8th Ed. Community Codex & Confusing Codex Rules

Discussion in 'House Rules' started by Whatwecee, Jan 19, 2015.

  1. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    How about putting swarms back in core, but perhaps with restrictions,
    I duno like only 2 units per bastlidon or something, otherwise they would still be special.
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I'm personally not a big fan of the "0-1 per _____" restrictions even if they make sense fluffwise. I think phasing out the special unit restrictions in 8th ed books was one of GW's better calls.

    I think Swarms should be ten points cheaper per base. That's probably a good fix. Some might say it should be more than 10 points cheaper, but I if we go too crazy fixing our broken units, other people would not want to play against this list as it would look munchkin-like.
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    How-about: Free swarm unit with purchase of Ark of Sotec ?

    Edit: yes, I meant a 2 base unit.

    hmmm +2 swarm bases does sound interesting, rather than just a minimum unit.
  4. Kcibrihp-Esurc

    Kcibrihp-Esurc Well-Known Member

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    Minimum Unit Size is 2 so it should be 2 swarm bases, that way no one will turn up with ten bases for free (Unless they turn up with 5 Bastiladons :jawdrop: )
    I'd say 2 free bases specifically meaning you could have a new UNIT, but also add them to an existing unit
    n810 likes this.
  5. Kor-Lot-Ko

    Kor-Lot-Ko Member

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    For the spawnings, why not treat them like Marks of chaos? Saurus, skink, and cold one units can take one spawn-marking each for X-points per model. Also, I think that we could use a saurus-ridden monstrous cavalry (possibly a rare choice). And the coatl. Because flying magical snake-birds are awesome.
  6. Rettile

    Rettile Active Member

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    I don't think moving marked units from core to special or from special to rare would be right, because we'd already pay the price in points. I don't like limiting the number or markable units aswell o_O

    Ok, this is my attempt on marks. I know it probably needs more balance, that's just to show my ideas. Please notice that "blessings" are only available for characters, and they should cost way more then the standard marks. They are cumulative with the mark unless otherwise stated. Characters cannot have a mark from a god and a blessing from another, but they can join units with different marks even if they don't get (or give) additional benefits from marks they didn't pay for.

    Chotec: attacks count as magic and flaming. Blessing: at the end of the phase roll a D6 for each successful wound inflicted by the blessed character: on a roll of 5+ Chotec’s fire consumes the foe and the target suffers an automatic wound with no saves allowed. These wounds cannot generate additional wounds.

    Sotek: skinks only. The marked unit gains poisoned attacks and hatred (skaven). Poison works on a 5+ if the unit already had poisoned attacks. Blessing: Sotek’s poison pervades the blood and scales of the blessed character. Every time an enemy hits the blessed character in close combat roll a D6: on a 6+ he suffers an automatic wound. Every time the blessed character suffers a wound his poisoned blood hits the foes: the enemy models in base contact with the blessed character take a toughness test with a penalty equal to the number of wounds suffered by the Sotek’s champion during the phase: if they fail they suffer D3 automatic wounds with no armor saves allowed.

    Quetzl: +1 scaly skin and toughness. Blessing: the blessed character gets an additional +1 scaly skin and toughness, as long as a bonus wound

    Tepok: the blessed unit counts as an arcane vassal. Blessing: a blessed wizard gains an additional magic level. If the wizard has the loremaster special rule or if he doesn’t generate his spells in the usual way he adds an additional D3 to his casting and dispelling attempts. If the wizard has the arcane vassal special rule he can channel every kind of spell. If the blessed character has not wizard levels he gains an innate bound spell called “Tepok’s Riddle”
    -Tepok’s Riddle: innate bound spell, power level 10, evocation. If successfully cast place a clone of the character within 3” to him or in base contact with him. This clone is identical to the character and has the same items, but his magic items count as mundane items of the same kind. The clone has the Ethereal and crumble special rules in addition to all the special rules the original character may have, and comes into play with the amount of wounds the characted had when he casted the spell. Note that if the character successfully casts the spell again in the next magic phase his clone will duplicate aswell as him, and so on. Killing the real character will destroy all his duplicates.

    Tzlatcotl: the blessed unit gains the stubborn special rule, or unbreakable if already stubborn. Blessing: after being reduced to 0 wounds or less but before removing his model the blessed character can choose to lose an attack or a wizard level to come back with one wound. All the attacks or wizard levels lost in this way cannot be recovered and the character dies if his attack or magic level value reaches 0

    Huanchi: the unit gains +2 movement, swiftstride and devastating charge. Blessing: characters gain an additional +2 movement and can choose to disengage a fight. Even if this is not a flee the opponents can pursue unless they’re still engaged in close combat

    Itzl: predatory fighter units only. PF on 5+, frenzy. Blessing: reroll failed hits and PF attacks can generate more PF attacks. A mounted champion of Itzl can force his opponents to attack him instead of his mount

    Tzunki: the sacred waters of the spawning pools still flow in the veins of these fighters. A the end of each player turn the unit recovers a number of wounds equal to the result of a D6. Units cannot exceed their starting number. Blessing: a Tzunki champion loses the mark benefit but gains the regeneration special rule.
  7. talocofxhotl

    talocofxhotl Member

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    I'm still adding the the remake that I posted a long time ago. It's much more complete and hopefully a little easier to understand. I am also ignoring all End of Times 'fluff'. I'll post it up here sometime in the near future for you to take a look at.
  8. talocofxhotl

    talocofxhotl Member

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    Here's the latest version of the Lizardmen hombrew army book I'm working on. Includes my SS ideas


    Basically trying to depict the lizardmen as they should be (according to fluff - slightly slow but deadly fighter Saurus backed up by nimbler skinks. Ludicrously powerful Slann and big dinosaurs.)

    I've added a couple of units, changed some and added sacred spawnings. I felt like the game was moving away from the old one's killer machines so I hope this would make Saurus more competitive.

    It's not finished and I'm not happy with all of it so do suggest improvements but this is the idea I'm heading for: close combat and short range missile fire backed up by the most powerful magic and lots of monsters.

    I'm also trying to think of a way to make slann very powerful but limit casting options to represent their power but sluggishness. Any ideas welcome.
  9. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Give the skinks their shortbows back --- reverse the retconn --- reverse anything else GW has pointlessly retconned. You have already covered spawnings pretty well.

    Don't put constraints on painters by dictating Spawning and associated Color Combos.

    Add notations of base dimensions under each troop entry.

    Scan the document for "saugus" and change it to saurus.
  10. talocofxhotl

    talocofxhotl Member

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    I like the shortbows back with skinks idea. I miss the old models sometimes!

    The spawning colours are not mandatory but you would need a way to distinguish in game so they are there for reference.

    Base dimensions unchanged from current.

    Poxy auto-correct changing my Saurus spellings :(
    pendrake likes this.
  11. Trociu
    Chameleon Skink

    Trociu Active Member

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    I won't say anything about codex because I play very rarely against other armies than dwarfs so i do not have knowledge but:

    What about idea that Slann has to use at least 3 (or 2) dice to cast a spell. Automatically Slanns would have to cast less spells but harder to dispel even if it would be from ruby ring of ruin :)
  12. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    Something along the line of making Slanns cast more dice per spell seems fitting. Perhaps also giving them a boost the more die they'll use? No miscast perhaps or less change of miscast the more dice used for a spell....?
  13. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Any double within the initial casting roll pulls an additional die out of the casting pool, but the additional die is automatically considered a six.

    Would that work?
    n810 likes this.
  14. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    Would this die add to the irresistible Force/Miscast result or would it be regarded as a +6 boost?
    However I do see now, that you mean it as if one would roll say 2 2's that an additional die would be used, or?

    This could be an interesting way of letting them burn up power dice, without making it fell completely wasted, or am I missing something here...
  15. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    TBH, I had in mind the old double ones Miscast when I brainstormed that.

    But, with the new rule...hmmm. The additional die could cause an IF/Miscast. If someone rolled 4 dice: 4,4,1, and 6. The double 4's pull the extra dice out, casting total is 21, and there is an IF event.

    Maybe Slann should get IF with two 6's but not Miscast unless they get three 6's?? ...or would they then be too awesome? That would really befit the background story though.
  16. The Sauric Ace

    The Sauric Ace Well-Known Member

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    I always loved my fourth Gen Slann from 6th edition, "Nope, no Miscast for me!" :p
    So in summary I would love to see something like that in an LM army book. Is it likely? Probably not... It seems very good for it's purpose indeed, though I'm not the best to judge Powerlevels of special rules.
    n810 likes this.

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