Warhammer fantasy roleplay

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Rettile, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    Hi guys, i was wondering how many of my reptilian fellows has tried this game and which edition, because i'd like to try it and i need some feedback :)
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I have not tried it. I am pretty loyal to Dungeons and Dragons (2nd or 3.5 edition anyway). I am reluctant to give GW more of my money out of sheer principle. I am too invested to every quit WHF but I am not planning to start new GW games until and unless they overhaul their business model.

    That being said. @Valvorik is probably your best, since he has worked extensively to build a Southlands setting for the RPG.
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    I believe there is a section on it over at Warseer ?

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Truer words have never been spoken! I feel exactly the same way and I'm sure Scolenex would agree. Where is that guy anyways? He never seems to be around when you are. Very curious :shifty:
    n810 likes this.
  5. Valvorik

    Valvorik Member

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    I have only played WFRP 3rd edition, not the earlier two (owned 2nd, did not own 1st but have read), so can't really give an unbiased "having played, here is my opinion".

    The setting is of course what I love most of all with the general theme of "this is not a teenage power fantasy" (forget images of heroic figures with finely chiseled features saving maidens) and the earliest edition's admonishment onwards of "talking to the gate guard might more useful than killing a goblin" (I'm paraphrasing the original).

    Most of all, the theme that "WFRP is where a player thinks they're playing some different version of D&D but really is playing a different version of Call of Cthulhu" (you really don't want to know the truth of things).

    I quite love the 3rd edition RPG despite many nay-sayers. Far from being "board game", it's use of card-based-information decreases need to consult rules during play. Its dice system builds in some "indie-RPG" thinking that has gone on over the years without belaboring it (e.g., instead of success-fail, with extended versions of each, there is a whole other axis of potential outcome each time reflecting "success fantastically but still screw up somehow" or "fail but still come up with something" etc. possibilities). I wrote the review of WFRP3 in the last edition of Warpstone magazine so won't belabor points more.

    That said you can find passionate fans of any of the 3 edition of the RPG who will advise "their's is best".

    Oh, I also don't want to give GW money. I admit, may perhaps buy some skinks, but don't feel they have "respected the fan base". Even if they wanted to offer a "new version skirmish game" or whatever, they didn't need to ruin the setting to do so.
  6. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Has it occurred to anyone that they might be turning back the clock to the beginning?

    Starting all over. The first, 3000 year [?] run was the Old Ones beta test. They must have notes and archive copies of Warhammer 1.0.
    All they'd have to do is have the Old Ones turn up again, slap the Chaos portal shut, stick a new planet on the right orbit...

    ...put things back they way they were in the beginning. Lizardmen first, elfs, dwarfs, men after that, but avoid the mistakes.
    n810 likes this.
  7. soldmi
    Jungle Swarm

    soldmi New Member

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    2nd edition! It's the better one of the 3. IMO. That silly dice system in 3rd. They should make a "dark heresy" style rules for a fantasy.

    2nd edition is awesome! And it's really dangerous, so you can DIE easily, truly grim dark!
  8. lordkingcrow
    Temple Guard

    lordkingcrow Active Member

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    Never played WHF role play, but I LOVE Dark Heresy, Death Watch, Rogue Trader, etc... They are pretty awesome. Probably some of the best gaming sessions I've ever had. I've wanted to try it out though, but my group has all moved and gone away. It would be hard to convince me to buy a new book/game when the only gaming I get in is a once monthly video chat session.
  9. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    So I've got a follow up question:
    It sounds like the WHRP game is a sort of dark fantasy, Calll of Cthtullu-ish, which follows from the WH fantasy world. It is pretty much like that, dark and gritty, such that we can have as much war and horror as possible. Making the roleplaying game reflect this doesn't seem odd at all.
    BUT how much of the Warhammer gameplay is intact when playing the game, I mean is the game using similar mechanics (Would be weird, one being a war game and the other dark roleplaying) or is it something else entirely?

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