Lizies 2500p skinks hero's skink chief sacred stegadon helm of itza la shield Ripperdactyl Skink priest level 2 talisman of preservation ancinet stegadon engine of the gods Skink priest level 2 dispel scroll Core 59 skink cohort poisend FC 3 kroxigors 10 skink skirmichers 4 times specials 6 chameleon skinks 5 terradon riders bastalidon bastalidon rare ancient stegadon salamander razordon My latest list. i have 25 points left, but a bsb on ripper doesn't sounds good. any thoughts?
I think you need to get a bsb on a hero in the cohort, but you'll have to find the points. A magic banner could really give them some oomph. A giant unit like that makes me a bit nervous. You have a decent amount of chaff and redirectors so it can work, but a skrox dart could be of a lot of help; personally I'm just reluctant to have one combat block. Also I'm not sure if you have any upgrades, but sharpened horns on the stegs is awwesome. Best of luck.
A BSB on a Ripper would be better than nothing, but not by much. A BSB on foot would be the vanilla option which would work fine on your Cohort. A Scar Veteran on a Cold One with the Armor of Destiny could work though I don't know if one Saurus is too many. A slightly out of the box option that is more viable than a Ripper BSB is a Steggy riding BSB. That gives you an 18 inch Stand Your Ground Range.
Okay, i need a bsb, probably a skink chief with light armour and shield, where do i find the extra 50 ish points? a ripper bsb sounds cool, looks cool, but is prety useless i think and dropping mx ripper i don't like very much. But would be the easy solution. Or dropping 6 skinks? @ teufel, i don't see that many great beast where the d3 wounds come in handy, nothing my skinks can't handle. My chaos oponents his skullcrushers crumbles if he sees my skinks.
I'd go from four units of Skirmishers to three units. You have flyers, Chamleon Skinks, and a Razordon to pick up slack on typical skirmisher jobs.