8th Ed. What is this 2500pt list missing?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by ioscode, Apr 28, 2015.

  1. ioscode
    Jungle Swarm

    ioscode New Member

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    Hi, I did pretty well with this list in a small 1 day tournament last weekend winning 3 out of 3 games. I'm going to another tournament in a couple weeks, this one 5 games. I was wondering if anyone has suggestions for improvements considering the armies I have not faced yet. My three opponents last tournament were Brettonia, Wood Elves, Chaos Legion.

    Slann Mage Priest - Lore of Death, Harmonic Convergence, Channelling Rod, Becalming Cogitation, Soul of Stone
    Skink Priest - Lore of Beasts, Dispel Scroll
    Saurus Scar-Veteran - Biting Blade, Cold One Mount, Armor of Fortune
    Saurus Scar-Veteran - Battle Standard, Skavenpelt Banner, Cold One Mount, Great Weapon, Light armor

    5x Chameleon Skinks
    5x Chameleon Skinks
    75x Skink Cohort - Full Command, Poison Attacks
    10x Skink Skirmishers - Javelin and Shield
    10x Skink Skirmishers - Javelin and Shield
    20x Temple Guard - Full Command, Banner of Discipline, Gold Sigil Sword
    2x Salamander Hunting Pack
    2x Salamander Hunting Pack

    Edit: forgot to mention, tournament is 20-0 system, No End Times lists, No extra comp rules.
  2. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    I can't say for certain as I don't have the army book handy, being at work, but I don't think the Scar Vet BSB can take the Skavenpelt Banner. I'm pretty sure limit for Magic Banner on a Scarvet is 50 and Skavenpelt banner is about 65 I think.
    Also, magic might be a bit tight, with 4 spells on the slann, loremaster heavens and one or two spells for the priest.
    Would the first scarvet be better with Armour of Destiny and Great Weapon? More survivable and hits harder?
    Just my observations (and its not a list I'd like to face!)
  3. Agrem

    Agrem Active Member

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    Nothing prevents the BSB from taking the skaventpelt banner. Limit would really negate the purpose of the BSB wouldn't it? :) (apart from the re-rolls)
    I was just wondering why are you not making your slann the BSB instead? That would free up the scar-vet quite a bit to do other things.

    With good rolls on the channeling rod I don't think you will be in trouble with the magic dice.

    I agree that the first scar-vet could use a tad more protection. Maybe the suggested build by Gary_M.

    I'm assuming you are using the massive unit of skinks as your tarpit but what is the next step? I feel that the TG unit is a bit small to act as a hammer. Although you mentioned that you did win 3 out of 3 games last time so I assume it went well. :)

    Anyway to answer the question and summarise, I think the list lacks a bit punch and is relying heavily on the magic.

  4. Man0waR

    Man0waR Member

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    I miss high strength attacks.

    You only have the Scarvet and have no Ward Save.

    Whats the strategy.?
  5. ioscode
    Jungle Swarm

    ioscode New Member

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    Thanks for you input everyone,

    For the first scar-vet, I wanted to have at least one magic weapon, which is why I didn't build him with great weapon and better defense. I guess I do have plenty of magic for blasting ethereals, so maybe I'm OK without it.

    Having the Scar-vet BSB with Skavenpelt lets me run it with the 75x skinks to give them Frenzy without slowing them down to M4. It is a rough trade-off though. I'm pretty sure I'll end up losing him first turn in some matchups having no look out sir.

    While the 75x skink unit is a tarpit, I also use it as a hammer against some armies. I'll usually start off the game with my BSB doing sidecar with them. In my game against Brets, I pushed them forward and obliterated a 50x men at arms with a couple characters. Against Chaos Legion though, I bailed the BsB out and joined it to the temple guard and let a big unit of chaos warriors + lord and unit of plague bearers munch on them all game while my temple guard killed other stuff. I agree though, I could definitely use more high strength somewhere. Do you think it would be more valuable to squeeze in another GW scar vet, or add more temple guard?

    General strategy is usually tetto lets me vanguard up the Salamanders so they can do damage first turn, then depending on the matchup, I'll use the two blocks appropriately, or just hang back and drop comets as I did with the wood elves match up.
  6. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    you could drop a few Kroxigor in your skink unit for some more high strength attacks....

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Good God how did you ever manage to rank up all those skinks?!!?!?
    n810 likes this.
  8. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    I was wondering what the formation was also. Are they on multiple trays?
  9. ioscode
    Jungle Swarm

    ioscode New Member

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    It ends up being 10 wide by 8 deep with tetto inside. I have one tray 10x5 and another 10x3 that I push up to the back. I have a few 2x2 unit fillers and about 20 5th edition style skinks converted to have jav and shield that make the ranking up a less impossible task.
    NIGHTBRINGER and n810 like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    That will do the trick. Must have taken quite some time to convert and set that unit up. Good job!
  11. ioscode
    Jungle Swarm

    ioscode New Member

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    Well, any punch I add I want to be mobile and independent and I can't afford a Steg, So I guess I'm debating over two options at this point:
    1. Switch my Scar-Vet #1 to GW/Armor of Destiny build
    2. Add a GW/Armor of Destiny build Scar-Vet and remove 1 Salamander from each unit

    It was kinda fun running 4 Salamanders again which I'd moved away from for a long time... but maybe it's overkill considering I may face many armies that don't have great targets for them. Hmmmmmmm....
  12. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Skink Priest must be #80?

    What if you ran this in a test game?

    Slann Mage Priest - Lore of Death, Harmonic Convergence, Channelling Rod, Becalming Cogitation, Soul of Stone
    Skink Priest - Lore of Beasts, Dispel Scroll
    Saurus Scar-Veteran - Biting Blade, Cold One Mount, Armor of Fortune
    Saurus Scar-Veteran - Battle Standard, Skavenpelt Banner, Cold One Mount, Great Weapon, Light armor
    Saurus Scar-Veteran - GW/Armor of Destiny build Scar-Vet

    5x Chameleon Skinks (mostly pays for the two Krox)
    5x Chameleon Skinks
    57x Skink Cohort - Full Command, Poison Attacks, 2 Krox (minus 8 skinks to make space for the Krox; minus another 10? to pay for third Scar-Vet?)
    10x Skink Skirmishers - Javelin and Shield
    10x Skink Skirmishers - Javelin and Shield
    20x Temple Guard - Full Command, Banner of Discipline, Gold Sigil Sword
    2x Salamander Hunting Pack
    2x Salamander Hunting Pack
    ioscode likes this.
  13. Gary_M

    Gary_M Well-Known Member

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    @Agrem - Thanks for the comment on the BSB and magic banner. Learn something new everyday! I always thought that the scarvet was limited to 50 points of magic items (but if he took a magic banner couldn't take any other magical items). If I play without a slann, a foot scarvet with the skavenpelt banner in a block of TG looks quite good. Some downsides but I will try it.

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