crazy poison with harmonic convergenge and steadfast for being so many held them there like for 3 turns.

    I took care of the bilt throwers with magic and by charging the scarvet with the steg helm out.

    It was a great game and the army performed better than I expected. The other trickster shard really helped the bsb is a must for stupidity.

    Please let me know what you would change or what you thibk could be inproved
    n810 likes this.
  12. borkbork

    borkbork Active Member

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    nice work....i am actually tempted to try your list sometime :)

    just one question about your skirmishers! Why the blowpipes? In nine out of ten cases you can't really use the double shoot option, without losing the poison rule.

    You normally hit on a 4+....but moving and long range will make that 6+. .....and with double shooting that will be 7+, meaning the poison doesn't work anymore.
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  13. Xlanax_lot

    Xlanax_lot Well-Known Member

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    Great quedtion indeed! That is because it is a typo ( maybe the default in battlescrive) , the extra armour and quick to fire is just way too good to let it pass.

    I allways equip all my skinks with jabalins and shields
  14. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    the trick with blowpipes, is positioning,
    I used to run them exclusively.
    you want to quickly advance to your target,
    usually in the first round you wont be in range of anything,
    so just advance as far as you can and take cover if possible,
    On the second turn you should be close enough to get of at least a single shot,
    then don't march on the third round and possibly the rest of the game you get your multishot for sure.
    (and probably for the rest of the game)
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2015
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